Friday, November 18, 2011
स्वदेशी के हुतात्मा वीर बाबू गेनू - जीवन परिचय 7 प्रश्नों में (हिंदी )
स्वदेशी के हुतात्मा वीर बाबू गेनू - जीवन परिचय 7 प्रश्नों में
स्वदेशी के हुतात्मा वीर
बाबू गेनू
जिनकी स्मृति में आर.के.पुरम्, सेक्टर-8 और 9 के बीच के मार्ग का नाम रखा गया है, मुंबई की एक सड़क एवं देश के अनेको संस्थानों का नामकरण भी हुआ हे. स्वदेशी जागरण मंच के हर कार्यक्रम में जिनका चित्र जरूर लगाया जाता - उनका जीवन परिचय 7 प्रश्नों में .....
1. बाबू गेनू क्यों प्रसिद्ध हुआ?
बाबू गेनू मुंबई का एक साधारण मिल मजदूर था। परंतु 22 वर्ष की आयु में `स्वदेशी´ के लिए अपने प्राणों को न्योछावर करने वाला वह देश का पहला व एकमात्र शहीद था। इस कारण वह पूज्य बन गए।
2. बाबू के जन्म स्थान व परिवार आदि के बारे में बताएं?
बाबू गेनू सईद महाराष्ट्र प्रांत के पूणे जिले के छोटे से गांव महालुंगे पड़वल का रहने वाला था। बाबू का जन्म वर्ष 1908 था।
बाबू अत्यंत गरीब किसान परिवार में जन्मे थे। जब गेनू 2 वर्ष की आयु के थे, तो उनके पिता स्वर्ग सिधार गए। माता मुंबई आकर एक कपड़ा मिल में मजदूरी करने लगी। बहन कुछ घरों में बर्तन मांजने व सफाई आदि का काम करने लगी। दो अन्य छोटे भाई गांव में मजदूरी कर पेट पालते थे। अत: चारों भाई अत्यंत गरीबी में पले व बढ़े।
3. मुंबई आकर गेनू ने देशभक्ति के संस्कार कैसे प्राप्त किए?
उसका एक मित्र प्रहलाद नाई उसे देशभक्ति की बातें सुनाता था और वह स्वयं भी उस समय के आंदोलनों में हिस्सा लेता था। उसने ही प्रथम रुचि गेनू के मन में पैदा की। दूसरे, एक मुस्लिम शिक्षक जिन्हें गेनू प्यार से `चाचा´ कहता था, उन्होंने भी गेनू को देशभक्ति के पाठ पढ़ाए। उसी चाचा ने बाबू गेनू की हर तरह से सहायता भी की और अच्छे देशभक्ति के संस्कार दिए। बालक गेनू उन्हें गुरू व पिता, दोनों मानता था।
4. गेनू के मन पर किन घटनाओं का ज्यादा असर हुआ?
1919 में जलियावाले बाग के भीषण हत्याकांड के वर्णन को सुनकर उसके मन पर बड़ा असर हुआ। दूसरे, 1928 में साइमन कमीशन को प्रतिकार करते हुए लाला लाजपतराय की हत्या का भी उस पर बहुत प्रभाव पड़ा। स्वयं भी गेनू ने साइमन कमीशन का विरोध करने के लिए एक बड़ा जुलूस आयोजित किया।
तीसरे, भगतसिंह, सुखदेव व राजगुरू को दी गई फांसी की सजा सुने गई तो सारे देश में उसकी तीखी प्रतिक्रिया थी. इस नौजवान पर भी उस का गहरा प्रभाव पड़ा। विशेषकर क्रांतिकारी राजगुरू का गांव गेनू के गांव के बहुत निकट था, अत: उसे राजगुरू के जीवन से भी बहुत प्रेरणा मिली। चौथे, महात्मा गांधी जी के प्रति उसे अगाध श्रद्धा थी। वह कांग्रेस पार्टी का सक्रिय कार्यकर्ता था और उसका पंजीयन क्रमांक 81941 था।
5. क्या बाबू गेनू को देशभक्ति के कारण कभी जेल भी हुई?
हां, वे दो बार जेल गए। पहली बार महात्मा गांधी जी के नमक आंदोलन के समय अपने ताना जी पथक (वाहिनी) के साथ वे जेल में रहे। इन्हीं दिनों उसे अपनी माता व अपने प्रिय शिक्षक चाचा की मृत्यु का समाचार मिला। माता जी की मृत्यु का समाचार पाकर वह बहुत दु:खी हुए परंतु दूसरी तरफ उनको अपना ध्येय भी सामने दिख रहा था, इस लिए उन्होंने कहा - ``मित्रों, माता के शरीर छोड़ने का मुझे दुःख तो हे पर अब मैं पूरी तरह मुक्त हो गया हूं। भारत माता को मुक्त करवाने के लिए अब मैं कुछ भी कर सकता हूं।´´
दूसरी बार भी न्यायमूर्ति दस्तूर ने उन्हें छ: माह की सश्रम कारावास की सजा सुनाई। लेकिन जेल से लौटने पर वह पहले की तरह की घर-घर जाकर स्वदेशी का प्रचार करने लगा।
6. और 12 दिसंबर की घटना कैसे हुई?
12 दिसंबर 1930 को शुक्रवार का दिन था। मुंबई के कालबा देवी इलाके में एक गोदाम विदेशी माल से भरा था। उसे दो व्यापारियों ने खरीद लिया। उन्होंने तय किया इसे लारियों से भरकर मुंबई की कोट मार्केट में ले जाएंगे। इस काम को रोकने (पिकेटइंग ) की जिम्मेदारी कांग्रेस पार्टी ने बाबू गेनू व उसके `तानाजी पथक´ को दी और उसकी तैयारी हुई। हनुमान रोड पर इसे रोकने की योजना बनी। इस सत्याग्रह को देखने लोगों की भीड़ उमड़ पड़ी।
अंग्रेज अधिकारी मिस्टर फ्रेजर को इस सत्याग्रह की भनक पहले से थी और उसने भारी संख्या में पुलिस बल को पहले ही बुलवा लिया। प्रात: साढ़े सात बजे सत्याग्रही व दर्शक भारत माता की जय के नारे लगा रहे थे। उधर विदेशी माल से भरी गाड़ी आ रही थी। बाबू के आदेश पर पहले एक-एक करके उनके साथी आगे बढ़े। पुलिस ने खींचकर उन्हें परे कर दिया और उनकी जमकर पिटाई की।
अंतत: जब स्वयं बाबू गेनू की बारी आई तो अंग्रेज अफसर काफी चिढ़ गया था। उसने लारी ड्राईवर बलवीर सिंह को कहा, ``लारी चलाओ। ये हरामखोर अगर मर भी गया तो कोई बात नहीं।´´ बलबीर सिंह गाड़ी रोके खड़ा रहा, और इधर नारे लगते रहे। इतने में अंग्रेज सार्जेन्ट गुस्से से भारतीय ड्राईवर को पीछे धकेल स्वयं लारी चलाने लगा। और लो..... उसने बाबू गेनू की खोपड़ी से गाड़ी गुजार दी। सड़क खून से पट गई। यह घटना 11 बजे की है। 12.30 बजे तक बाबू को अस्पताल लाया गया और 4.50 सायंकाल बाबू गेनू के प्राण पखेरू उड़ गए। सब और ``बाबू गेनू-अमर रहे´ के नारे रूंधे गलों से लग रहे थे। एक अनाम मजदूर जन-जन का श्रद्धेय बन गया।
अगले दिन एक भारी जनसमूह शवयात्रा के साथ था। श्री कन्हैया लाल मुंशी, लीलावती मुंशी, जमनादास मेहता जैसे बड़े-बड़े नेता श्रद्धांजलि सभा में उपस्थित थे। 13 दिसंबर को पूरा मुंबई शहर बंद रहा।
7. बाबू गेनू के बलिदान से क्या शिक्षा मिलती है?
किसी के पेशे व आर्थिक स्थिति से उसकी देशभक्ति को आकंना ठीक नहीं। गरीब से गरीब व्यक्ति भी देश के लिए सर्वस्व न्यौछावर कर सकता है। दूसरे ``स्वदेशी का स्वीकार एवं विदेशी वस्तुओं का बहिष्कार´´ बाबू गेनू का नारा उनके जीवन का सार था। जिस उद्देश्य के लिए बाबू गेनू ने प्राण न्यौछावर किए उस `स्वदेशी´ के प्रचार-प्रसार के लिए हमें डटकर काम करना चाहिए। स्वदेशी की बात आज भी उतनी ही सार्थक हे . अपने दैनिंदिन व्यवहार में स्वदेशी अपनाना चाहिए. स्वदेशी केवल वस्तुओ की खरीद तक सीमित नहीं हे, बल्कि भावना का विषय हे, और इसका प्रचार होना चाहिए. यह उस वीर को सच्ची श्रद्धांजलि है।
TIMES OF INDIA published the story of this Unsung Martyr in its columns in detail; pl read if possible.MUMBAI, August 14, 2008: It's hard to fathom, why the very city of Mumbai that 78-years ago witnessed several scenes of mob violence when a humble freedom movement volunteer Baburao Genu was run over by the ruling British administration truck, reacts with faint recollection of the same man's supreme sacrifice, decades later.
Who was Babu Genu
Baburao Genu was a 22-year old mill hand who lived at the Phoenix mills chawl (tenement), which is today an up market commercial area in Mumbai. He came to the city from his village in Mahalunge in district Pune, Maharashtra. He was not highly educated but harboured a burning love for his country in his heart.
In 1930, he participated in the Civil Disobedience Movement and laid blockade at shops selling foreign cloth. On December 12, 1930 while protesting against a consignment of foreign cloth being shifted from a store house, he was mowed down by a truck loaded with bales of foreign cloth material on Kalbadevi Road in South Mumbai. He was taken to the nearby GT hospital for treatment but soon succumbed to his injuries.
Babu Genu Road now and then
The lane in Kalbadevi where Babu Genu laid down his life has been named after him. These days this busy business district is a narrow congested road cramped with hand carts, cattle and cars. Barely twenty feet wide, the atmosphere in the cramped street is heavy with sound of horns, emanates unsettling whiffs of human waste and strewn rotting garbage. The shops lined on both sides of the lane generally sell surgical instruments.
"We were told that he lay down in the path of a truck and was killed during the Swadeshi Movement. Apart from that, no body talks about him much," uttered one shopkeeper whose forefathers owned the shop when the incident involving Babu Genu happened. On being prodded, he added that nobody discussed Genu's sacrifice as such so he didn't know much about the freedom movement volunteer. Another man selling umbrellas in the adjacent shop informed that on a certain day in the year some locals organised a small function in Genu's memory but couldn't remember the exact day. "It was perhaps the day he died," he responded, disinterestedly. Babu Genu was run over by a truck in the same lane on December 12, 1930. Besides such spaced out information, there were no other signs of any memorial erected in the martyr's memory.
In contrast, the scenario was completely different at the same spot on the day in 1930 when Babu Genu died for the country. Crowds of people streamed in at the congested place where he was killed paying tribute to his memory. They laid flowers and burnt incense at the spot still fresh with marks of his blood stains on the ground. Overwhelmed with grief, the crowd even forced the passers by to go bare-headed as a mark of respect to the dead. The rampaging mob also burnt bonfires of clothes at various thoroughfares in the city. Major newspapers such as The Times of India, Navakal, Bombay Chronicle and Bombay Samachar reported extensively on Babu Genu over the next two days.
Babu Genu's death
The story goes that a foreign cloth dealer was unloading some cloth from his shop. In the wake of the Swadeshi Movement, the shopkeeper had asked for police protection to shield himself from the wrath of the protestors. When a motor lorry was passing a lane with a bale of cloth, some protestors lay down in front of its wheels. One of them was Babu Genu who refused to move from the path. The Indian driver of the vehicle, Vithal Dhondu, refused to drive it over the protestors. Out of fury a British sergeant then took hold of the vehicle and drove it over Genu.
The official statement later mentioned that the driver was hurt and fell unconscious inside his vehicle. A British sergeant then took hold of the lorry and tried to stop it but the vehicle went out of control and ran over the protesting man. The British said there was no intention to cause any harm to the volunteer. Other protestors who were lying in front of the lorry were being removed one by one. However, it was too late for Genu, as before being pushed out of the lorry's path, he was crushed under the wheels of the heavy vehicle.
Babu Genu's death caused massive unrest within the city. On the next day, thousands participated in his funeral. The funeral procession was taken through the heart of the city and the crowd wanted to take his body to the Girgaum Chowpatty beach and cremate it on the sands there. The legendary Freedom Movement leader Bal Gangadhar Tilak was the only person to have been cremated there. The angry mourners wanted Genu to receive the same respect. The British administration disallowed it following which a pitched battle was fought between the demonstrators and the British police. Some were even injured as bayonets were used. Later, senior Indian leaders pacified the crowd and Genu was finally cremated at the crematorium assigned by the British.
The inquest revealed the cause of Babu Genu's death due to fracture of the skull and laceration of the brain. No evidence was recorded because the principal witnesses were lying injured in the same hospital.
His body was claimed by the Congress party and taken to its office. The next day, stalwarts such as Jamnadas Dwarkadas, Lilawati Munshi, Perin Captain and Jamnadas Mehta carried the pall to the crematorium on Queen's road. Addressing the crowd Mrs Lilawati Munshi and Jamnadas Dwarkadas said that the best tribute to Babu Genu would be an absolute boycott of foreign goods that was an economic strategy to remove the British Empire from power and improve economic conditions in India by following principles of Swadeshi.
Immediately after Genu's gruesome death, the Director of Information of British administration issued a press note describing the incident as an "accident".
Vestiges of the martyr's memory
At the Parel's Kamgar Maidan in Mumbai (where Genu lived), a statue of the martyr was installed and it still stands there. Even here it seems lost because in this vast city many such pieces of sculptures stand forlornly, and who nobody so much as gives a second look.
The people in Genu's village named an institution after him and in Pune there is a trust and a road named after him. There is also a Mandal in Pune that celebrates Ganesh Utsav. Besides such routine initiatives, Babu Genu, whom once Indians wanted to be cremated at the same spot as Tilak, does not find mention in most of the country's history books.
Genu's father had died when he was still a child. Reportedly, after Genu's death, his mother moved to Mumbai and worked as a domestic help. Years later, her grandson (son of Genu's brother) found a job in the Maharashtra State Public Road Transport as an accountant. He retired last year and moved to his home town in Satara in West Maharashtra. Genu was single at the time of his death. Hence, apart from his nephew's family, there is no immediate kin that one knows about.
Supposedly, the family received a paltry sum of money as recognition of Babu Genu's patriotism. And as long as the family lived in Mumbai, they hardly mentioned Babu Genu's name to anybody as nobody would remember him.
Every shop on the Babu Genu lane in Mumbai dutifully announces on its signboard the martyr's name, as if the unsung patriot owned the street. But the fact of the matter is in present times, in Mumbai and much of India, Babu Genu is just a street name with a pin code assigned to it.
