आपका शुभाकांक्षी
Friday, April 29, 2011
भूमि अधिग्रहण का मामला - कृपया हमारा सहयोग करें
आपका शुभाकांक्षी
Thursday, April 28, 2011
भू अचिग्रहण के खिलाफ - आयें हमारा सहयोग करें
18 April, Sub:
Namaskar, as you are well aware, in the past few years, land acquisition has become very contentious issue with manifold implications and consequences for development, food security and welfare of the people all over the country. In our country, land has got an emotional value and has been an important component of identity both individual and collective living -matrix. Hence, people, particularly rural inhabitants are more attached to land and over the years developed multi-layered rights- some times over lapping, relative and sometimes seemingly absolute.
After 1991, the new economic policy got introduced; more particularly after SEZ ACT 2005 came in to operation, large tracts of agricultural land is being taken over by various state governments in the name of development and transferred the same to different corporate owners according to sources 1.5 lakh hectares (3.75 lakh acres) of land has been acquired, or is in the process of acquisition, for the setting up of these SEZs, thereby causing large scale displacement of people living in villages. It has been observed in many states that no comprehensive and progressive compensation formula was devised nor there has been any satisfactory rehabilitation framework was put in place to take care of millions of dependents in rural India who have been living on agricultural occupation.
In the last few years, the food grain production in our country is fluctuating between 210mt- 230mt; consequently the per capita food availability has come down to alarming levels which is 200 kg per capita per year. India, with its huge population and that to with so much of younger generation to feed, cannot be made to depend on perennial food imports. So land becomes an important asset with an immense value to ensure the food security. India as an emerging economic power can not afford to ignore the industrial development any more. This approach requires a balanced view where development needs and welfare of the people are reconciled in a proper proportion while evolving the land acquisition policy.
It is in this context, we at Swadeshi Jagaran Manch, considering your immense contribution on this subject have decided to communicate our inclination to exchange the information and work with you in future. We are presently in the midst of a project where we intend to take up the problems relating to land, law and legal regime consisting land in a major way. We are therefore contacting persons and organizations who are working on this particular subject, so as to elicit their opinions, views and experiences regarding land, laws and also regarding relationship of humans with land.
We, therefore request you to share articles, memorandums, documented study material, publications and any other material related to the subject, which may be with you so that we can effectively compile the information as we have indicated above.
We are looking forward to work actively with you in this regard/ on this subject.
Thank you,ekU;oj]
Yours sincerely,
Contact Details:
Shiv Shakti Mandir,
Sector-8; R.K. Puram
New Delhi- 110022
Monday, April 25, 2011
स्वदेशी जागरण मंच के नाम से जो गलत खबर लगी थी, आज प्रधान मंत्री कार्यालय में उसका खंडन भेज दिया है, और मंच ने स्पष्ट किया है की हम जल्दी से जल्दी एन्डोसल्फान पर पूरे देश में प्रतिबन्ध चाहते है। वैसे भी प्रधान मंत्री को स्पष्ट किया की खेती के नाम पर केमिकल का जो जहर देश में फेलाया जा रहा है, उसका एक ही विकल्प है और वह है ओर्गानिक खेती। और स्पष्ट भी किया की अभी तक के सरकारी प्रयास काफी कम है।
हमें पता ही होगा की दुनिया के ६३ देशों में एन्डोसल्फान पर प्रतिबन्ध लगा है, और आस्ट्रलिया जो को इस बात को नहीं मानता था की प्रतिबन्ध लगाना चाहिए, उसने भी गत साल लगा दिया है, और पूरा ख़तम करने के लिए २ साल का समय तय किया है। केरला के कासरगोड जिले में तो इसके भयानक परिणाम देखने को मिल रहे है, और बच्चो के इस कारन से ऐसे विकराल रूप देखने को मिल रहे है, की देख कर चीख निकल आये।
स्वदेशी जागरण मंच की केरल इकाई ने तो इस विषय को लेकर पहले भी आन्दोलन, धरना, प्रस्ताव आदि, जो कुछ भी फ़ो सकता है किया है। लेकिन आज तो बहुत अच्छी बात है की केरल के मुख्य मंत्री ने इस विषय को लेकर और एन्डोसल्फान को पूरे भारत में प्रतिबंधित करने के लिए स्वयं धरना दिया है। मेरे हिसाब से किसी मुख्य मंत्री का कृषि के विषय को लेकर स्वयं धरने देने की पिछले एक साल में दूसरी घटना है। इस से पहले मध्यप्रदेश के मुख्य मंत्री शिव राज सिंह चौहान ने भी किसानो के विषय को लेकर धरना दिया था।
हमें भी इस विषय पर विचार करना चाहिए और इस और इस जैसे अन्य जहरों के बारे जनता को जानकारी देने के लिए कोई न कोई कार्यक्रम लेना चाहिए। आप का बहुत धन्यवाद कार्यक्रम करने से पहले ही.