As India prepares to celebrate its 61st Independence Day, it's ironic the manner in which most Indians have forgotten the sacrifices of ordinary freedom movement volunteers who made extraordinary contributions to the Indian Independence Movement and by singular acts of bravery epitomised patriotism. MONDAY, DECEMBER 24, 2007
BABU GENU: a Swadeshi martyr
He was a congress party worker in the pre-independence era. Yet not many congressmen today may know him. Very few even within that party (or for that matter in any other political party in India) today may realise the profound significance of the message contained in his life. Fewer still would be in a position to recall the same. Even old timers within the Congress would be unaware that he was a four-anna member of the party – his registration number being 81941. None from his family benefited by his “joining” politics or the congress party, nor did he did not leave behind a “rich” legacy.
Though he was sad on hearing the news of the death of his mother, he confessed that he was in a way relieved at her death as it gave him the necessary leeway in life to fully devote himself for the cause of the nation. Being a fully dedicated volunteer to the cause of India’s independence; he did not have enough time and leisure to attend his brother’s wedding. Contrast this to the vulgar display of wealth in the marriages of those who are in power in modern times in India!
He was Babu Genu. On this day seventy-seven years ago (12th December 1930) Babu Genu was killed in the most gruesome manner while attempting to stop a speeding truck in Mumbai from carrying imported materials from Britain. Babu Genu lay on the ground before the speeding truck in the New Hanuman Road at Kalba Devi at around 11 AM on that fateful day in an attempt to prevent foreign goods from entering the Indian soil.
Even as the police were physically preventing him and his colleagues from participating in this non-violent protest, Babu Genu never gave up his resolve to stop the trucks. The truck driver - Balbir Singh – an Indian would come close to the protestors and stop for he would not and could not drive over fellow Indians. Seeing this, the police once again intervened and physically removed the protestors from the road to enable the truck pass through.
Freeing himself from the policemen gathered there, Babu Genu once again lay on the road in another attempt to prevent the passing trucks. Seeing the procrastination of the Indian driver the British sergeant lost his temper and took on himself to drive the truck at full speed over Banu Genu crushing his head and leaving behind a pool of blood and mass of flesh. Babu Genu was seriously injured and within hours passed away. He was in his early twenties when he died. Yet his life is a message to every Indian.
A brief life history
Babu Genu was born in 1908 in a poor family in Pune district of Maharasthra – a family that was steeped in abject poverty. The only prized possession of the family was a bullock that was used for farming. His father was a farmer and the other members of his family were his mother, two elder brothers and a sister. His father passed away in 1910 when he was a mere two year old child.
And when the bullock died too – a terrible tragedy for the family given their economic background - his mother unable to continue living in her village migrated to Mumbai to earn her livelihood as a domestic help. She left her sons back in the village in the care of some neighbours
All this meant that Babu was deprived of formal education in his formative years. Yet that did not mean that he was neither ignorant nor unaware of the issues confronting the country. After a spending a few years in the native village Babu Genu joined his mother in Mumbai. As his mother could not support his stay in Mumbai Babu Genu was compelled to seek employment as a casual labourer in the mills of Mumbai.
On many days he would not get employed. This did not deter him and he did not feel left down. Quite the contrary that gave him enough time and space to interact with the leading lights of independence movement in Mumbai and in the process understand it in different perspective.
Babu Genu was highly influenced by the sacrifices of Lala Lajpath Rai and the trio of Bhagath Singh, Rajguru and Sukh Dev. Yet he was wedded to the cause of non-violence and satyagraha as enunciated by Mahatma Gandhi.
The message of his life
As briefly mentioned above Babu Genu was not formally educated. Yet he understood the symbiotic link between geo-politics and geo-economics. He understood that the geo-strategic interests of the British Rule in India. He knew that economics was the driving force of British rule; establishment of the British Raj was merely a ruse to perpetuate the economic dominance of the British over India.
It is in this context Babu Genu understood the socio-economic-politic arguments propounded by Gandhiji and its significance. That meant that should the British rule were to be economically unsustainable it would collapse as there would be hardly any incentive for the British to continue their rule in India.
He knew economic independence of India was interlinked, intertwined and integrated to the political independence – a fact that escapes the attention of our political and the debating class today. He was fully aware that the no price could be less by any yardstick for the economic independence of the country. For there lay the key to political independence of the nation. No wonder he did not hesitate to make the supreme sacrifice of his life for the cause he so dearly believed.
Decades later as the nation is in search of the economic model that is suited for its development (and crucially what that development means) one may be tempted to dismiss Babu Genu’s economic thoughts as primordial, xenophobic or simply anachronistic. Yet one cannot and should not dismiss the message contained in the life of these great men, who literally and physically in broad daylight, gave their life for upholding their beliefs.
Why? Firstly, that is so because the fact of the matter is that we the present generation live in independent India only because of the noble thoughts, selfless actions and supreme sacrifices of these great men. That is the least a nation may do to express its gratitude to such great men.
Secondly, and the far more important reason is that the context of the life and history of Babu Genu may seemingly differ significantly from what it is prevalent in India today.
Yet, the text does not. Global powers clearly have a well-designed agenda – read global order - in imposing their will, thoughts, ideas and beliefs on others. If it was political domination through religion in the first millennia after Christ, it was done through the army in the second millennia. What is feared is that it could possibly be through economic intervention in the third.
Unfortunately, this brief history of mankind and a grim reminder of how the world looks at others and the manner in which it seeks to engage others – as one of that has to subjugate and ones that need to be subjugated. Surely, it is not how we look at the world or presume as to how the others look at the world – as one of near equals.
As the ideas and ideals of the likes of Babu Genu fade from our collective memory, one is tempted to only quote the oft-repeated cliché: if you forget history you are condemned to repeat it. Obviously, to assume that global economic interests are completely independent of geo-political intentions or devoid of conspiratorial motives in these modern times would be childish to say the least.
Yet this is what we seem to have done for the past several years. And the spectacular growth of our economy in the past few years seems to have made us oblivious to this risk. And that would mean necessarily understanding, redefining and recalibrating our concept of growth and development. Lop sided growth in recent years of our economy, rising disparity of income and crucially lack of genuine economic opportunities point out to a serious systemic imbalance, especially in the manner in which we have engaged the world – politically or otherwise.
And to correct the same we need to get our priorities right. It would be a fitting tribute to the life of Babu Genu if we could get our priorities right in our economic policies and begin afresh the debate on our development and growth and the terms by which we should engage the world, both in global politics and economics. And that in my opinion would be a fitting tribute to Babu Genu on his martyr’s day.
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
प्रस्ताव हिंदी व अंगरेजी - देवघर स्वदेशी सम्मलेन
वदेशी जागरण मंच दशम् राष्ट्रीय सम्मेलन, देवघर (झारखंड) 11, 12, 13 नवंबर 2011 के प्रस्ताv - hindi english
by Kashmiri Lal on Tuesday, 15 November 2011 at 23:40
The Draft Resolution of 10 th Swadeshi Jagaran Manch Samamelan at Dewaghar (Jharkhand)
by Anil Saumitra on Sunday, 13 November 2011 at 23:31
Draft Resolutioस्वदेशी जागरण मंच दशम् राष्ट्रीय सम्मेलन, देवघर (झारखंड) 11, 12, 13 नवंबर 2011 के प्रस्तावों पर आपके विचार और सुझाव आमंत्रित हैं
by Anil Saumitra on Sunday, 13 November 2011 at 12:40
विचारार्थ प्रस्ताव क्रमांक - 1
स्वदेशी जागरण मंच
दशम् राष्ट्रीय सम्मेलन, देवघर (झारखंड)
11, 12, 13 नवंबर 2011
विदेशी निवेश के रूप में आर्थिक आक्रमण
1991 से आर्थिक सुधारों के नाम पर प्रत्यक्ष विदेशी निवेश एवं प्रत्यक्ष संस्थागत निवेश की ओट में विदेशी निवेश ने पिछले 20 वर्षों में हमारे आर्थिक क्षेत्र में भारी तबाही मचाई है। ब्राउन फील्ड निवेश के परिप्रेक्ष्य में देश की वर्तमान सफल कंपनियों के हस्तांतरण के लिये प्रत्यक्ष विदेशी निवेश एक औजार बन गया है। व्यावहारिक तौर पर रोजगार सृजन या हरित क्षेत्र निवेश (Green Fields Investment) या अधोसंरचना विकास में FDI की भूमिका नगण्य है। वहीं दूसरी ओर डा0 मुरली मनोहर जोशी की अध्यक्षता में संसदीय समिति की रिपोर्ट की अनदेखी करते हुए भारत सरकार द्वारा खुदरा क्षेत्र को भी प्रत्यक्ष विदेशी निवेश के लिये खोल दिया जाना खुदरा व्यापार से सीधे जुड़े देश के चार करोड़ लोगों की जीविका के लिये संकटकारी हो गया है। प्रत्यक्ष विदेशी निवेश का अबाधित प्रवेश एक आर्थिक संकट का द्योतक ही नहीं वरन देश की सुरक्षा के लिये भी गंभीर खतरे का कारण बन रहा है।
विदेशी संस्थागत निवेश के आने का अर्थ है देश के संपूर्ण वित्तीय क्षेत्र की अस्थिरता वास्तविक निवेशकों की पहचान छुपाकर मारिशस मार्ग से इस अनापशनाप पैसे का आना कालेधन, टैक्स हेवन और नशीले पदार्थां के गोरखधंधे को एक प्रकार से महिमामंडित करना है जिससे राष्ट्रीय सुरक्षा पर संकट के बादल मंडराने लगे हैं। यह सब तब हो रहा है जब राष्ट्रीय सुरक्षा सलाहकार समिति ने प्रतिभूति विनियमन बोर्ड भारत सरकार को पार्टिसिपेटरी नोट्स में निवेशकों के नाम उल्लेख की सलाह पूर्व में ही दे दी थी, ताकि विदेशी संस्थागत निवेश पर नियंत्रण स्थापित किया जा सके ।
यह कहना कि FDI/FII से व्यापार घाटा/चालू खातागत घाटा की पूर्ति हो सकेगी एक कपोल कल्पना है। 150 बिलियन डालर का व्यापार खातागत घाटा एवं जी.डी.पी. का 3 प्रतिशत से अधिक चालू खातागत घाटा 1990 की स्थिति से अधिक भयावह है जब हमें देश का सोना गिरवी रखना पड़ा था। इस BOP (भुगतान कोष) संकट ने देश की आर्थिक संप्रभुता को दांव पर लगा दिया है। व्यापार खाते पर लगातार दबाव और शेयर बाजार से कभी भी अचानक विदेशी संस्थागत निवेशकों द्वारा पैसा वापस निकालना भारतीय मुद्रा को कमजोर कर रहा है। NDA शासन के समय 35 रू0 प्रति डालर से आज हम 50 रू0 प्रति डालर पर पहुंच गए हैं (1991 में 16 रू0 प्रति डालर से) यह अवमूल्यन 300 प्रतिशत से अधिक है जिसका प्रभाव मुद्रास्फीति एवं कीमतों के बढ़ने के रूप में देशवासी पिछले दो दशकों से भोग रहे हैं।
देश में घरेलू बचत जो विकास के लिये 90 प्रतिशत से अधिक का निवेश है इसे प्रोत्साहित दिये जाने की आवश्यकता है। भारत सरकार की वर्तमान आर्थिक नीतियां जिसमें ब्याज दर पिछले 18 माह में रिजर्व बैंक के द्वारा 13 बार बढ़ा दिया जाना आदि अर्थप्रबंध और निवेश प्रंबध को और बड़ी खाई में ढकेलने जैसा है। वस्तुओं का निर्यात, विदेशी निवेश का आयात चीन द्वारा अबाधित निर्यात से बना आयात निर्यात का असंतुलन आर्थिक विकास की नींव को खोखला कर रहा है।
स्वदेशी जागरण मंच मांग करता है कि प्रत्यक्ष विदेशी निवेश को खुदरा क्षेत्र में पूर्णतः प्रतिबंधित किया जाय। टोबिन टैक्स लगाकर विदेशी संस्थागत निवेश को नियंत्रित किया जाय। कालेधन का नया स्वरूप हाटमनी के रूप में परिवर्तित होकर देश में आने पर कम से कम 3 वर्ष तक वापस निकालने को प्रतिबंधित कर विदेशी संस्थागत निवेश का नियमन और नियंत्रण किया जाय।
विचारार्थ प्रस्ताव क्रमांक - 2
स्वदेशी जागरण मंच
दशम् राष्ट्रीय सम्मेलन, देवघर (झारखंड)
11, 12, 13 नवंबर 2011
भारतीय कृषि एवं किसानों की हत्या का सिलसिला बंद करो
असंदिग्ध रूप में यह कहा जा सकता है कि विगत 2 दशकीय वैश्वीकरण के दौर की कोई एक उपलब्धि है तो वह है खेती और किसानों की हत्या और ऐसा प्रतीत होता है कि वैश्वीकरण का दौर आरंभ होने के बाद के 2 दशकांे की भारतीय सरकारों की कार्यसूची में यही एकमात्र कार्य रहा है।
भारत के सकल घरेलू उत्पाद में कृषि का योगदान सन् 1951 में 51 प्रतिशत था। तब से लगातार गिरता हुआ यह योगदान केवल आज 14.2 प्रतिशत रह गया है। इसके विपरीत कृषि पर निर्भर हमारी जनसंख्या का प्रतिशत लगातार 60 प्रतिशत (लगभग 70 करोड़) बना हुआ है।
सन् 1994 में कृषि संबंधी विश्व व्यापार संगठन के समझौते के समय से किसान-आत्महत्या की बाढ़ सी आई हुई है। राष्ट्रीय अपराध दस्तावेज ब्यूरो के प्रतिवेदन के अनुसार सन् 1995 से 2010 तक की अवधि में देश भर में 2,56,913 किसान आत्महत्या कर चुके हैं। इनमें 56 प्रतिशत संख्या महाराष्ट्र, मध्यप्रदेश-छत्तीसगढ़, कर्नाटक और आंध्रप्रदेश की है। भारत के कृषि क्षेत्र के इस गंभीर संकट के प्रति भारत सरकार घोर संवेदनहीन है। किसान जिस अभूतपूर्व संकट में फंसे हैं, उस संकट से उबरने मंे उनकी सहायता तो दूर, प्रत्यक्षतः सरकार उनके संकट को गहरा करने मंे सक्रियता से लगी हुई है। संसद के शीतकालीन सत्र में कृषि से संबंद्ध जो विधेयक पारित किये जाने की संभावना है, उनपर दृष्टिपात करें।
1) भूमि अधिग्रहण एवं पुनर्वसन एवं पुनर्बंदोबस्त विधेयक 2011
अपेक्षित है कि यह विधेयक 116 वर्ष पुराने भूमि अधिग्रहण अधिनियम 1894 का स्थान लेगा। इस विधेयक का तर्क है कि ढांचागत, उद्योग एवं शहरीकरण जैसे कार्यों के लिये कृषि भूमि को गैर कृषि भूमि में परिवर्तित करना अत्यंत महत्वपूर्ण है। क्या यह दैवदुर्विलास नहीं है कि ग्रामीण विकास मंत्रालय शहरी विकास के लिये कार्य कर रहा है?
विधेयक में निजी क्षेत्र को भूमि अधिग्रहण की अनुमति है बार्ते वह सार्वजनिक हित के लिये हो किन्तु ‘सार्वजनिक हित’ को विधेयक में निजी निगमीय क्षेत्र की सुविधा के लिये बहुत ही अस्पष्ट रूप में परिभाषित किया गया है और पुनर्बंदोबस्त का जो पिटारा किसानों और आजीविका गंवानेवालों के सामने पेश किया गया है, उसमें (अ) 12 महीनों के लिये प्रतिमाह प्रति परिवार मासिक रू0 3,000/- आजीविका भत्ते का प्रावधान प्रस्तावित है। यह प्रावधान प्रति व्यक्ति प्रतिदिन 20 रू0 बनता है जो कि योजना आयोग द्वारा सर्वोच्च न्यायालय के समक्ष शपथपूर्वक प्रस्तुत की गई परिभाषा के स्तर से भी बहुत कम है। इस शपथ-पत्र में ग्रामीण गरीबी स्तर को 26 रू0 प्रतिदिन प्रतिव्यक्ति परिभाषित किया गया है। (ब) विधेयक में किसानों और आजीविका गंवानेवालों को प्रति परिवार प्रतिवर्ष 2,000 रू0 20 वर्षों तक देने का प्रस्ताव है। यह प्रतिव्यक्ति प्रतिदिन 13.30 रू0 बनता है। यह भी गरीबी रेखा संबंधी 26 रू0 प्रतिव्यक्ति प्रतिदिन की परिभाषा से बहुत कम है। जहां तक पुनर्वसन और पुनर्बंदोबस्त का प्रश्न है, यह है वास्तविकता!
विधेयक में कृषि भूमि को गैरकृषि भूमि के रूप में बदलने की कोई अधिकतम सीमा प्रस्तावित नहीं है। तात्पर्य यही कि भूमि अधिग्रहण तथा पुनर्वसन एवं पुनर्बंदोबस्त विधेेयक में देश की खाद्य, चारा, पोषक आहार एवं जल की सुरक्षा की कोई चिंता दिखाई नहीं देती है।
2) बीज विधेयक - 2010
बीज विधेयक 2010 भारतीय और बहुराष्ट्रीय बीज निर्माताओं के लिए बांध के सभी दरवाजे खोल दिये जाने पर आमादा है। यहां तक कि इन उत्पादकों के बीजों की कीमतों पर किसी अंकुश की आवश्यकता उसे महसूस नहीं होती। इसके परिणाम स्वरूप किसानों का अनियंत्रित षोषण होगा।
विधेयक में नकली और घटिया स्तर के बीज के विपणन के विरूद्ध 30 हजार रूपये का अर्थदंड प्रस्तावित है, वह अत्यंत नगण्य है। विधेयक बीज उत्पादक निगम कंपनियों के प्रति अत्यंत नरम और किसान के प्रति अत्यंत कठोर है।
3) जैव तकनीकी नियमन अधिकरण विधेयक
इस विधेयक का उद्देश्य जैविक रूप मंे परिवर्तित बीजों के उद्योगों का नियमन है जो कि भारतीय बीज उद्योग के क्षेत्र में बड़े पैमाने पर प्रवेश के प्रयास में है परंतु विधेयक भारतीय और बहुराष्ट्रीय बीज कंपनियांे का नियंत्रण और नियमन करने के स्थान पर प्रत्यक्ष में उन लोगों पर लगाम लगाना चाहता है जो जैव परिवर्तित बीजों और जैव तकनीकी के आलेाचक हैं विधेयक में खास तौर पर यह प्रतिबंधित है कि बिना किसी समुचित वैज्ञानिक प्रमाण के यदि कोई जैव तकनीकी और जैव परिवर्तित बीजों की आलोचना करता है तो वह 2 वर्षों के कारावास या/और 2 लाख रू0 के जुर्माने का भागी होगा। इतना ही नहीं, जैव तकनीकी के विरूद्ध कोई अनुसंधान भी दंडनीय होगा।
यह एक ऐसा राक्षसी कानून होगा जो नागरिकों की वाणी की स्वतंत्रता और वैज्ञानिक जिज्ञासा पर अंकुश लगायेगा। यह विधेयक अनुचित रूप से जैव तकनीक बीज उद्योग का पक्षपाती है और अंततः यह भारत के परंपरागत बीजों का विनाश करेगा। तात्पर्य यही कि संसद के समक्ष लंबित उपरोक्त तीनों विधेयक यदि उनके वर्तमान स्वरूप में पारित किये जाते हैं तो इनसे भारतीय खेती और किसानों की हालत गिरेगी और अंततः उनका विनाश होगा।
अतः स्वदेशी जागरण मंच का यह दसवां राष्ट्रीय सम्मेलन सरकार से आग्रह करता है कि:-
1. उपरोक्त विधेयकों को जल्दबाजी में पारित न किया जाय,
2. इन विधेयकों पर ग्राम पंचायतों, किसान संगठनों और आम जनता के स्तर पर व्यापक बहस होने दी जाय।
3. किसान विरोधी नीति तत्काल समाप्त की जाए।
4. आगामी 12 महीनों के भीतर किसानपोषक नीतियां विकसित की जाएं और आगामी 12वीं पंचवर्षीय योजना अवधि में उन्हें क्रियान्वित किया जाय।
5. कृषि और किसानों की हत्या बन्द की जाए।
विचारार्थ प्रस्ताव क्रमांक - 3
स्वदेशी जागरण मंच
दशम् राष्ट्रीय सम्मेलन, देवघर (झारखंड)
11, 12, 13 नवंबर 2011
भ्रष्टाचार और काला धन - व्यवस्था परिवर्तन की चुनौती
ग्लोबल फाईनेंशियल इंटेग्रिटी द्वारा अवलोकन के अनुसार भारतीय नागरिकों द्वारा 1948 से लेकर 2008 तक 462 अरब अमरीकी डाॅलर विदेशी बैंकों में जमा किये है। ग्लोबल फाईनेंशल इन्ट्रेग्रिटी ने इस अनुमान को लगाने के लिए अंतर्राष्ट्रीय मुद्राकोष के आंकड़ों को विश्व बैंक, अवशिष्ट माॅडल व छद्यम व्यापार आंकड़ों माॅडल का उपयोग किया है। उदारीकरण के पश्चात 2002-2006 की अवधि के दौरान भारत से अवैध वित्तिय बहिर्वाह ( illicit financial outflow) 22.7 अरब अमरीकी डालर से बढ़कर 27.3 अरब डाॅलर प्रति वर्ष हो गया। एक अनुमान के अनुसार आज भारत के 2,100,000 करोड़ रूपये विदेशी बैंकों में जमा है तथा लगभग 19 अरब बिलियन अमरीकी डालर या 1 करोड़ रूपये प्रतिवर्ष काले धन के रूप में बाहर जा रहे है। अनेक संस्थान विश्व भर के सभी गरीब तथा विकासशील देशों से बहुराष्ट्रीय कपंनियों द्वारा लूटे जाने वाले धन की मात्रा का अनुमान लगा रहे है और मानते है कि यह काला धन एक खरब अमरीकी डाॅलर के लगभग है। ऐसे की एक अनुमान के अनुसार भारत के 1.4 खरब रूपये विदेशों में काले धन के रूप में पड़े हैं।
अब यह स्पष्ट हो चुका है कि बहुराष्ट्रीय कंपनियों, व्यापारियों, नशीली दवा बेचने वालों, घूसखोर अधिकारियों तथा भ्रष्ट राजनेताओं ने इस धन को स्वीजरलैंड तथा अन्य टैक्स हैवन कहने वाले स्थान जैसे चैनल द्वीप, मारीशस, कैमेन द्वीप, बहामा तथा लिकटेस्टीन में छिपा कर रखा है। सरकार के हर स्तर पर व्याप्त भ्रष्टाचार आम आदमी की जिन्दगी कष्टमय बना रहा है क्योंकि जनता का धन भ्रष्ट राजनेताओं द्वारा चुराया जा रहा है जिसके कारण शिक्षा, स्वास्थ्य, पेयजल और स्वच्छता जैसी बुनियादी सामाजिक सेवाएं भी उपलब्ध कराने में कठिनाई हो रही हैं और इस कारण से गरीबों के जीवन स्तर में सुधार असंभव होता जा रहा है।
आज भ्रष्ट राजनेताओं और नशीली दवाओं के व्यापारियों, तस्करों और यहां तक कि आतंकवादियों के बीच सांठ-गांठ चल रही है क्योंकि ये तथ्य अनैतिक रूप से धन के स्थानांतरण में एक दूसरे का सहयोग करते हैं। वर्तमान सरकार आकंठ, भ्रष्टाचार में लिप्त है, यह इस बात से स्पष्ट होता है कि जो लोग भ्रष्टाचार के खिलाफ आवाज उठाते हैं उन्हें तरह-तरह से बदनाम तो किया ही जाता है, साथ ही साथ उनके आंदोलन को पुलिस बल के द्वारा कुचलने से भी सरकार हिचकती नहीं है।
फ्रांस में आयोजित जी.-20 के सम्मेलन में 40,000 से अधिक लोगों ने इस टैक्स हैवन की राजदारी को समाप्त करने की मांग की। अब तक जी.-20 में से 10 देशों ने 14 अरब रूपये की अतिरिक्त राजस्व स्वैच्छिक घोषणा के माध्यम से प्राप्त की। इसका ब्यौरा इस प्रकार है- इटली - रू. 600 करोड़, अमरीका - रू. 2000 करोड़, जर्मनी - रू. 1800 करोड़, फ्रांस - रू. 1200 करोड़, दक्षिण कोरिया - रू. 510 करोड़, नैदरलैंड - रू. 495 करोड़, ब्राजील - रू. 315 करोड़, स्पैन - रू. 260 करोड़, इगीलिस्तान - रू. 260 करोड़, चीन - 80 करोड़,
भारत सरकार काले धन को वापस लाने के बारे में कोई ठोस कदम नहीं उठा रही है। यह जानबूझकर टालमटोल का रवैया अपना रही है। क्यांेकि कांग्रेस पार्टी को चन्दा देने वाले अधिकतर लोग इस काले धन को जमा करने वाले है। जर्मनी तथा फ्रांस द्वारा दिए गए काला धन रखने वालों के 700 लोगों के नामों को गुप्त रखा जा रहा है। यह स्पष्ट रूप से दिख रहा है कि सत्तारूढ़ पार्टी की मंशा काले धन के मालिकों की रक्षा करना है। अब समय आ गया है कि सरकार को बाध्य किया जाए कि वो विदेशों में जमा काले धन को वापिस लाने के लिए ठोस कदम उठाए।
स्वदेशी जागरण मंच की यह स्पष्ट मान्यता है कि भ्रष्टाचार और कालाधन आज की राजनीतिक व्यवस्था की उपज है और आज की राजनीतिक व्यवस्था लूट की व्यवस्था के नाते स्थापित हो गई है। यह व्यवस्था हमारी अर्थव्यवस्था, उत्पादन संबंधों और यहां तक कि सुरक्षा के लिए भी खतरे उत्पन्न कर रही है। जरूरत इस बात की है वर्तमान राजनीतिक और अफसरशाही व्यवस्था में मूलभूत परिवर्तन करते हुए मजदूरों, किसानों और दलितों के शोषण पर रोक लगाई जाए और वास्तव में जन के तंत्र की स्थापना हो सके। भारत सरकार के इस कुकृत्य तथा दुष्कर्म को देखते हुए यह प्रस्ताव पारित किया जा रहा है, स्वदेशी जागरण मंच अपने विरोध प्रदर्शन तथा आंदोलन को ओर तेज करेगा अैार यह तब तक जारी रहेगा जब तक कि काला धन वापिस नही लाया जायेगा।
स्वदेशी जागरण मंच मांग कर रहा है कि विदेशों में जमा काले धन को राष्ट्रीय संपत्ति घोषित किया जाए और काला धन जमा करने वालो की भारत में जो संपत्ति है, उसकी कुर्की की जाए और अन्य आक्रामक पग उठाकर काले धन को शीघ्रातिशीघ्र वापस लाया जाए। इस कार्य को बल देने के लिए स्वदेशी जागरण मंच सभी देशभक्त ताकतों को साथ लेते हुए एक देशव्यापी आंदोलन करेगा।
विचारार्थ प्रस्ताव संख्या - 4
स्वदेशी जागरण मंच
दशम् राष्ट्रीय सम्मेलन, देवघर (झारखंड)
11, 12, 13 नवंबर 2011
वालस्ट्रीट कब्जाओ आंदोलन
पिछले दो दशकों से भी अधिक समय से स्वदेशी जागरण मंच और दुनियाभर के विकासशील देशों में वैश्वीकरण और बहुराष्ट्रीय कंपनियों की षोषणकारी व्यवस्था के खिलाफ चल रहे संघर्ष ने अब विकसित देशों में भी फैलाव लेना शुरू किया है। गत डेढ़ माह से अमेरिका के आर्थिक सत्ताकेन्द्र न्यूयार्क शहर में वालस्ट्रीट के ‘झुकोटी पार्क’ में ‘आक्यूपाय वालस्ट्रीट’ आंदोलन शुरू है। इसमें बेरोजगारी से त्रस्त हुए युवक शामिल हैं। कुछ को वैश्वीकरण के कारण उद्ध्वस्त हुई अर्थव्यवस्था पटरी पर लानी है, तो कुछ युवकों को अमेरिका के कर्जदार होने के कारणों का उत्तर चाहिए। वहाँ बैठे सब युवक आज की अर्थव्यवस्था से चिढ़े हुए हैं। वालस्ट्रीट पर रहने वाले अति अमीर लोगों के हितसंबंधों का संरक्षण करनेवाली अर्थव्यवस्था हमें मान्य नहीं, ऐसा उनका कहना है। वैश्वीकरण आज दुनिया के 1 प्रतिशत लोगों के लिए ही लाभकारी सिद्ध हो रहा है। प्रो0 क्रुगमैन का कहना है कि इनमें से भी मात्र 0.1 प्रतिशत लोग ही अति धनाढ्य की श्रेणी में आते हैं। अमेरिका के 99 प्रतिशत लोगों की आवाज बुलंद करनेवाले ये युवक ‘झुकोटी पार्क’ में इकट्ठा हुए हैं। आज की नवसाम्राज्यवादी अर्थव्यवस्था का होनेवाला विरोध केवल अमेरिका तक मर्यादित नहीं है, अब यह आंदोलन स्पेन, कॅनाडा, यूरोपीय देश ऐसे दुनिया के कुल 83 देशों में शुरू हुआ है। यह इस बात का प्रतीक है कि बहुराष्ट्रीय कंपनियों के शोषण पर आधारित वैश्वीकरण की यह व्यवस्था दुनिया के आम लोगों के जीवन को दूभर बना रही है।
यह अनियंत्रित, बेछूट, मुक्त बाजार व्यवस्था - सट्टेबाजी तथा लोभीवृत्ति पर आधारित है। केवल मुट्ठीभर लोगों के लाभ के लिए विषमता बढ़ानेवाली यह अर्थव्यवस्था हमें नही चाहिए, यह इस आंदोलन के पीछे की भावना है। स्वदेशी जागरण मंच की हमेशा से यह दृढ़ मान्यता है कि वैश्वीकरण, उदारीकरण, निजीकरण, इन माध्यमों से आनेवाली आर्थिक नीतियाँ सामान्य मनुष्यों के हित की नहीं है। ऐसी आर्थिक नीतियाँ विभिन्न देशों के बीच, और देशांतर्गत विषमता बढ़ानेवाली सिद्ध होगी, ऐसा मंच का दृढ़मत है। पिछले 20 वर्षों के वैश्वीकरण ने भारत में भी कुछ मुट्ठी भर लोगों ही लाभ पहुंचाया है। देश की 80 प्रतिशत जनसंख्या को वैश्वीकरण का कोई लाभ नहीं मिला है।
भारत में बहुराष्ट्रीय कंपनियों के प्रादुर्भाव के चलते किसान आत्महत्याएं कर रहे हैं, बढ़ती महंगाई, बंद होते उद्योग और समाप्त होता स्वरोजगार आज देश के लोगों का जीवन दूभर कर रहा है। कंपनियों की किसी भी कीमत पर लाभ कमाने की महत्वाकांक्षा दुनियाभर के लोगों के लिए कष्टों का कारण बन रही है। वैश्विक स्तर पर चल रहे यह सब आंदोलन स्वदेशी जागरण मंच द्वारा गत 20 वर्षों से अभिव्यक्त किए जा रहे मतों का समर्थन करने वाले है। स्वदेशी जागरण मंच की यह स्पष्ट मान्यता है कि वैश्वीकरण और बहुराष्ट्रीय कंपनियों के खिलाफ चल रहे संघर्षं में दुनिया के किसान, मजदूर और आम आदमी को एकजुट होकर संघर्ष करना चाहिए। इस कारण स्वदेशी जागरण मंच विभिन्न देशों में हो रहे इन आंदोलनों के पीछे की भावना और विचारों का इस प्रस्ताव द्वारा समर्थन करता है।
स्वदेशी जागरण मंच की यह सभा इस प्रस्ताव के माध्यम से भारत सरकार से मांग करती है कि जागतिक स्तर पर होनेवाले इन आंदोलनों के परिप्रेक्ष्य में भारत के हित की आर्थिक नीतियाँ बनाने के लिए योग्य कदम उठाएँ। इस प्रस्ताव द्वारा देशभक्त जनता को आवाहन किया जाता है कि वैश्विक स्तर पर चल रहे इस प्रकार के आंदोलन स्वदेशी जागरण मंच के मतों और विचारों की पुष्टि करने वाले होने के कारण इन आंदोलनों के पीछे की भावनात्मक एवं वैचारिक पृष्ठभूमि शहर-शहर और गाँव-गाँव में जनमानस तक पहुंचाएं।
n - 1
10th National Conference, Deoghar (Jharkhand)
11, 12, 13 November, 2011
Foreign Investment An Economic Invasion
Entry of foreign investments in the form of Foreign Direct Investment) FDI) and Foreign Portfolio Investments (FPI) since the introduction of Economic Reforms in 1991 has been causing tremendous damage to our economy for the past 20 years.