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Endosulfan : Main Facts

1. Endosulfan is an off-patent organochlorine insecticide and acaricide. This colourless solid has emerged as a highly controversial agrichemical[1] due to its acute toxicity, potential for bioaccumulation, and role as an endocrine disruptor. Banned in more than 63 countries, including the European Union, Australia and New Zealand, and other Asian and West African nations,[2] and being phased out in the United States,[3][4] Brazil[5] and Canada.[6] It is still used extensively in many other countries including India and China.
2. Because of its threats to the environment, a global ban on the use and manufacture of endosulfan is being considered under the Stockholm Convention.[7]
3. Because of its threats to the environment, a global ban on the useEndosulfan has been used in agriculture around the world to control insect pests including whiteflys, aphids, leafhoppers, Colorado potato beetles and cabbage worms.[8]
4. Because of its unique mode of action, it is useful in resistance management; however, because it is non-specific, it can negatively impact populations of beneficial insects.[9] It is, however, considered to be moderately toxic to honey bees,[10] and it is less toxic to bees than organophosphate insecticides and manufacture of endosulfan is being considered under the Stockholm Convention.[7]
5. History of commercialization and regulation
Early 1950s: Endosulfan was developed.
1954: Hoechst AG (now Bayer CropScience) won USDA approval for the use of endosulfan in the United States.[15]
2000: Home and garden use in the United States was terminated by agreement with the EPA.[11]
2002: The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service recommended that endosulfan registration should be cancelled,[16] and the EPA determined that endosulfan residues on food and in water pose unacceptable risks. The agency allowed endosulfan to stay on the US market, but imposed restrictions on its agricultural uses.[11]
2007: International steps were taken to restrict the use and trade of endosulfan. It is recommended for inclusion in the Rotterdam Convention on Prior Informed Consent,[17] and the European Union proposed inclusion in the list of chemicals banned under the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants. Such inclusion would ban all use and manufacture of endosulfan globally.[7] Meanwhile, the Canadian government announced that endosulfan was under consideration for phase-out,[18] and Bayer CropScience voluntarily pulled its endosulfan products from the U.S. market[19] but continues to sell the products elsewhere.[20]
2008: In February, environmental, consumer, and farm labor groups including the Natural Resources Defense Council,[21] Organic Consumers Association, and the United Farm Workers[22] called on the U.S. EPA to ban endosulfan. In May, coalitions of scientists,[23] environmental groups, and arctic tribes asked the EPA to cancel endosulfan,[24] and in July a coalition of environmental and workers groups filed a lawsuit against the EPA challenging its 2002 decision to not ban it.[25] In October, the Review Committee of the Stockholm Convention moved endosulfan along in the procedure for listing under the treaty,[26] while India blocked its addition to the Rotterdam Convention.[27]
2009: The Stockholm Convention's Persistent Organic Pollutants Review Committee (POPRC) agreed that endosulfan is a persistent organic pollutant and that "global action is warranted", setting the stage of a global ban.[28] New Zealand banned endosulfan.[29]
2010: The POPRC nominated endosulfan to be added to the Stockholm Convention at the Conference of Parties (COP) in April 2011, which would result in a global ban.[30] The EPA announced that the registration of endosulfan in the U.S. will be cancelled[4] and that it is in negotiations with Makhteshim Agan of North America to phase the organochlorine out.[31] Australia banned the use of the chemical.[32]