FDI has become a tool of taking over the existing successful companies in the guise of brown field investment. The contribution of FDI in creation of employment or in building of infrastructure or in Green Fields Investment is practically negligible. On the other hand, the Government of India is opening the flood gate of FDI in Retail ignoring the recent Report of the Parliamentary Committee led by Dr. Murli Manohar Joshi, which will endanger the small retail shops employing more than 4 crore people of this country. The unbridled entry of FDI is causing not only economic threats but also endangering the national security concerns in certain sensitive sectors of the economy.
The inflow of Foreign Portfolio Investment has destabilized the entire financial sector of our economy. The volatility in the Stock Market, with the hot money flow through Mauritius Route without due identification of the real investors whose names are not disclosed in the Participatory Notes and its illicit nexus with Black Money, Tax heavens and the ill design of recycling of funds generated through illegitimate trade of Narcotics & Drugs is causing serious national security concerns. This is despite the advice of National Security Advisory Committee to SEBI for regularising the FII Investments by disclosing the name of the Investors in the PI notes.
There is an absurd assumption that the capital inflow through FDI / FII Route will hell in mitigating the trade/current account deficit. The trade account deficit of about USD 150 bn and the current account deficit exceeding 3% of GDP is very alarming and may lead to BOP Crisis of much grave nature than the 1990 position when We had to mortgage our gold and this may compel the country to compromise further on its economic sovereignty. The continuous pressure on the trade account and the sudden withdrawal of funds by FIIs from the Stock Market has is weakening the Indian Rupees which has gone down from about Rs. 35 during NDA Rule ( Rupees 16 in 1991) to as low as Rs.50 per USD during the UPA Rule, resulting in devaluation of more than 300% is one of the major cause of imported inflation/price rice in the country during the past two decades. To sum up it can be said that domestic savings which contribute almost 90 percent of the investments in the country needs to be further encouraged with more fiscal and monitory incentives to be given to the domestic investment. The present policy of the Central Govt. with continuous increase in interest rates for the consecutive 13 times through RBI for the so called inflationary control measure for demand management ignoring the supply side management is further dampening the investment climate. The disproportionate dependents on the external sector for export of goods, import of foreign capital an unrestricted imports including China has caused tremendous harm to our domestic industries resulting into huge unemployment problems and affecting our economic development. SJM demands a complete ban on the FDI in Retail and due restriction on FPI inflow by imposition TOBIN tax on the hot money inflow along with the condition for the minimum lock in period of 3 years and regulating the FIIs source of funds in order to break and bust the illegitimate nexus of Black Money and the inflow of Capital in the Stock Market.
Draft Resolution - 2
10th National Conference, Deoghar (Jharkhand)
11, 12, 13 November, 2011
Stop Killing Farming & Farmer
The twenty years of globalization has clearly succeeded in one thing – killing Indian farming & farmer. This appears to be the single point agenda of the Governments in the post globalization period of the last 20 years.
The contribution of agriculture to India G.D.P. has continuously come down from 51% in 1951 to about 14.2% today. But the percentage of our population dependent on agriculture continuous to be the same 60% (about 70 crore people today).
Since the signing of the WTO agreement in 1994, there has been a flood of farmers suicide in India. As per National Crime Records Bureau report, from 1995 to 2010 two lakh fifty six thousand nine hundred thirteen farmers have commited suicide all over the country, 56% of this has taken place in five state that Maharastra, M.P.-Chhatisgarh, Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh.
However, the Govt. of India has been most insensitive to the crisis in our Agricultural sector. Instead of trying to help the farming sector to come out of the unprecedented crisis, it is actually positively contributing towards the further worsening of the crisis. Bills pertaining agriculture that may be passed in the winter session of the Parliament, say the same story.
1) The Land Acquisition and Rehabilitating & Resettlement Bill 2008
This Bill is expected to replace the 116 years old Land Acquisition Act 1894.
The Bill argues that transfer of land from agriculture to non agricultural purpose such as infrastructure, industries and urbanization is very important. Rural Development Ministry is working for urban development. What an irony!
The Land acquisition by private sector is allowed, provided it is for public purpose. But the Bill deliberately defines “public purpose” very vaguely for facilitating the private corporate sectors.
Further look at the R&R package over to the farmer and other livelihood loosers.
a) A subsistent allowance of Rs.3000/- per month per family for 12 months. This works out to Rs.20/- per day per person. This is far below the definition of BPL that Rs.26/- per day per person in Rural Areas, which the Planning Commission said in its affidavit filed before the Supreme Court.
b) Rs.2000/- per month per family as annuity for 20 years.
This works out to Rs. 13.33 per person per day. Again far below the Rs. 26/- B.P.L. definition. So much, as far as the glorified R & R package is concerned, The Bill does not suggest any maximum limit for transferring agricultural land for non agricultural purposes. Thus LARR Bill 2011 does not care for food security, fodder security, nutritional security and water security of the country.
2) The Seed Bill 2010
The Seed Bill 2010 opens the flood gate for the Indian & MNC seed producers, however there is no provision in the Bill for the controlling corporate seed prices. It results in the exploitation of the India farmers.
The penalty suggested in the Bill for marketing fake and substandard seeds in very trivial Rs.30,000/- only. The Bill is very soft on corporate seed companies and very hard for farmers.
3) The Bio Technology Regulatory Authority of India Bill – BRAI Bill
The BRAI Bill aims at regulating genetically modify seed industry which is trying to enter the Indian seed industry in a big way. However instead of controlling and regulating the Indian as well as MNC GM Seed companies. The BRAI Bill actually curbs the people who criticize the GM Seed and Bio Technology. The Bill curbs specifically provides that who ever criticize this BT and GM seed without proper scientific evidence will be punished with two years of imprisonment or/and Rs.2,00,000/- fine. Even scientific research against BT are punishable.
This is a decronian law which curbs the freedom of speech of the citizens and scientific enquiry. It unduly favour the BT seed industry and lead to the ultimate destruction all our traditional seeds.
Thus all the three Bills pending before the Parliament if passed in their present forms will ultimately lead to decay and destruction of India farming as well as the farmers.
This 10th National Confernence of SJM call upon the Government :
1) Not to pass the three Bills in a hurry,
2) Allow wide public debate at Gram Panchayat, farmers organization and the general public.
3) Put an immediate halt on the anti farmer policies.
4) Evolve a pro farmer an organically based agriculture policy over the next 12 months and implement during the coming 12th Five Year Plan period.
5) Stop killing farming and farmers.
Draft Resolution - 3
10th National Conference, Deoghar (Jharkhand)
11, 12, 13 November, 2011
Corruption And Black Money- Call For Vyavastha Parivartan
Black money deposited in foreign banks by Indians since 1948 to 2008 amounts to $462 bn as per estimate done by Global Financial Integrity. (Methodology – World Bank residual model & Trade mis-pricing model based on IMF trade statistics)
The illicit financial outflow from India increased during post liberalization period from $22.7 in 2002 to $27.3 bn in 2006. About Rs. 2,100,000 crores are lying in foreign banks and every year about 19 bn dollar or 1 lakh crore rupees as black money goes out of India. Various agencies world over are calculating black money siphoned out of developing poor countries by MNCs etc. and it is about $1 trillion every year. According to a calculation black money stashed out of India is about $1.4 trillion.
It is an open secret now that the MNCs, Traders, Drug Merchants, Officers & Politicians etc. are depositors of Black Money who deposited it in tax heavens countries like Switzerland, Mauritius, Cayman Island, Bahama, Liechtenstein etc.
Rampant corruption at all levels of the Government is making the life miserable for the masses as the public funds are being siphoned off by corrupt politicians, making it impossible to provide quality social services like education, health, drinking water, sanitation, etc. and thereby improving the life of downtrodden.
There is an unholy nexus between corrupt politicians on the one hand and drug paddlers, smugglers and even the terrorists on the other, as huge illegal transfer of funds is being facilitated by these elements. The present Government is neck deep into corruption, is evident from the fact that the Govt. machinery starts misinformation campaign against the persons or groups raising voice against corruption. Government does not even hesitate to crush the movements against corruption using police force.
Governments of different countries have already started making efforts to bring back money parked in tax heavens. This month during G-20 meet, France demanded to end Tax Heavens secrecies. So far 10 countries out of G-20 have received Rs.14 bn as additional revenue through voluntary declaration. Italy – Rs. 600 mn, US – Rs. 2000 mn, Germany – 1800 mn, France – 1200 mn, South Korea – 510 mn, Netherland – Rs. 495 mn, Brazil – Rs. 315 mn, Spain – Rs. 260 mn, UK – Rs. 260 mn, China – Rs. 80 mn.
The Government of India is delaying and avoiding to bring back Black Money as most ruling party financiers are depositors of black money abroad. Names of black money depositors supplied by Germany & 700 persons by France to government are being kept secret. Thus intention of this government is to protect black money depositors. It is high time that government of India is forced to act positively in bringing black money illegally kept abroad.
Swadeshi Jagran Manch is of the firm opinion that corruption and black money is the by product of the present political system, which has emerged as system of loot & plunder. This is endangering our economy, production relations and even our security.
It is imperative to bring basic changes in the present day political and bureacatic system, ending exploitation of workers, farmers and dalits, so as to establish peoples rule in real sense.
To expose mis-deed on the part of Government of India it is resolved to stage protest, agitation throughout India so as to make it a mass movement until black money is brought back. We demand all black money deposited out side India be nationalized and depositor’s property be attached in India. For such aggressive action, SJM will launch a nation wide movement taking along all patriotic forces.
Draft Resolution - 4
All India Conference, Deoghar (Jharkhand)
11, 12, 13 November, 2011
‘Occupy Wall Street Agitation’
Struggle against globalization and exploitative system of multinational corporations in the last two decades by Swadeshi Jagaran Manch and people of various other developing countries is spreading in developed nations like USA. From last one and a half month, “Occupy Wall Street’ agitation is going on in full swing at Wall Street in New York’s Zuccotti Park, the nucleus of America’s economic power. This movement, comprises of youths depressed due to unemployment. Some of them want to restore the economic system that is completely destroyed due to globalization. Some youths want a solution for the huge amount of debt on the shoulders of United States. All of them are irked over the current economic system. They are flaying the economic system that is protecting the interests of extremely wealthy. Today’s globalization is benefiting only 1% of the population all over the globe. According to Prof. Kruggman out of this 1% hardly 0.1% people are becoming a superrich. Youths representing the feelings of 99 per cent of the American masses have assembled for this cause at Zuccotti Park. This is indicative of the fact that globalization based on exploitative system of multinational corporations has been making life miserable for the common man all over the world.
These youths don’t want the economic system based on the open market, uncontrolled betting and greed for wealth which is benefiting a few people & thereby creating an imbalance in the society. This feeling is the basis behind the ongoing movement.
Swadeshi Jagaran Manch has always adopted a view that the economic policy based on globalization, liberalization and privatization is not beneficial at all for the welfare of common man. Such economic policy is creating disparities between and within the nations. Last 20 years of globalsation have benefited only a handful of people in India. Around 80 % of the total population have not received any benefit.
Due to dominance of multinational corporations farmers are forced to comic suicide, galloping inflation, closure of industries and declining self employment is making the life difficult for the common man. Ambitious plans of multinational corporations to a maximum profit at any cost is the major cause of miseries of people around the world.
Protest towards today’s neo-capitalist economic system has now not just been limited to America. The agitation has now spread in 83 nations round the globe such as Europe, Canada, Spain, etc.
All these world-wide agitations are in line with the views being expressed by Swadeshi Jagaran Manch from last 20 years. Hence Swadeshi Jagaran Manch supports all these feelings and idea behind these movements.
This meeting of Swadeshi Jagaran Manch resolves to appeal to the Indian Government to take cognizance of all these world-wide agitations and adopt necessary steps towards framing the economic policies that will be in the interest of India.
It is further resolved that, as all these agitations that are blooming in various nations of the world are justifying the views proposed by Swadeshi Jagaran Manch. This 10th National Convetion of Swadeshi Jagaran Manch calls upon patriotic people of the country to back this movement of capture wall street and such other movements against exploitative system of globalization.
by Kashmiri Lal on Tuesday, 15 November 2011 at 23:40
The Draft Resolution of 10 th Swadeshi Jagaran Manch Samamelan at Dewaghar (Jharkhand)
by Anil Saumitra on Sunday, 13 November 2011 at 23:31
Draft Resolutioस्वदेशी जागरण मंच दशम् राष्ट्रीय सम्मेलन, देवघर (झारखंड) 11, 12, 13 नवंबर 2011 के प्रस्तावों पर आपके विचार और सुझाव आमंत्रित हैं
by Anil Saumitra on Sunday, 13 November 2011 at 12:40
विचारार्थ प्रस्ताव क्रमांक - 1
स्वदेशी जागरण मंच
दशम् राष्ट्रीय सम्मेलन, देवघर (झारखंड)
11, 12, 13 नवंबर 2011
विदेशी निवेश के रूप में आर्थिक आक्रमण
1991 से आर्थिक सुधारों के नाम पर प्रत्यक्ष विदेशी निवेश एवं प्रत्यक्ष संस्थागत निवेश की ओट में विदेशी निवेश ने पिछले 20 वर्षों में हमारे आर्थिक क्षेत्र में भारी तबाही मचाई है। ब्राउन फील्ड निवेश के परिप्रेक्ष्य में देश की वर्तमान सफल कंपनियों के हस्तांतरण के लिये प्रत्यक्ष विदेशी निवेश एक औजार बन गया है। व्यावहारिक तौर पर रोजगार सृजन या हरित क्षेत्र निवेश (Green Fields Investment) या अधोसंरचना विकास में FDI की भूमिका नगण्य है। वहीं दूसरी ओर डा0 मुरली मनोहर जोशी की अध्यक्षता में संसदीय समिति की रिपोर्ट की अनदेखी करते हुए भारत सरकार द्वारा खुदरा क्षेत्र को भी प्रत्यक्ष विदेशी निवेश के लिये खोल दिया जाना खुदरा व्यापार से सीधे जुड़े देश के चार करोड़ लोगों की जीविका के लिये संकटकारी हो गया है। प्रत्यक्ष विदेशी निवेश का अबाधित प्रवेश एक आर्थिक संकट का द्योतक ही नहीं वरन देश की सुरक्षा के लिये भी गंभीर खतरे का कारण बन रहा है।
विदेशी संस्थागत निवेश के आने का अर्थ है देश के संपूर्ण वित्तीय क्षेत्र की अस्थिरता वास्तविक निवेशकों की पहचान छुपाकर मारिशस मार्ग से इस अनापशनाप पैसे का आना कालेधन, टैक्स हेवन और नशीले पदार्थां के गोरखधंधे को एक प्रकार से महिमामंडित करना है जिससे राष्ट्रीय सुरक्षा पर संकट के बादल मंडराने लगे हैं। यह सब तब हो रहा है जब राष्ट्रीय सुरक्षा सलाहकार समिति ने प्रतिभूति विनियमन बोर्ड भारत सरकार को पार्टिसिपेटरी नोट्स में निवेशकों के नाम उल्लेख की सलाह पूर्व में ही दे दी थी, ताकि विदेशी संस्थागत निवेश पर नियंत्रण स्थापित किया जा सके ।
यह कहना कि FDI/FII से व्यापार घाटा/चालू खातागत घाटा की पूर्ति हो सकेगी एक कपोल कल्पना है। 150 बिलियन डालर का व्यापार खातागत घाटा एवं जी.डी.पी. का 3 प्रतिशत से अधिक चालू खातागत घाटा 1990 की स्थिति से अधिक भयावह है जब हमें देश का सोना गिरवी रखना पड़ा था। इस BOP (भुगतान कोष) संकट ने देश की आर्थिक संप्रभुता को दांव पर लगा दिया है। व्यापार खाते पर लगातार दबाव और शेयर बाजार से कभी भी अचानक विदेशी संस्थागत निवेशकों द्वारा पैसा वापस निकालना भारतीय मुद्रा को कमजोर कर रहा है। NDA शासन के समय 35 रू0 प्रति डालर से आज हम 50 रू0 प्रति डालर पर पहुंच गए हैं (1991 में 16 रू0 प्रति डालर से) यह अवमूल्यन 300 प्रतिशत से अधिक है जिसका प्रभाव मुद्रास्फीति एवं कीमतों के बढ़ने के रूप में देशवासी पिछले दो दशकों से भोग रहे हैं।
देश में घरेलू बचत जो विकास के लिये 90 प्रतिशत से अधिक का निवेश है इसे प्रोत्साहित दिये जाने की आवश्यकता है। भारत सरकार की वर्तमान आर्थिक नीतियां जिसमें ब्याज दर पिछले 18 माह में रिजर्व बैंक के द्वारा 13 बार बढ़ा दिया जाना आदि अर्थप्रबंध और निवेश प्रंबध को और बड़ी खाई में ढकेलने जैसा है। वस्तुओं का निर्यात, विदेशी निवेश का आयात चीन द्वारा अबाधित निर्यात से बना आयात निर्यात का असंतुलन आर्थिक विकास की नींव को खोखला कर रहा है।
स्वदेशी जागरण मंच मांग करता है कि प्रत्यक्ष विदेशी निवेश को खुदरा क्षेत्र में पूर्णतः प्रतिबंधित किया जाय। टोबिन टैक्स लगाकर विदेशी संस्थागत निवेश को नियंत्रित किया जाय। कालेधन का नया स्वरूप हाटमनी के रूप में परिवर्तित होकर देश में आने पर कम से कम 3 वर्ष तक वापस निकालने को प्रतिबंधित कर विदेशी संस्थागत निवेश का नियमन और नियंत्रण किया जाय।
विचारार्थ प्रस्ताव क्रमांक - 2
स्वदेशी जागरण मंच
दशम् राष्ट्रीय सम्मेलन, देवघर (झारखंड)
11, 12, 13 नवंबर 2011
भारतीय कृषि एवं किसानों की हत्या का सिलसिला बंद करो
असंदिग्ध रूप में यह कहा जा सकता है कि विगत 2 दशकीय वैश्वीकरण के दौर की कोई एक उपलब्धि है तो वह है खेती और किसानों की हत्या और ऐसा प्रतीत होता है कि वैश्वीकरण का दौर आरंभ होने के बाद के 2 दशकांे की भारतीय सरकारों की कार्यसूची में यही एकमात्र कार्य रहा है।
भारत के सकल घरेलू उत्पाद में कृषि का योगदान सन् 1951 में 51 प्रतिशत था। तब से लगातार गिरता हुआ यह योगदान केवल आज 14.2 प्रतिशत रह गया है। इसके विपरीत कृषि पर निर्भर हमारी जनसंख्या का प्रतिशत लगातार 60 प्रतिशत (लगभग 70 करोड़) बना हुआ है।
सन् 1994 में कृषि संबंधी विश्व व्यापार संगठन के समझौते के समय से किसान-आत्महत्या की बाढ़ सी आई हुई है। राष्ट्रीय अपराध दस्तावेज ब्यूरो के प्रतिवेदन के अनुसार सन् 1995 से 2010 तक की अवधि में देश भर में 2,56,913 किसान आत्महत्या कर चुके हैं। इनमें 56 प्रतिशत संख्या महाराष्ट्र, मध्यप्रदेश-छत्तीसगढ़, कर्नाटक और आंध्रप्रदेश की है। भारत के कृषि क्षेत्र के इस गंभीर संकट के प्रति भारत सरकार घोर संवेदनहीन है। किसान जिस अभूतपूर्व संकट में फंसे हैं, उस संकट से उबरने मंे उनकी सहायता तो दूर, प्रत्यक्षतः सरकार उनके संकट को गहरा करने मंे सक्रियता से लगी हुई है। संसद के शीतकालीन सत्र में कृषि से संबंद्ध जो विधेयक पारित किये जाने की संभावना है, उनपर दृष्टिपात करें।
1) भूमि अधिग्रहण एवं पुनर्वसन एवं पुनर्बंदोबस्त विधेयक 2011
अपेक्षित है कि यह विधेयक 116 वर्ष पुराने भूमि अधिग्रहण अधिनियम 1894 का स्थान लेगा। इस विधेयक का तर्क है कि ढांचागत, उद्योग एवं शहरीकरण जैसे कार्यों के लिये कृषि भूमि को गैर कृषि भूमि में परिवर्तित करना अत्यंत महत्वपूर्ण है। क्या यह दैवदुर्विलास नहीं है कि ग्रामीण विकास मंत्रालय शहरी विकास के लिये कार्य कर रहा है?
विधेयक में निजी क्षेत्र को भूमि अधिग्रहण की अनुमति है बार्ते वह सार्वजनिक हित के लिये हो किन्तु ‘सार्वजनिक हित’ को विधेयक में निजी निगमीय क्षेत्र की सुविधा के लिये बहुत ही अस्पष्ट रूप में परिभाषित किया गया है और पुनर्बंदोबस्त का जो पिटारा किसानों और आजीविका गंवानेवालों के सामने पेश किया गया है, उसमें (अ) 12 महीनों के लिये प्रतिमाह प्रति परिवार मासिक रू0 3,000/- आजीविका भत्ते का प्रावधान प्रस्तावित है। यह प्रावधान प्रति व्यक्ति प्रतिदिन 20 रू0 बनता है जो कि योजना आयोग द्वारा सर्वोच्च न्यायालय के समक्ष शपथपूर्वक प्रस्तुत की गई परिभाषा के स्तर से भी बहुत कम है। इस शपथ-पत्र में ग्रामीण गरीबी स्तर को 26 रू0 प्रतिदिन प्रतिव्यक्ति परिभाषित किया गया है। (ब) विधेयक में किसानों और आजीविका गंवानेवालों को प्रति परिवार प्रतिवर्ष 2,000 रू0 20 वर्षों तक देने का प्रस्ताव है। यह प्रतिव्यक्ति प्रतिदिन 13.30 रू0 बनता है। यह भी गरीबी रेखा संबंधी 26 रू0 प्रतिव्यक्ति प्रतिदिन की परिभाषा से बहुत कम है। जहां तक पुनर्वसन और पुनर्बंदोबस्त का प्रश्न है, यह है वास्तविकता!
विधेयक में कृषि भूमि को गैरकृषि भूमि के रूप में बदलने की कोई अधिकतम सीमा प्रस्तावित नहीं है। तात्पर्य यही कि भूमि अधिग्रहण तथा पुनर्वसन एवं पुनर्बंदोबस्त विधेेयक में देश की खाद्य, चारा, पोषक आहार एवं जल की सुरक्षा की कोई चिंता दिखाई नहीं देती है।
2) बीज विधेयक - 2010
बीज विधेयक 2010 भारतीय और बहुराष्ट्रीय बीज निर्माताओं के लिए बांध के सभी दरवाजे खोल दिये जाने पर आमादा है। यहां तक कि इन उत्पादकों के बीजों की कीमतों पर किसी अंकुश की आवश्यकता उसे महसूस नहीं होती। इसके परिणाम स्वरूप किसानों का अनियंत्रित षोषण होगा।
विधेयक में नकली और घटिया स्तर के बीज के विपणन के विरूद्ध 30 हजार रूपये का अर्थदंड प्रस्तावित है, वह अत्यंत नगण्य है। विधेयक बीज उत्पादक निगम कंपनियों के प्रति अत्यंत नरम और किसान के प्रति अत्यंत कठोर है।
3) जैव तकनीकी नियमन अधिकरण विधेयक
इस विधेयक का उद्देश्य जैविक रूप मंे परिवर्तित बीजों के उद्योगों का नियमन है जो कि भारतीय बीज उद्योग के क्षेत्र में बड़े पैमाने पर प्रवेश के प्रयास में है परंतु विधेयक भारतीय और बहुराष्ट्रीय बीज कंपनियांे का नियंत्रण और नियमन करने के स्थान पर प्रत्यक्ष में उन लोगों पर लगाम लगाना चाहता है जो जैव परिवर्तित बीजों और जैव तकनीकी के आलेाचक हैं विधेयक में खास तौर पर यह प्रतिबंधित है कि बिना किसी समुचित वैज्ञानिक प्रमाण के यदि कोई जैव तकनीकी और जैव परिवर्तित बीजों की आलोचना करता है तो वह 2 वर्षों के कारावास या/और 2 लाख रू0 के जुर्माने का भागी होगा। इतना ही नहीं, जैव तकनीकी के विरूद्ध कोई अनुसंधान भी दंडनीय होगा।
यह एक ऐसा राक्षसी कानून होगा जो नागरिकों की वाणी की स्वतंत्रता और वैज्ञानिक जिज्ञासा पर अंकुश लगायेगा। यह विधेयक अनुचित रूप से जैव तकनीक बीज उद्योग का पक्षपाती है और अंततः यह भारत के परंपरागत बीजों का विनाश करेगा। तात्पर्य यही कि संसद के समक्ष लंबित उपरोक्त तीनों विधेयक यदि उनके वर्तमान स्वरूप में पारित किये जाते हैं तो इनसे भारतीय खेती और किसानों की हालत गिरेगी और अंततः उनका विनाश होगा।
अतः स्वदेशी जागरण मंच का यह दसवां राष्ट्रीय सम्मेलन सरकार से आग्रह करता है कि:-
1. उपरोक्त विधेयकों को जल्दबाजी में पारित न किया जाय,
2. इन विधेयकों पर ग्राम पंचायतों, किसान संगठनों और आम जनता के स्तर पर व्यापक बहस होने दी जाय।
3. किसान विरोधी नीति तत्काल समाप्त की जाए।
4. आगामी 12 महीनों के भीतर किसानपोषक नीतियां विकसित की जाएं और आगामी 12वीं पंचवर्षीय योजना अवधि में उन्हें क्रियान्वित किया जाय।
5. कृषि और किसानों की हत्या बन्द की जाए।
विचारार्थ प्रस्ताव क्रमांक - 3
स्वदेशी जागरण मंच
दशम् राष्ट्रीय सम्मेलन, देवघर (झारखंड)
11, 12, 13 नवंबर 2011
भ्रष्टाचार और काला धन - व्यवस्था परिवर्तन की चुनौती
ग्लोबल फाईनेंशियल इंटेग्रिटी द्वारा अवलोकन के अनुसार भारतीय नागरिकों द्वारा 1948 से लेकर 2008 तक 462 अरब अमरीकी डाॅलर विदेशी बैंकों में जमा किये है। ग्लोबल फाईनेंशल इन्ट्रेग्रिटी ने इस अनुमान को लगाने के लिए अंतर्राष्ट्रीय मुद्राकोष के आंकड़ों को विश्व बैंक, अवशिष्ट माॅडल व छद्यम व्यापार आंकड़ों माॅडल का उपयोग किया है। उदारीकरण के पश्चात 2002-2006 की अवधि के दौरान भारत से अवैध वित्तिय बहिर्वाह ( illicit financial outflow) 22.7 अरब अमरीकी डालर से बढ़कर 27.3 अरब डाॅलर प्रति वर्ष हो गया। एक अनुमान के अनुसार आज भारत के 2,100,000 करोड़ रूपये विदेशी बैंकों में जमा है तथा लगभग 19 अरब बिलियन अमरीकी डालर या 1 करोड़ रूपये प्रतिवर्ष काले धन के रूप में बाहर जा रहे है। अनेक संस्थान विश्व भर के सभी गरीब तथा विकासशील देशों से बहुराष्ट्रीय कपंनियों द्वारा लूटे जाने वाले धन की मात्रा का अनुमान लगा रहे है और मानते है कि यह काला धन एक खरब अमरीकी डाॅलर के लगभग है। ऐसे की एक अनुमान के अनुसार भारत के 1.4 खरब रूपये विदेशों में काले धन के रूप में पड़े हैं।
अब यह स्पष्ट हो चुका है कि बहुराष्ट्रीय कंपनियों, व्यापारियों, नशीली दवा बेचने वालों, घूसखोर अधिकारियों तथा भ्रष्ट राजनेताओं ने इस धन को स्वीजरलैंड तथा अन्य टैक्स हैवन कहने वाले स्थान जैसे चैनल द्वीप, मारीशस, कैमेन द्वीप, बहामा तथा लिकटेस्टीन में छिपा कर रखा है। सरकार के हर स्तर पर व्याप्त भ्रष्टाचार आम आदमी की जिन्दगी कष्टमय बना रहा है क्योंकि जनता का धन भ्रष्ट राजनेताओं द्वारा चुराया जा रहा है जिसके कारण शिक्षा, स्वास्थ्य, पेयजल और स्वच्छता जैसी बुनियादी सामाजिक सेवाएं भी उपलब्ध कराने में कठिनाई हो रही हैं और इस कारण से गरीबों के जीवन स्तर में सुधार असंभव होता जा रहा है।
आज भ्रष्ट राजनेताओं और नशीली दवाओं के व्यापारियों, तस्करों और यहां तक कि आतंकवादियों के बीच सांठ-गांठ चल रही है क्योंकि ये तथ्य अनैतिक रूप से धन के स्थानांतरण में एक दूसरे का सहयोग करते हैं। वर्तमान सरकार आकंठ, भ्रष्टाचार में लिप्त है, यह इस बात से स्पष्ट होता है कि जो लोग भ्रष्टाचार के खिलाफ आवाज उठाते हैं उन्हें तरह-तरह से बदनाम तो किया ही जाता है, साथ ही साथ उनके आंदोलन को पुलिस बल के द्वारा कुचलने से भी सरकार हिचकती नहीं है।
फ्रांस में आयोजित जी.-20 के सम्मेलन में 40,000 से अधिक लोगों ने इस टैक्स हैवन की राजदारी को समाप्त करने की मांग की। अब तक जी.-20 में से 10 देशों ने 14 अरब रूपये की अतिरिक्त राजस्व स्वैच्छिक घोषणा के माध्यम से प्राप्त की। इसका ब्यौरा इस प्रकार है- इटली - रू. 600 करोड़, अमरीका - रू. 2000 करोड़, जर्मनी - रू. 1800 करोड़, फ्रांस - रू. 1200 करोड़, दक्षिण कोरिया - रू. 510 करोड़, नैदरलैंड - रू. 495 करोड़, ब्राजील - रू. 315 करोड़, स्पैन - रू. 260 करोड़, इगीलिस्तान - रू. 260 करोड़, चीन - 80 करोड़,