6. Health effectsThe Food and Agriculture Organization of United Nations has concluded that long-term intake of residues of endosulfan from uses that have been considered by the JMPR is unlikely to present a public health concern.[33] Endosulfan is one of the most toxic pesticides on the market today, responsible for many fatal pesticide poisoning incidents around the world.[34] Endosulfan is also a xenoestrogen—a synthetic substance that imitates or enhances the effect of estrogens—and it can act as an endocrine disruptor, causing reproductive and developmental damage in both animals and humans. Whether endosulfan can cause cancer is debated
7. Researchers studying children from an isolated village in Kasargod Ditrict, Kerala, India have linked endosulfan exposure to delays in sexual maturity among boys. Endosulfan was the only pesticide applied to cashew plantations in the hills above the village for 20 years and had contaminated the village environment. The researchers compared the villagers to a control group of boys from a demographically similar village that lacked a history of endosulfan pollution. Relative to the control group, the exposed boys had high levels of endosulfan in their bodies, lower levels of testosterone, and delays in reaching sexual maturity. Birth defects of the male reproductive system including cryptorchidism were also more prevalent in the study group.
8. Endosulfan is subject to long range atmospheric transport, i.e. it can travel long distances from where it is used. For example, a 2008 report by the National Park Service found that endosulfan commonly contaminates air, water, plants and fish of national parks in the U.S. Most of these parks are far from areas where endosulfan is used.[47] Endosulfan has also been detected in dust from the Sahara Desert
9. India the world's largest user of endosulfan,[8] and a major producer with three companies—Excel Crop Care, H.I.L., and Coromandal Fertilizers—producing 4,500 tonnes annually for domestic use and another 4,000 tonnes for export.[50]
10. In 2001, in Kerala, India, endosulfan spraying became suspect when linked to a series of abnormalities noted in local children.[51] Initially endosulfan was banned, yet under pressure from the pesticide industry this ban was largely revoked. The situation there has been called "next in magnitude only to the Bhopal gas tragedy." [52] In 2006, in Kerala, compensation of Rs 50,000 was paid to the next kin of each of 135 people who were identified as having died as a result of endosulfan use. Chief Minister V. S. Achuthanandan also gave an assurance to people affected by poisoning, "that the government would chalk out a plan to take care of treatment, food and other needs of the affected persons and that its promise of rehabilitation of victims would be honoured."[53]
11. Mrs. Vibhavari Dave, local leader and Member of Legislative Assembly (MLA), from Bhavnagar, Gujarat voiced her concerns on the impact of ban of Endosulfan on families and workers of Bhavnagar. She was a part of the delegation with Bhavnagar MP, Rajendra Singh Rana, which submitted a memorandum to the district collector’s office to withdraw the NIOH report calling for ban of Endosulfan.[57][58] The Pollution Control Board of the Government of Kerala, prohihited the use of Endosulfan in the state of Kerala on 10 November 2010.[59] On February 18, 2011, the Karnataka Government followed suit and suspended the use of Endosulfan for a period of 60 days in the state.[60
12. Prominent social worker Vandana Shiva accused Sharad Pawar is not banning endosulfan because he is a corrupted minister. Even Public may doubt his sincerity considering his past corruption charges and the fact that endosulfan has banned in 63 countries including European Union, Australia and New Zealand.