भारत सरकार काले धन को वापस लाने के बारे में कोई ठोस कदम नहीं उठा रही है। यह जानबूझकर टालमटोल का रवैया अपना रही है। क्यांेकि कांग्रेस पार्टी को चन्दा देने वाले अधिकतर लोग इस काले धन को जमा करने वाले है। जर्मनी तथा फ्रांस द्वारा दिए गए काला धन रखने वालों के 700 लोगों के नामों को गुप्त रखा जा रहा है। यह स्पष्ट रूप से दिख रहा है कि सत्तारूढ़ पार्टी की मंशा काले धन के मालिकों की रक्षा करना है। अब समय आ गया है कि सरकार को बाध्य किया जाए कि वो विदेशों में जमा काले धन को वापिस लाने के लिए ठोस कदम उठाए।
स्वदेशी जागरण मंच की यह स्पष्ट मान्यता है कि भ्रष्टाचार और कालाधन आज की राजनीतिक व्यवस्था की उपज है और आज की राजनीतिक व्यवस्था लूट की व्यवस्था के नाते स्थापित हो गई है। यह व्यवस्था हमारी अर्थव्यवस्था, उत्पादन संबंधों और यहां तक कि सुरक्षा के लिए भी खतरे उत्पन्न कर रही है। जरूरत इस बात की है वर्तमान राजनीतिक और अफसरशाही व्यवस्था में मूलभूत परिवर्तन करते हुए मजदूरों, किसानों और दलितों के शोषण पर रोक लगाई जाए और वास्तव में जन के तंत्र की स्थापना हो सके। भारत सरकार के इस कुकृत्य तथा दुष्कर्म को देखते हुए यह प्रस्ताव पारित किया जा रहा है, स्वदेशी जागरण मंच अपने विरोध प्रदर्शन तथा आंदोलन को ओर तेज करेगा अैार यह तब तक जारी रहेगा जब तक कि काला धन वापिस नही लाया जायेगा।
स्वदेशी जागरण मंच मांग कर रहा है कि विदेशों में जमा काले धन को राष्ट्रीय संपत्ति घोषित किया जाए और काला धन जमा करने वालो की भारत में जो संपत्ति है, उसकी कुर्की की जाए और अन्य आक्रामक पग उठाकर काले धन को शीघ्रातिशीघ्र वापस लाया जाए। इस कार्य को बल देने के लिए स्वदेशी जागरण मंच सभी देशभक्त ताकतों को साथ लेते हुए एक देशव्यापी आंदोलन करेगा।
विचारार्थ प्रस्ताव संख्या - 4
स्वदेशी जागरण मंच
दशम् राष्ट्रीय सम्मेलन, देवघर (झारखंड)
11, 12, 13 नवंबर 2011
वालस्ट्रीट कब्जाओ आंदोलन
पिछले दो दशकों से भी अधिक समय से स्वदेशी जागरण मंच और दुनियाभर के विकासशील देशों में वैश्वीकरण और बहुराष्ट्रीय कंपनियों की षोषणकारी व्यवस्था के खिलाफ चल रहे संघर्ष ने अब विकसित देशों में भी फैलाव लेना शुरू किया है। गत डेढ़ माह से अमेरिका के आर्थिक सत्ताकेन्द्र न्यूयार्क शहर में वालस्ट्रीट के ‘झुकोटी पार्क’ में ‘आक्यूपाय वालस्ट्रीट’ आंदोलन शुरू है। इसमें बेरोजगारी से त्रस्त हुए युवक शामिल हैं। कुछ को वैश्वीकरण के कारण उद्ध्वस्त हुई अर्थव्यवस्था पटरी पर लानी है, तो कुछ युवकों को अमेरिका के कर्जदार होने के कारणों का उत्तर चाहिए। वहाँ बैठे सब युवक आज की अर्थव्यवस्था से चिढ़े हुए हैं। वालस्ट्रीट पर रहने वाले अति अमीर लोगों के हितसंबंधों का संरक्षण करनेवाली अर्थव्यवस्था हमें मान्य नहीं, ऐसा उनका कहना है। वैश्वीकरण आज दुनिया के 1 प्रतिशत लोगों के लिए ही लाभकारी सिद्ध हो रहा है। प्रो0 क्रुगमैन का कहना है कि इनमें से भी मात्र 0.1 प्रतिशत लोग ही अति धनाढ्य की श्रेणी में आते हैं। अमेरिका के 99 प्रतिशत लोगों की आवाज बुलंद करनेवाले ये युवक ‘झुकोटी पार्क’ में इकट्ठा हुए हैं। आज की नवसाम्राज्यवादी अर्थव्यवस्था का होनेवाला विरोध केवल अमेरिका तक मर्यादित नहीं है, अब यह आंदोलन स्पेन, कॅनाडा, यूरोपीय देश ऐसे दुनिया के कुल 83 देशों में शुरू हुआ है। यह इस बात का प्रतीक है कि बहुराष्ट्रीय कंपनियों के शोषण पर आधारित वैश्वीकरण की यह व्यवस्था दुनिया के आम लोगों के जीवन को दूभर बना रही है।
यह अनियंत्रित, बेछूट, मुक्त बाजार व्यवस्था - सट्टेबाजी तथा लोभीवृत्ति पर आधारित है। केवल मुट्ठीभर लोगों के लाभ के लिए विषमता बढ़ानेवाली यह अर्थव्यवस्था हमें नही चाहिए, यह इस आंदोलन के पीछे की भावना है। स्वदेशी जागरण मंच की हमेशा से यह दृढ़ मान्यता है कि वैश्वीकरण, उदारीकरण, निजीकरण, इन माध्यमों से आनेवाली आर्थिक नीतियाँ सामान्य मनुष्यों के हित की नहीं है। ऐसी आर्थिक नीतियाँ विभिन्न देशों के बीच, और देशांतर्गत विषमता बढ़ानेवाली सिद्ध होगी, ऐसा मंच का दृढ़मत है। पिछले 20 वर्षों के वैश्वीकरण ने भारत में भी कुछ मुट्ठी भर लोगों ही लाभ पहुंचाया है। देश की 80 प्रतिशत जनसंख्या को वैश्वीकरण का कोई लाभ नहीं मिला है।
भारत में बहुराष्ट्रीय कंपनियों के प्रादुर्भाव के चलते किसान आत्महत्याएं कर रहे हैं, बढ़ती महंगाई, बंद होते उद्योग और समाप्त होता स्वरोजगार आज देश के लोगों का जीवन दूभर कर रहा है। कंपनियों की किसी भी कीमत पर लाभ कमाने की महत्वाकांक्षा दुनियाभर के लोगों के लिए कष्टों का कारण बन रही है। वैश्विक स्तर पर चल रहे यह सब आंदोलन स्वदेशी जागरण मंच द्वारा गत 20 वर्षों से अभिव्यक्त किए जा रहे मतों का समर्थन करने वाले है। स्वदेशी जागरण मंच की यह स्पष्ट मान्यता है कि वैश्वीकरण और बहुराष्ट्रीय कंपनियों के खिलाफ चल रहे संघर्षं में दुनिया के किसान, मजदूर और आम आदमी को एकजुट होकर संघर्ष करना चाहिए। इस कारण स्वदेशी जागरण मंच विभिन्न देशों में हो रहे इन आंदोलनों के पीछे की भावना और विचारों का इस प्रस्ताव द्वारा समर्थन करता है।
स्वदेशी जागरण मंच की यह सभा इस प्रस्ताव के माध्यम से भारत सरकार से मांग करती है कि जागतिक स्तर पर होनेवाले इन आंदोलनों के परिप्रेक्ष्य में भारत के हित की आर्थिक नीतियाँ बनाने के लिए योग्य कदम उठाएँ। इस प्रस्ताव द्वारा देशभक्त जनता को आवाहन किया जाता है कि वैश्विक स्तर पर चल रहे इस प्रकार के आंदोलन स्वदेशी जागरण मंच के मतों और विचारों की पुष्टि करने वाले होने के कारण इन आंदोलनों के पीछे की भावनात्मक एवं वैचारिक पृष्ठभूमि शहर-शहर और गाँव-गाँव में जनमानस तक पहुंचाएं।
n - 1
10th National Conference, Deoghar (Jharkhand)
11, 12, 13 November, 2011
Foreign Investment An Economic Invasion
Entry of foreign investments in the form of Foreign Direct Investment) FDI) and Foreign Portfolio Investments (FPI) since the introduction of Economic Reforms in 1991 has been causing tremendous damage to our economy for the past 20 years.
FDI has become a tool of taking over the existing successful companies in the guise of brown field investment. The contribution of FDI in creation of employment or in building of infrastructure or in Green Fields Investment is practically negligible. On the other hand, the Government of India is opening the flood gate of FDI in Retail ignoring the recent Report of the Parliamentary Committee led by Dr. Murli Manohar Joshi, which will endanger the small retail shops employing more than 4 crore people of this country. The unbridled entry of FDI is causing not only economic threats but also endangering the national security concerns in certain sensitive sectors of the economy.
The inflow of Foreign Portfolio Investment has destabilized the entire financial sector of our economy. The volatility in the Stock Market, with the hot money flow through Mauritius Route without due identification of the real investors whose names are not disclosed in the Participatory Notes and its illicit nexus with Black Money, Tax heavens and the ill design of recycling of funds generated through illegitimate trade of Narcotics & Drugs is causing serious national security concerns. This is despite the advice of National Security Advisory Committee to SEBI for regularising the FII Investments by disclosing the name of the Investors in the PI notes.
There is an absurd assumption that the capital inflow through FDI / FII Route will hell in mitigating the trade/current account deficit. The trade account deficit of about USD 150 bn and the current account deficit exceeding 3% of GDP is very alarming and may lead to BOP Crisis of much grave nature than the 1990 position when We had to mortgage our gold and this may compel the country to compromise further on its economic sovereignty. The continuous pressure on the trade account and the sudden withdrawal of funds by FIIs from the Stock Market has is weakening the Indian Rupees which has gone down from about Rs. 35 during NDA Rule ( Rupees 16 in 1991) to as low as Rs.50 per USD during the UPA Rule, resulting in devaluation of more than 300% is one of the major cause of imported inflation/price rice in the country during the past two decades. To sum up it can be said that domestic savings which contribute almost 90 percent of the investments in the country needs to be further encouraged with more fiscal and monitory incentives to be given to the domestic investment. The present policy of the Central Govt. with continuous increase in interest rates for the consecutive 13 times through RBI for the so called inflationary control measure for demand management ignoring the supply side management is further dampening the investment climate. The disproportionate dependents on the external sector for export of goods, import of foreign capital an unrestricted imports including China has caused tremendous harm to our domestic industries resulting into huge unemployment problems and affecting our economic development. SJM demands a complete ban on the FDI in Retail and due restriction on FPI inflow by imposition TOBIN tax on the hot money inflow along with the condition for the minimum lock in period of 3 years and regulating the FIIs source of funds in order to break and bust the illegitimate nexus of Black Money and the inflow of Capital in the Stock Market.
Draft Resolution - 2
10th National Conference, Deoghar (Jharkhand)
11, 12, 13 November, 2011
Stop Killing Farming & Farmer
The twenty years of globalization has clearly succeeded in one thing – killing Indian farming & farmer. This appears to be the single point agenda of the Governments in the post globalization period of the last 20 years.
The contribution of agriculture to India G.D.P. has continuously come down from 51% in 1951 to about 14.2% today. But the percentage of our population dependent on agriculture continuous to be the same 60% (about 70 crore people today).
Since the signing of the WTO agreement in 1994, there has been a flood of farmers suicide in India. As per National Crime Records Bureau report, from 1995 to 2010 two lakh fifty six thousand nine hundred thirteen farmers have commited suicide all over the country, 56% of this has taken place in five state that Maharastra, M.P.-Chhatisgarh, Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh.
However, the Govt. of India has been most insensitive to the crisis in our Agricultural sector. Instead of trying to help the farming sector to come out of the unprecedented crisis, it is actually positively contributing towards the further worsening of the crisis. Bills pertaining agriculture that may be passed in the winter session of the Parliament, say the same story.
1) The Land Acquisition and Rehabilitating & Resettlement Bill 2008
This Bill is expected to replace the 116 years old Land Acquisition Act 1894.
The Bill argues that transfer of land from agriculture to non agricultural purpose such as infrastructure, industries and urbanization is very important. Rural Development Ministry is working for urban development. What an irony!
The Land acquisition by private sector is allowed, provided it is for public purpose. But the Bill deliberately defines “public purpose” very vaguely for facilitating the private corporate sectors.
Further look at the R&R package over to the farmer and other livelihood loosers.
a) A subsistent allowance of Rs.3000/- per month per family for 12 months. This works out to Rs.20/- per day per person. This is far below the definition of BPL that Rs.26/- per day per person in Rural Areas, which the Planning Commission said in its affidavit filed before the Supreme Court.
b) Rs.2000/- per month per family as annuity for 20 years.