13. A study done by the Government of Gujarat in the interest of farmers, people and industry of Gujarat. The highlight of this report is the farmer exposure study based on analysis of their blood reports for residues of endosulfan and the absence of any residues. This corroborates the lack of residues in worker exposure studies.[62]
14. Australia banned endosulfan October 12, 2010.[76][77][78] The ban included a two year phase-out for stock of five endosulfan containing products.[76]
15. Australia had, in 2008, announced endosulfan would not be banned.[79] Citing New Zealand's ban, the Australian Greens called for "zero tolerance" of endosulfan residue on food.[2] Endosulfan contamination from nearby farm(s) is suspected to have caused a spate of two-headed fish at a fish farm in the Noosa River
16. Some presume that India's fate will be akin to that of Australia: first refusing to Ban, and then doing it after a lot of loss to the mankind and nature.
मोनसेंटो के सही रंग (अंग्रेजी में) डॉ. के.पी. प्रभाकरन
Monsanto: It’s true colour
K.P. Prabhakaran Nair
24 April 2011
On 12 March 2010, the Justice Department and the United States Department of Agriculture held a meeting in Ankeny, a suburb of Iowa State, world’s “corn belt”, to probe into the alleged “competitive dynamics of the seed industry”. Outside, a huge coalition of families of farmers, consumers, and other critics of corporate agriculture, gathered, chanting “bust up big ag (agriculture)”, demanding an end to Monsanto’s stranglehold on the seed industry through unfair market manipulations.
Monsanto controls the US commercial seed market via unfair, and in quite a few cases, illegal practices. Our own experience in India is no different. Recently, Monsanto scientists admitted that Bolgard I has failed. It was pushed into the Indian market in 2002, through its Indian subsidiary Maharashtra Hybrid Seed Company (Mahyco) at an unheard of price of Rs 1950 for a packet of 450 grams, while the same was selling at less than US$2 (about Rs 100) in China. This helped the company garner a mind-boggling Rs 260 crores in one single cotton season, fleecing Indian farmers.
Now it transpires that the admission of “failure” is but a business ploy to push onto Indian farmers the even more expensive Bolgard II and Bolgard III. In the light of these devious ploys, it is educative to look into the history of a company that has held farmers across the world to ransom.
Monsanto was created in 1901. Its first product was the artificial sweetener saccharin. In the 1920s, Monsanto expanded into basic industrial chemicals. During the Second World War, Monsanto contributed to research on uranium for the Manhattan Project, which led to the atomic bomb. Monsanto continued to operate a nuclear facility for the US government until the late 1980s. During the 1940s, Monsanto also became a leading manufacturer of synthetic fibres and plastics, including polystyrene - ranked fifth in the EPA’s (Environmental Protection Agency) list of chemicals whose production generates the most total hazardous waste. From the 1940s onwards, Monsanto was one of the top 10 US chemical companies.
Following the Second World War, Monsanto championed the use of chemical pesticides in agriculture. Its major agrochemical products have included the herbicides 2,4,5-T, DDT, Lasso and Agent Orange, which was widely used as a defoliant by the US Government during the Vietnam War and which was later shown to be highly carcinogenic. The Agent Orange produced by Monsanto had dioxin levels many times higher than that produced by Dow Chemicals, the other major supplier of Agent Orange to Vietnam. This made Monsanto the key defendant in the lawsuit brought by Vietnam War veterans in the United States, who faced an array of debilitating symptoms attributable to Agent Orange exposure. Internal Monsanto memos show that Monsanto knew of the problems of dioxin contamination of Agent Orange when it sold it to the US government for use in Vietnam.
Agent Orange contaminated more than 3 million civilians and servicemen, and an estimated 500,000 Vietnamese children have been born with deformities attributed to Agent Orange, leading to calls for Monsanto to be prosecuted for war crimes. No compensation has been paid to Vietnamese civilians. An EPA official discovered that Monsanto had apparently falsified the data in their studies on dioxin.