This works out to Rs. 13.33 per person per day. Again far below the Rs. 26/- B.P.L. definition. So much, as far as the glorified R & R package is concerned, The Bill does not suggest any maximum limit for transferring agricultural land for non agricultural purposes. Thus LARR Bill 2011 does not care for food security, fodder security, nutritional security and water security of the country.
2) The Seed Bill 2010
The Seed Bill 2010 opens the flood gate for the Indian & MNC seed producers, however there is no provision in the Bill for the controlling corporate seed prices. It results in the exploitation of the India farmers.
The penalty suggested in the Bill for marketing fake and substandard seeds in very trivial Rs.30,000/- only. The Bill is very soft on corporate seed companies and very hard for farmers.
3) The Bio Technology Regulatory Authority of India Bill – BRAI Bill
The BRAI Bill aims at regulating genetically modify seed industry which is trying to enter the Indian seed industry in a big way. However instead of controlling and regulating the Indian as well as MNC GM Seed companies. The BRAI Bill actually curbs the people who criticize the GM Seed and Bio Technology. The Bill curbs specifically provides that who ever criticize this BT and GM seed without proper scientific evidence will be punished with two years of imprisonment or/and Rs.2,00,000/- fine. Even scientific research against BT are punishable.
This is a decronian law which curbs the freedom of speech of the citizens and scientific enquiry. It unduly favour the BT seed industry and lead to the ultimate destruction all our traditional seeds.
Thus all the three Bills pending before the Parliament if passed in their present forms will ultimately lead to decay and destruction of India farming as well as the farmers.
This 10th National Confernence of SJM call upon the Government :
1) Not to pass the three Bills in a hurry,
2) Allow wide public debate at Gram Panchayat, farmers organization and the general public.
3) Put an immediate halt on the anti farmer policies.
4) Evolve a pro farmer an organically based agriculture policy over the next 12 months and implement during the coming 12th Five Year Plan period.
5) Stop killing farming and farmers.
Draft Resolution - 3
10th National Conference, Deoghar (Jharkhand)
11, 12, 13 November, 2011
Corruption And Black Money- Call For Vyavastha Parivartan
Black money deposited in foreign banks by Indians since 1948 to 2008 amounts to $462 bn as per estimate done by Global Financial Integrity. (Methodology – World Bank residual model & Trade mis-pricing model based on IMF trade statistics)
The illicit financial outflow from India increased during post liberalization period from $22.7 in 2002 to $27.3 bn in 2006. About Rs. 2,100,000 crores are lying in foreign banks and every year about 19 bn dollar or 1 lakh crore rupees as black money goes out of India. Various agencies world over are calculating black money siphoned out of developing poor countries by MNCs etc. and it is about $1 trillion every year. According to a calculation black money stashed out of India is about $1.4 trillion.
It is an open secret now that the MNCs, Traders, Drug Merchants, Officers & Politicians etc. are depositors of Black Money who deposited it in tax heavens countries like Switzerland, Mauritius, Cayman Island, Bahama, Liechtenstein etc.
Rampant corruption at all levels of the Government is making the life miserable for the masses as the public funds are being siphoned off by corrupt politicians, making it impossible to provide quality social services like education, health, drinking water, sanitation, etc. and thereby improving the life of downtrodden.
There is an unholy nexus between corrupt politicians on the one hand and drug paddlers, smugglers and even the terrorists on the other, as huge illegal transfer of funds is being facilitated by these elements. The present Government is neck deep into corruption, is evident from the fact that the Govt. machinery starts misinformation campaign against the persons or groups raising voice against corruption. Government does not even hesitate to crush the movements against corruption using police force.
Governments of different countries have already started making efforts to bring back money parked in tax heavens. This month during G-20 meet, France demanded to end Tax Heavens secrecies. So far 10 countries out of G-20 have received Rs.14 bn as additional revenue through voluntary declaration. Italy – Rs. 600 mn, US – Rs. 2000 mn, Germany – 1800 mn, France – 1200 mn, South Korea – 510 mn, Netherland – Rs. 495 mn, Brazil – Rs. 315 mn, Spain – Rs. 260 mn, UK – Rs. 260 mn, China – Rs. 80 mn.
The Government of India is delaying and avoiding to bring back Black Money as most ruling party financiers are depositors of black money abroad. Names of black money depositors supplied by Germany & 700 persons by France to government are being kept secret. Thus intention of this government is to protect black money depositors. It is high time that government of India is forced to act positively in bringing black money illegally kept abroad.
Swadeshi Jagran Manch is of the firm opinion that corruption and black money is the by product of the present political system, which has emerged as system of loot & plunder. This is endangering our economy, production relations and even our security.
It is imperative to bring basic changes in the present day political and bureacatic system, ending exploitation of workers, farmers and dalits, so as to establish peoples rule in real sense.
To expose mis-deed on the part of Government of India it is resolved to stage protest, agitation throughout India so as to make it a mass movement until black money is brought back. We demand all black money deposited out side India be nationalized and depositor’s property be attached in India. For such aggressive action, SJM will launch a nation wide movement taking along all patriotic forces.
Draft Resolution - 4
All India Conference, Deoghar (Jharkhand)
11, 12, 13 November, 2011
‘Occupy Wall Street Agitation’
Struggle against globalization and exploitative system of multinational corporations in the last two decades by Swadeshi Jagaran Manch and people of various other developing countries is spreading in developed nations like USA. From last one and a half month, “Occupy Wall Street’ agitation is going on in full swing at Wall Street in New York’s Zuccotti Park, the nucleus of America’s economic power. This movement, comprises of youths depressed due to unemployment. Some of them want to restore the economic system that is completely destroyed due to globalization. Some youths want a solution for the huge amount of debt on the shoulders of United States. All of them are irked over the current economic system. They are flaying the economic system that is protecting the interests of extremely wealthy. Today’s globalization is benefiting only 1% of the population all over the globe. According to Prof. Kruggman out of this 1% hardly 0.1% people are becoming a superrich. Youths representing the feelings of 99 per cent of the American masses have assembled for this cause at Zuccotti Park. This is indicative of the fact that globalization based on exploitative system of multinational corporations has been making life miserable for the common man all over the world.
These youths don’t want the economic system based on the open market, uncontrolled betting and greed for wealth which is benefiting a few people & thereby creating an imbalance in the society. This feeling is the basis behind the ongoing movement.
Swadeshi Jagaran Manch has always adopted a view that the economic policy based on globalization, liberalization and privatization is not beneficial at all for the welfare of common man. Such economic policy is creating disparities between and within the nations. Last 20 years of globalsation have benefited only a handful of people in India. Around 80 % of the total population have not received any benefit.
Due to dominance of multinational corporations farmers are forced to comic suicide, galloping inflation, closure of industries and declining self employment is making the life difficult for the common man. Ambitious plans of multinational corporations to a maximum profit at any cost is the major cause of miseries of people around the world.
Protest towards today’s neo-capitalist economic system has now not just been limited to America. The agitation has now spread in 83 nations round the globe such as Europe, Canada, Spain, etc.
All these world-wide agitations are in line with the views being expressed by Swadeshi Jagaran Manch from last 20 years. Hence Swadeshi Jagaran Manch supports all these feelings and idea behind these movements.
This meeting of Swadeshi Jagaran Manch resolves to appeal to the Indian Government to take cognizance of all these world-wide agitations and adopt necessary steps towards framing the economic policies that will be in the interest of India.
It is further resolved that, as all these agitations that are blooming in various nations of the world are justifying the views proposed by Swadeshi Jagaran Manch. This 10th National Convetion of Swadeshi Jagaran Manch calls upon patriotic people of the country to back this movement of capture wall street and such other movements against exploitative system of globalization.
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
विभिन्न लेख जो स्वदेशी पत्रिका में मैंने लिखे हे - केवल यादें
Mangalore National Seminar:
11-13 Sept.
The national Seminar held at Sangh Niketan Mangalore of the southern States of Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Karnatakaand Andhar Pradesh was really youthful, as there was a large number of Management Students participating in it. The lecture of Sh. Sunderam CA was full of latest information regarding the black money in Swiss banks. He was quick with a list of success stories of countries that assiduously brought back the money from these tax heavens. For example, Philippines slogged for 18 years but got the money back of its former President Ferdinand Marcos to the extent of $624 millions whereas Peru recovered $180 and Nigeria - 50 million USD which otherwise were frozen and forfeited by Swiss authorities. Have you heard about this? Certainly I haven’t! So these were very encouraging stories for us and discouraging for our corrupt leaders and bureaucrats. But Sundaramji was exhorting repeated also that for this miracle to happen, consistent and persistent efforts for at least 10 to 15 years are required. Well said.
Prof. Kumaraswami’s lecture was marvelously interesting and informative on the subject of Third World. It was of course different from his formal sermon-type essay on this topic which we find in swadeshi site. Such a tough and serious topic was able to garner clapping every three or four minutes consecutively from that youthful audience, was a freshening experience for me. Krishi Prayog Parivar’s PP on organic farming was also interesting, which Shrivasthsa was giving with full confidence. Last but not the least I remember the brief but vivid presentation made by Shrinivasan on the topic of Hind Swaraj. He added that centenary celebrations of great men and great events are organized from time to time, but it is perhaps the first occasion that the centenary of a book is being celebrated. If Thengadi’s book Third Way is a tree, the seed is Hind Swaraj. Quoting briefly certain anecdotes of Gandhi’s life he was able to delve deep the respect and curiosity of this book. He has not only completed his Ph D in Gandhian Studies recently, he has got very good relationship with several eminent Gandhian and Sarvodayi leaders. He can be contacted for queries on subject through email ID: But I am not mentioning here the informative lectures of Sh. Gurumurthy ji and Murlidharrao, which are well known for their qualities - par excellence. I talked to most of the young participants and was overwhelmed to know their views which can be summarized in Santosh’s word, a young participant from Bangalore – ‘a lifetime experience.’ Anyhow would you like to know who persuaded most of students to come here from Bangalore, please read the next write up on Shankaranaraya.
Meet the Man – Shankaranarayana from Bangalore
He is a practicing advocate in Bangalore court, and it is due to his efforts that most of Students from Mangalore came to participate in this Seminar. He is in the habit of always practicing in life, what he is saying. Let anything impress his mind and lo, he will leave no stone unturned to make it a reality. He was swayed by the book of Sh. Gurumurthy’s -Marx and Market and he sold 400 copies of it within a short span of time. He completed with enthusiasm DB Thengadi,s epoch making book Third Way and he single-handedly sold 2000 copies of it, yes two thousands! With the same fervor he is busy nowadays in enlisting subscribers for Swadeshi Patrika. Do you want to talk to him on cell phone, sorry he has not any! Oh, then we will talk on his landline phone? Again very sorry, that too he has not!! He generally uses the public transport systems for moving here and there in the city. This State level functionary of SJM has his arguments for his simple living, which are usually given by everybody - that these are artificial demands created by advertisement world. But praiseworthy aspect of this all is that he is strictly practicing all these things and still yielding results, oh, marvelous results. Then how to contact him, either meet him at his house or email on his ID which he has created after much persuasion from a great personality.
Obama Sharing meals with Gandhi:
There was an interaction of school children with US President Barrack Obama. A ninth standard girl Lily asked Obama to name the person, living or dead, with whom he would like to have a dinner with. When I was reading this news I stopped reading further. I too started guessing whom he would name. First I thought that he would name Michel Jackson. As you know, not only whole of America but the world at large is drowned in his grief, and all our Bollywood heroes and heroines are so busy here paying dancing tributes to him with bouquets and garlands. So I guessed he will definitely also name MJ. Secondly, the name of Mother Teresa flashed instantly in my mind. I have heard so many times that at the time of beauty contests, all the contestant name her reverently on being similarly questioned on the glittering ramp. Besides these two names, I had a dozen other names at my finger tips out of which Obama will surely answer.
But to my utter dismay Obama failed me altogether. He unhesitatingly uttered the name of Mahatma Gandhi! He also added that he was his really hero and also the hero of Martin Luther King. As if this was not sufficient to humiliate me, he went on saying among laughter from all sides that eating with Gandhi: “would probably be a really small meal because he didn’t eat a lot.” What was he talking! A country which has been preaching the whole world that ‘Greed is the best, indeed’, and is considered a ‘Mecca of consumerism’, and here its President is respecting as a role model Gandhiji – ‘who ate very small’ and was and was half clad and considered ‘Greed is a Sin’. Strange thing! Perhaps Misery is the best teacher and the recent American economic crisis has taught many new lessons to Americans as well as to its President too! Jai Ho!!
Here let me mention that International Brand Expert Harish Bijoor wrote a month ago that a survey was conducted in 200 countries. Brand Gandhi was juxtaposed to international brands like Lux and Colgate. Only residents of 40 countries had somewhat familiarity with these top multinational brands like Lux and Colgate, whereas people of 183 countries were more acquainted with Gandhiji’s name. So he concludes that Gandhi is still a father of all Brands in the world. Similarly, Google Insight Search on 63rd Independence Day of India, declared Gandhi as the top Brand. So he concludes that Gandhi is still the father of all Brands in the world. Anyhow, I personally don’t take Gandhi as a brand, he was simply Grand!
But it seems the UPA Government is interested only bringing back the spectacles of Gandhiji from the World level auction through a Whisky King, but not interested the least in understanding what he had envisioned in Hind Swaraj from these glasses even in this centenary year of the Book..
Jaipur National Seminar 4-6 Sept
In the Pink City of Jaipur A National Seminar of SJM was held in the lush green environment of OTS. All the 151 participants besides the eminent resource persons and a large number of local gentry, coming from time to time for attending selected lectures, had a good churning time for the latest economic trends confronting the national and world as a whole. Two speakers attracted me most, seen from the old timer’s point of view. One was the lecture of Anupam Mishra, an eminent Gandhian thinker of repute and seeing and hearing his power point presentation was a physical and metaphysical experience. He was speaking on the topic of traditional water storage systems in Rajasthan and side by side he was comparing with the dilapidated, topsy-turvy condition of the governmental arrangements, irrespective of the political parties. He explained to the utter astonishment of the participants that in 99.7% village people depend on their local and traditional water storage system, namely the Tanka. The remaining 0.3% village, their survey disclosed were “be-chirag village” that is uninhabited villages or villages which have a name and territory but no human being residing there. So, besides this ‘Sarkaar’ which is practically ineffectual in this respect, a ‘Badi Sarkaar’ was working, that is, the public and their time-tested traditions. People with their own traditional systems store the rainy water, take care of its maintenance and upkeep in a splendid way. I had previously gone cursorily through his famous book “Even Now the tanks are useful” but this presentation I found, was more touching and informative.