The success of the herbicide Lasso had turned around Monsanto’s struggling Agriculture Division, and by the time Agent Orange was banned in the US and Lasso was facing increasing criticism, Monsanto had developed the weedkiller “Roundup” (active ingredient: glyphosate) as a replacement. Launched in 1976, Roundup helped make Monsanto the world’s largest producer of herbicides.
The success of Roundup coincided with the recognition by Monsanto executives that they needed to radically transform a company increasingly under threat. According to a recent paper by Dominic Glover, “Monsanto had acquired a particularly unenviable reputation in this regard, as a major producer of both dioxins and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) - both persistent environmental pollutants posing serious risks to the environment and human health. Law suits and environmental clean-up costs began to cut into Monsanto’s bottom line, but more seriously there was a real fear that a serious lapse could potentially bankrupt the company.”
Such a fear was not misplaced. By the 1980s, Monsanto was being hit by a series of lawsuits. It was one of the companies named in 1987 in a $180 million settlement for Vietnam War veterans exposed to Agent Orange. In 1991, Monsanto was fined $1.2 million for trying to conceal the discharge of contaminated waste water. In 1995, Monsanto was ordered to pay $41.1 million to a waste management company in Texas due to concerns over hazardous waste dumping. That same year Monsanto was ranked fifth among US corporations in EPA’s Toxic Release Inventory, having discharged 37 million pounds of toxic chemicals into the air, land, water and underground. In 1997, The Seattle Times reported that Monsanto sold 6,000 tons of contaminated waste to Idaho fertilizer companies, which contained the carcinogenic heavy metal cadmium.
Then in 2002, the Washington Post ran an article entitled, “Monsanto Hid Decades Of Pollution, PCBs Drenched Alabama. Town, But No One Was Ever Told”. Today PCBs are considered one of the gravest chemical threats on the planet. Monsanto produced PCBs for over 50 years and they are now virtually omnipresent in the blood and tissues of humans and wildlife around the globe. EPA is quite emphatic about PCB as a cancer producing chemical in humans. But, the lure of money made Monsanto stay put with PCBs. Human life was no concern to its business interests. And thousands of pages of Monsanto documents -- many emblazoned with warnings such as ‘CONFIDENTIAL: Read and Destroy’ -- show that for decades the corporate giant concealed what it did and what it knew.
With such shameless acts against human and animal life in the background, Monsanto later metamorphosised into a biotechnology company and the launch of the herbicide “Roundup” (Glyphosate) – world’s largest selling herbicide by volume of sales – saw Monsanto’s coffers filling and brimming once again.
Biotechnology was increasingly seen not just as a valuable complement to Monsanto’s chemical technology but as a way of enabling it to further expand into agriculture and secure its “cash cow”.
As Monsanto had moved into biotechnology, its executives had the opportunity to create a new narrative for the company. They began to portray genetic engineering as a ground-breaking technology that could contribute to not only feeding a hungry world, but, preserving the commercial life of Monsanto’s most important product, Roundup, in the face of the challenges Monsanto would face once the patent expired, which was to by 2000. Thus began its foray into GM products. And India was chosen as a main target in Asia for its ware, starting with the Bt cotton in 2002.
Monsanto eventually achieved this by introducing into crop plants genes that give resistance to glyphosate (the active ingredient in Roundup). This meant farmers could spray Roundup onto their fields as a weedkiller even during the growing season without harming the crop. This allowed Monsanto to significantly expand the market for Roundup and, more importantly, help Monsanto to negotiate the expiry of its glyphosate patents, on which such a large slice of the company’s income depended. With glyphosate-tolerant GM crops, Monsanto was able to preserve its dominant share of the glyphosate market through a marketing strategy that would couple proprietary “Roundup Ready” seeds with continued sales of Roundup. The “Round Up Ready Soybean” is the classic example of this strategy.
Although the first of Monsanto’s biotech products to make it to market was not a GM crop but Monsanto’s controversial GM cattle drug, bovine growth hormone - called rBGH or rBST, Monsanto’s corporate strategy led them for the first time to acquire seed companies. During the 1990s, Monsanto spent $10 billion globally buying up seed companies - a push that continues to this day. As a result, Monsanto is now the world’s largest seed company, accounting for almost a quarter of the global proprietary seed market. The strategy was clear: Control the seed (read food) market and control global agriculture. No wonder, the company forayed into Bt brinjal - India’s most favourite vegetable.
Monsanto’s biotech seeds and traits (including those licensed to other companies) accounted for almost 90% of the total world area devoted to GM seeds by 2007. Today, over 80% of the worldwide area devoted to GM crops carries at least one genetic trait for herbicide tolerance. Herbicides account for about one-third of the global pesticide market. Monsanto’s glyphosate-resistant (Roundup Ready) seeds have reigned supreme on the biotech scene for over a decade - creating a near-monopoly for the company’s Roundup herbicide - which is now off patent. Roundup is the world’s biggest selling pesticide and it has helped make Monsanto the world’s fifth largest agrochemical company. The Round Up Ready Flex (RRF) for Bt cotton, now proposed by Monsanto for Bt cotton in India meshes well into this long range strategy.
This concentration of corporate power drives up costs for farmers and consumers. Retail prices for Roundup have increased from just $32 per gallon in December 2006 to $45 per gallon a year later, to $75 per gallon by June 2008 - a 134% price hike in less than two years. Because gene technologies can be patented, they also concentrate corporate power. The average price for soybean seed, the largest GM crop in the US, has risen by more than 50% in just two years from 2006 to 2008 - from $32.30 to $49.23 per planted acre.
Patenting also inhibits public sector research and further undermines the rights of farmers to save and exchange seeds. “Gene Use Restriction Technique” (GURT) used by Monsanto, where the seed from one season cannot be used in the following season because of sterility onset at maturity (thus deviating from the Indian norm), will make the Indian farmer a slave to the multinational for perpetuity, if allowed. Monsanto devotes an annual budget of 10 million dollars to harassing, intimidating, suing - and in some cases bankrupting - American farmers over alleged improper use of its patented seeds. This will become the norm for India as well, if things go the way New Delhi wants them to go!
Recent food price hikes have taken place in the context of a global food crisis marked by rapid food price inflation, which has exacerbated extreme poverty and hunger, and increased social tensions in many parts of the world, India included. The World Bank attributes 75% of this global food price inflation to “biofuels”, and Monsanto has been at the very heart of the “biofuels” lobby, particularly the lobby for corn ethanol. Monsanto has been accused of both contributing to and benefitting from the food crisis, while simultaneously using it as a PR platform from which to promote GM crops as the solution to the crisis.
In 2008, the President of the General Assembly of the United Nations condemned corporate profiteering: “The essential purpose of food, which is to nourish people, has been subordinated to the economic aims of a handful of multinational corporations that monopolise all aspects of food production, from seeds to major distribution chains, and they have been the prime beneficiaries of the world crisis. A look at the figures for 2007, when the world food crisis began, shows that corporations such as Monsanto and Cargill, which control the cereals market, saw their profits increase by 45 and 60 per cent, respectively.”
Very troubling words indeed. Tragically, or willingly, New Delhi does not seem to learn from these historical facts. Where will the aam admi go from here?
The author is a former international agricultural scientist
With Sharad Pawar at the helm, he supported BT Brinjals to be introduced into India, and thanks to Jayram Ramesh, Environment Minister, this move was stopped, though several experimental farms had already started cultivation. If BT brinjal had entered India, in a few decades the thousands of varieties of Brinjal would have disappeared by cross pollination and Indians would have had to consume only one type of large Brinjal with terminator seeds destroying all others, and Indian farmers depending on seeds only from Monsanto, which sellf seeds in India, 300 times the price charged to China (BT Cotton)
संध्या जैन के सहयोग से.....
24 Apr 2011
The very fact that a scientist of such eminence as Prabhakaran is saying this and concluding: "Tragically, or willingly, New Delhi does not seem to learn from these historical facts. Where will the aam admi go from here? should be a wake up call. Prabhakaran opposed Green Revolution technologies in 1970s; but no one listened; one of the world's three most corrupt scientist was running ag-programme, still runs and does back seat driving, now his younger soldiers do his dirty work, while he speaks on Gandhism and Swaraj. ### Please do not ever forget that when Thomas Roe came calling to the Mughal Court of Akbar in 1602, with a charter to set up a trading post in Surat, he was told to stay there! His company-called EAST INDIA COMPANY- STAYED WITH ONE OUTPOST until 1701. For 99 years they could not do anything. Seventy years later bengal and Bihar fell, and then this one private COMPANY, backed by Jewish bankers who actually bankrolled the expansion of East India Company took control of India and then China. That one bloody company ruled us..Indians with a history of 8000 years-until 1857. ONE BLOODY COMPANY..BACKED BY LONDON BANKERS RULED US FOR EIGHT DECADES. In those eight decades it single handedly destroyed India's food growing capability, and starved millions. Since our imperial rulers have invited Monsanto, the modern day reincarnation of EIC, it will take not century but just a few decades to enslave and then starve us to decimate us as a civilisation. History repeats itself, only the dramatis personea change. ### Please remember: the agri-biz corporations, about 8-9 firms control global food supply chain; just five firms control 80-90% genetically engineered seeds business, about half a dozen firms control energy supplies globally. The GE seeds firms have taken over independent farmers' seeds firms and even smaller heirloom seeds producers. So, there is effectively total control over seeds, foods and energy supplies by about 20-25 firms. These firms finance elections, install puppets...around the world. They fund every single scientific organisation of any bloody reputation...around the world. In 1930s the infamous Tavistock Institute was established in London with Dr Sigmund Freud as its first head. Tavistock Institute perfected the science of "group think", "mass mind control", even to the extent of installing "special screening procedure" to identify scientists, bureaucrats, judges, political leaders, activists, journalists, writers, musicians, actors.....you name them.....they decide the procedure to screen how a person achieves the position of eminence; their acolytes ensure that only those who play ball in the global agenda rise up to eminence.... so much for Nobel laureates and Magseysey award winners! Bloody side kicks of the globalist banksters. If true-humanist scientists like Prabhakaran had played ball, he would be deciding our Ag-policy....and in the process he would have been done in [like over 50 microbiologists, who were blown up because they knew too much about the agenda]. Slimes and their acolytes write our food policy and tell us "we the experts shall decide what people eat." Gods, aren't they? Even Gods accept what we offer them and these scientists would force feed us?
24 Apr 2011
साईं बाबा के सेवा काम (एक नज़र में) अंग्रेजी अनुवाद

1. His divine preaching apart, Sathya Sai Baba pioneered many social service activities beginning with a tiny general hospital at Puttaparthi which has now transformed into the Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Medical Sciences, a 220-bedded super-speciality hospital.
2. Another super-speciality 333-bedded SSIHMS was established at Whitefield on the outskirts of Bangalore, where the Baba's summer abode Brindavan also stands.
3. The Sathya Sai Central Trust manages all the service activities and also runs the Sathya Sai University (formerly Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning) at Puttaparthi.
4. Besides, the trust also runs many schools and dispensaries in different states while it has also completed large water supply projects in Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu and Maharashtra.
5. Volunteers from the Sathya Sai Seva Organisation are always found in the forefront carrying out relief and rehabilitation work during natural calamities not only in AP but also in other states
6. Besides, there are Sathya Sai centres located in over 114 countries in the world. In 1957, Sathya Sai Baba went on a temple tour of north India and made his only overseas trip to Uganda in June 1968.
7. They point to the public services that Baba has rendered -- the 220-bed Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Medical Sciences, the Sathya Sai University, a religious museum, railway station, stadium, music college, an airport and also the famous super speciality hospital in Bangalore.
8. The devotees say it is not humanly possible to provide such expensive medical care for free and only Baba could have achieved this. At Bangalore alone the hospital has conducted over 4 lakh heart surgeries free of cost. In addition to all this the trust of which Baba was the chairman had funded drinking water projects in Ananthapur district of Andhra Pradesh and also helped in lining the sides of the Kandaleru canal to provide drinking water to Chennai.
9. The trust will also be responsible to 1,300 ashrams worldwide. The main centres were however Puttaparthi and Whitefield in Bangalore. Puttaparthi has always been the headquarters but the Whitefield ashram was where Baba used to be during the summers. The trust also runs the Radio Sai Global Harmony and also the famous Sathya Sai Baba Educare Programme. Service Is The WayHe drew followers from all faiths and his disciples are spread across the world। Baba said: “I have come not to disturb or destroy any faith, but to confirm each in his own faith — so that the Christian becomes a better Christian, the Muslim, a better Muslim, and the Hindu, a better Hindu।” He imparted spiritual wisdom in easy-to-grasp words and stressed on service to humankind as a vehicle for spiritual growth. He said: “Service is the highest spiritual discipline. Prayer and meditation, knowledge of scripture and Vedanta cannot help you reach the goal as quickly as service can. Service has a double effect; it extinguishes the ego and gives bliss.”
Baba’s stress on service is no lip service. Hospitals created by his Trust offer free treatment to the poor. Schools, colleges, housing projects and free drinking water supply are important ongoing projects. Education, healthcare and providing safe drinking water were high on the list of service essentials. “For health, the heart is important; for knowledge, the head is important; for the body, water is essential; all three — healthcare, education and water should be provided free. They should not be commercialised, for all these are gifts of God.” Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning, schools, colleges of learning and music, and Sri Sathya Sai International School for Human Values at New Delhi stick to Sai Baba’s principles and charge no fee whatsoever. The guiding philosophy of Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Medical Sciences at Prasanthigram, Andhra Pradesh and at Whitefield, Bangalore, provide state-of-the-art healthcare facilities; these are gratis for the poor.
Free medical camps in rural areas, cataract operations, medical dispensaries, blood donation camps are frequently held. Medical professionals are encouraged to visit and serve orphanages, old age homes and leprosy homes. His hospitals give free medical aid. At the super-specialty hospitals, heart surgeries and valve replacement are done free.
The Healing TouchThe Sri Sathya Sai Central Trust, under Sai Baba’s guidance, undertook drinking water projects in Andhra Pradesh and Chennai. At a felicitation function, Tamil Nadu chief minister M Karunanidhi, a professed atheist, reportedly equated Sai Baba to God. “I have always respected those who worked to alleviate people’s sufferings. They are equivalent to God.’’ The chief minister said he agreed with Sai Baba’s words ‘service to mankind is service to God; whether I accept God or not is not important. What is important is whether my deeds are acceptable to God, if at all God exists.”
10. The key personalities in the future would be K Chakravarthi, an IAS officer, who was a district collector. He had quit his job and decided to serve Baba. He is the secretary of the Shri Sathya Sai Central Trust.
11. S V Giri who resigned as Central Vigilance Commissioner in 1998 and joined the ashram as the vice-chancellor of the Sri Sathya Sai University. The other key member is Justice P N Bhagavati, former chief justice of India [ Images ] who is a member of the trust. Indulal Shah, a chartered accountant by profession is also a key member of the Sai Baba organisation.
12. Re: 40,000 Crore? Some wonder why this much moey was stored in temples treasures. The answer is:It is not that 40K Crore is lying in his ashram as bundles of cash or in the bank. The Trust has built several hospitals, schools, colleges in 130 countries globally. The total cost of these assets are worth 40K crore
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