Second speaker was the Magasaysay Awardee on RTI, Arvind Kejriwaal. Previous to it we had invited him twice or thrice in our Seminars but he every time sent his companions for delivering lectures. It was first time that he chose to come to our Seminar. His expose was splendid, informative and up-to-date. He chose not to spoke on the area for which he is known, that is, Right To Information (RTI). He rather selected an ultramodern subject, as he preferred to call it. According to him RTI has become a futile exercise if the masses do not have the right to reprimand, or reject the ineffectual and corrupt Governmental machinery. He has on his tips the classical examples of hoary Vaishali kingdom where king had to bow before the will of his subject. He was lass with several latest examples, culled from the world over, where subject of the city were the final authority. According to him the global giant retail group Wal-Mart could not open his outlet in Oregon city of America, because its inhabitants rejected the proposal. This was now where visible in India. He publicized much the Visual CD of Phokat Ram Panwar, village Pradhan of Hijre Bazaar. He said that a marvelous record of all round development was witnessed in this “once-a-famine-stricken-village” and residents per capita income shooting from Rs. 540 to Rs. 28,000. The reason was simple: this young Pradhan stick to the formula of seeking every body’s opinion before venturing on any new scheme. Kejrivaal summarized his agenda in very simple terms: we should seek our right in the management of the country and not merely be satisfied with the lame right of adult franchise. Similarly one new scholar on the dais was Sh. An ex Minister X-rayed very well the utopia of NREGA. However mention is to be made of Sh. Madandass ji speech wherein he said that SJM should built the capacity of collecting from one to one and half lakh people at one place and also have active units in ten thousand places. This will effect the economic and social agenda of the governments, whatever their colour. The overall atmosphere and learning attitude was encouraging and refreshening.
Tamil Nadu Dark Bill on Agriculture put on Hold – Good News
When our National Council Meeting met on 28-29 August all the representatives from Tamil Nadu seemed worried about the draconian law which has been passed by the TN State Assembly. It was against the traditional farming practices including the organic farming. On 9th this month all the leading farmers association came together and held programmes against the Bill. Prof Nammalwar and Devinder Sharma were explaining to the farmers that ‘if we allowed this legislation, ten years from now on, there would be no single farmer in the State’. And the very next day, that is exactly after 24 hours CM Karunanidhi says in the press conference that ‘in order to protect the traditional farming and respect the sentiments expressed by the farmers and the media, the Bill will be put on hold till further orders. Really it is a matter of congratulation for all those who were agitating against this Bill.
Let me tell you the dark story of the other side. The CM Karunanidhi was disclosing to the press that when the Bill was passed nobody including the opposition raised any single voice against this Bill. It took them full three months to rise from the deep slumber and echo their voice with the Farmers association against the Bill. I have before me the copy of the Bill which bears the date of passing: June 23, 2009. Though it is temporarily withdrawn, it is a warning for the farming community and organization to keep a constant watch against this Bill. So take a sigh of relief and say : Better Late Than Never!
Science Theses could now be presented in Kanadda : VC Declares
There is good news from Karnataka. VC of Mangalore University KM Kaveriappa said on Tuesday that his varsity will accept PhD theses on science topics written in Kannadda. Speaking at an inaugural function of the State chapter of Swadeshi Vijanana Andolana explained that there is a constraint in this, because when such theses would be evaluated by the foreign experts that would force the University to get such theses translated into English. And that the University will do it on its own, he added amidst clapping from the audience. He, however, appealed to the science writers in Kannadda that they should shed their rigidity and open themselves to accept science jargons from other languages also. It should be added that this is not the solitary victory of the Swadeshi Vijanan Andolan, but it is a very popular movement in the southern states and is getting momentum throughout the country to popularize science in the rural and remote areas.
Gurcharan Das ‘s new book on Economics soaked in Mahabharat Colours
Do you know something about this Management Guru and renowned economic columnist Gurcharan Das? I have read with interest some of his articles appearing regularly in English papers. But I always read him after activating my anti-virus mental apparatus, as I knew that he was a former CEO of Proctor and Gamble and an ardent vatary of free market economy, read, American model. Of late I feel elated to find a subtle change in him. May be the failure of this American economic model has added to his prudence or I am simply beguiled by his Osho like writing style, quoting profusely from Indian scriptures and especially Mahabharat.
Anyhow after going through the excerpts of his recently published book - outwardly on Mahabharata and internally a saga of day-to-day happenings in the economic field, I was swayed by the adeptness of his brush mixing epic and economics very beautifully. While depicting Duryodhana he is reminded of a comparison ‘which many think was responsible for bringing the global economy to its knees in 2008’. From Kauravs he immediately rushes to depict in darkest colour the IT Czar Ramalinga Raju who owned a thousand designer suits, 321 pairs of shoes and 310 belts. While sermonizing on Envy, Gurcharan jumps to Ambani brothers, their rags-to-riches story and fraternal feuds, with latest data and analyses. The name of the book is The Difficulty of Being Good – On the Subtle Art of Dharma. Patrick Olivelle seems right when he writes: “The recent global economic crisis has revealed deep corruption and lack of moral insight at the highest echelons of he economy….showing that it is difficult to be good, a constant moral struggle exemplified in the characters of the Mahabharata and the stories and moral tales narrated with such charm and force by Gurcharan Das.’
Tempted to know more about him I searched his official site and felt nearer to him after readng the following anecdote. When he explained to a retired civil servant about his desire to study Mahabharata, he exclaimed: Good Lord, man, you have not turned saffron, have you?’ Anyhow he goes on writing unhesitatingly: “The epic has given me great enjoyment in the past six years and I have become a Mahabharata addict. I feel sad that so many boys and girls in India are growing up rootless and they will never have access to these forbidden fruits of pleasures.’ Anyhow I have got his book, (not purchased) and started reading with good interest.. The book is certainly worth purchasing (when its paper back edition comes) and reading somehow now. Even after all this writing, my anti-virus equipment is still active about his motives!
2732 words and 5 pages.
Dear Readers;
1.The Moving Pen column started last month is a way of dialogue with you.and you know, it covers the time span of 15th of the previous month upto 14th of this Sept
.2.You know on 17th August was celebrated as the Centenary year of Martyrdom of Madanlal Dhingra and a book released by Shailendra Sainger. Please memorise also his bold words spoken at the trial time about the economic plight of the country, quoted here..
3.On 2nd Sept a joint rally in Delhi by SJM and BMS against the mini-ministerial meeting was really inspiring. It was widely covered in different countries. Moreover on every district headquarters such rallies etc, were held. To illustrate, only in MP such programmes were held at least 15 places!
4. Two National Seminars were held in Jaipur and Mangalore in this duration and you will read my comments in these columns.
5. Agitations:You will like to read about the Dark Agrarian Bill of TN govt. and bowing before the mounting public pressure, and how Mangalore University has accepted Kannadda as a language for science theses, and about the plight of Bundelkhand’s famine-like position and SJM arranging a Seminar on this topic in Mahoba. In Orissa Vedantam company is suspiciously starting a University and about one thousand acres of precious land of Bhagwan Jagannath ji is being given at throw-away price by the State Govt. A big agitation is expected to take place there, and on 27th Sept an agitation is to be launched against Wal-mart in Amritsar, and for both topics next issue is awaited.
6.Hind Swaraj: Being the Centenary Year of the book and Gandhiji’s birthday falling in the present span, you will find its touch in these column
Words 3020
11-13 Sept.
The national Seminar held at Sangh Niketan Mangalore of the southern States of Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Karnatakaand Andhar Pradesh was really youthful, as there was a large number of Management Students participating in it. The lecture of Sh. Sunderam CA was full of latest information regarding the black money in Swiss banks. He was quick with a list of success stories of countries that assiduously brought back the money from these tax heavens. For example, Philippines slogged for 18 years but got the money back of its former President Ferdinand Marcos to the extent of $624 millions whereas Peru recovered $180 and Nigeria - 50 million USD which otherwise were frozen and forfeited by Swiss authorities. Have you heard about this? Certainly I haven’t! So these were very encouraging stories for us and discouraging for our corrupt leaders and bureaucrats. But Sundaramji was exhorting repeated also that for this miracle to happen, consistent and persistent efforts for at least 10 to 15 years are required. Well said.
Prof. Kumaraswami’s lecture was marvelously interesting and informative on the subject of Third World. It was of course different from his formal sermon-type essay on this topic which we find in swadeshi site. Such a tough and serious topic was able to garner clapping every three or four minutes consecutively from that youthful audience, was a freshening experience for me. Krishi Prayog Parivar’s PP on organic farming was also interesting, which Shrivasthsa was giving with full confidence. Last but not the least I remember the brief but vivid presentation made by Shrinivasan on the topic of Hind Swaraj. He added that centenary celebrations of great men and great events are organized from time to time, but it is perhaps the first occasion that the centenary of a book is being celebrated. If Thengadi’s book Third Way is a tree, the seed is Hind Swaraj. Quoting briefly certain anecdotes of Gandhi’s life he was able to delve deep the respect and curiosity of this book. He has not only completed his Ph D in Gandhian Studies recently, he has got very good relationship with several eminent Gandhian and Sarvodayi leaders. He can be contacted for queries on subject through email ID: But I am not mentioning here the informative lectures of Sh. Gurumurthy ji and Murlidharrao, which are well known for their qualities - par excellence. I talked to most of the young participants and was overwhelmed to know their views which can be summarized in Santosh’s word, a young participant from Bangalore – ‘a lifetime experience.’ Anyhow would you like to know who persuaded most of students to come here from Bangalore, please read the next write up on Shankaranaraya.
Meet the Man – Shankaranarayana from Bangalore
He is a practicing advocate in Bangalore court, and it is due to his efforts that most of Students from Mangalore came to participate in this Seminar. He is in the habit of always practicing in life, what he is saying. Let anything impress his mind and lo, he will leave no stone unturned to make it a reality. He was swayed by the book of Sh. Gurumurthy’s -Marx and Market and he sold 400 copies of it within a short span of time. He completed with enthusiasm DB Thengadi,s epoch making book Third Way and he single-handedly sold 2000 copies of it, yes two thousands! With the same fervor he is busy nowadays in enlisting subscribers for Swadeshi Patrika. Do you want to talk to him on cell phone, sorry he has not any! Oh, then we will talk on his landline phone? Again very sorry, that too he has not!! He generally uses the public transport systems for moving here and there in the city. This State level functionary of SJM has his arguments for his simple living, which are usually given by everybody - that these are artificial demands created by advertisement world. But praiseworthy aspect of this all is that he is strictly practicing all these things and still yielding results, oh, marvelous results. Then how to contact him, either meet him at his house or email on his ID which he has created after much persuasion from a great personality.
Obama Sharing meals with Gandhi:
There was an interaction of school children with US President Barrack Obama. A ninth standard girl Lily asked Obama to name the person, living or dead, with whom he would like to have a dinner with. When I was reading this news I stopped reading further. I too started guessing whom he would name. First I thought that he would name Michel Jackson. As you know, not only whole of America but the world at large is drowned in his grief, and all our Bollywood heroes and heroines are so busy here paying dancing tributes to him with bouquets and garlands. So I guessed he will definitely also name MJ. Secondly, the name of Mother Teresa flashed instantly in my mind. I have heard so many times that at the time of beauty contests, all the contestant name her reverently on being similarly questioned on the glittering ramp. Besides these two names, I had a dozen other names at my finger tips out of which Obama will surely answer.
But to my utter dismay Obama failed me altogether. He unhesitatingly uttered the name of Mahatma Gandhi! He also added that he was his really hero and also the hero of Martin Luther King. As if this was not sufficient to humiliate me, he went on saying among laughter from all sides that eating with Gandhi: “would probably be a really small meal because he didn’t eat a lot.” What was he talking! A country which has been preaching the whole world that ‘Greed is the best, indeed’, and is considered a ‘Mecca of consumerism’, and here its President is respecting as a role model Gandhiji – ‘who ate very small’ and was and was half clad and considered ‘Greed is a Sin’. Strange thing! Perhaps Misery is the best teacher and the recent American economic crisis has taught many new lessons to Americans as well as to its President too! Jai Ho!!
Here let me mention that International Brand Expert Harish Bijoor wrote a month ago that a survey was conducted in 200 countries. Brand Gandhi was juxtaposed to international brands like Lux and Colgate. Only residents of 40 countries had somewhat familiarity with these top multinational brands like Lux and Colgate, whereas people of 183 countries were more acquainted with Gandhiji’s name. So he concludes that Gandhi is still a father of all Brands in the world. Similarly, Google Insight Search on 63rd Independence Day of India, declared Gandhi as the top Brand. So he concludes that Gandhi is still the father of all Brands in the world. Anyhow, I personally don’t take Gandhi as a brand, he was simply Grand!
But it seems the UPA Government is interested only bringing back the spectacles of Gandhiji from the World level auction through a Whisky King, but not interested the least in understanding what he had envisioned in Hind Swaraj from these glasses even in this centenary year of the Book..
Jaipur National Seminar 4-6 Sept
In the Pink City of Jaipur A National Seminar of SJM was held in the lush green environment of OTS. All the 151 participants besides the eminent resource persons and a large number of local gentry, coming from time to time for attending selected lectures, had a good churning time for the latest economic trends confronting the national and world as a whole. Two speakers attracted me most, seen from the old timer’s point of view. One was the lecture of Anupam Mishra, an eminent Gandhian thinker of repute and seeing and hearing his power point presentation was a physical and metaphysical experience. He was speaking on the topic of traditional water storage systems in Rajasthan and side by side he was comparing with the dilapidated, topsy-turvy condition of the governmental arrangements, irrespective of the political parties. He explained to the utter astonishment of the participants that in 99.7% village people depend on their local and traditional water storage system, namely the Tanka. The remaining 0.3% village, their survey disclosed were “be-chirag village” that is uninhabited villages or villages which have a name and territory but no human being residing there. So, besides this ‘Sarkaar’ which is practically ineffectual in this respect, a ‘Badi Sarkaar’ was working, that is, the public and their time-tested traditions. People with their own traditional systems store the rainy water, take care of its maintenance and upkeep in a splendid way. I had previously gone cursorily through his famous book “Even Now the tanks are useful” but this presentation I found, was more touching and informative.
Second speaker was the Magasaysay Awardee on RTI, Arvind Kejriwaal. Previous to it we had invited him twice or thrice in our Seminars but he every time sent his companions for delivering lectures. It was first time that he chose to come to our Seminar. His expose was splendid, informative and up-to-date. He chose not to spoke on the area for which he is known, that is, Right To Information (RTI). He rather selected an ultramodern subject, as he preferred to call it. According to him RTI has become a futile exercise if the masses do not have the right to reprimand, or reject the ineffectual and corrupt Governmental machinery. He has on his tips the classical examples of hoary Vaishali kingdom where king had to bow before the will of his subject. He was lass with several latest examples, culled from the world over, where subject of the city were the final authority. According to him the global giant retail group Wal-Mart could not open his outlet in Oregon city of America, because its inhabitants rejected the proposal. This was now where visible in India. He publicized much the Visual CD of Phokat Ram Panwar, village Pradhan of Hijre Bazaar. He said that a marvelous record of all round development was witnessed in this “once-a-famine-stricken-village” and residents per capita income shooting from Rs. 540 to Rs. 28,000. The reason was simple: this young Pradhan stick to the formula of seeking every body’s opinion before venturing on any new scheme. Kejrivaal summarized his agenda in very simple terms: we should seek our right in the management of the country and not merely be satisfied with the lame right of adult franchise. Similarly one new scholar on the dais was Sh. An ex Minister X-rayed very well the utopia of NREGA. However mention is to be made of Sh. Madandass ji speech wherein he said that SJM should built the capacity of collecting from one to one and half lakh people at one place and also have active units in ten thousand places. This will effect the economic and social agenda of the governments, whatever their colour. The overall atmosphere and learning attitude was encouraging and refreshening.
Tamil Nadu Dark Bill on Agriculture put on Hold – Good News
When our National Council Meeting met on 28-29 August all the representatives from Tamil Nadu seemed worried about the draconian law which has been passed by the TN State Assembly. It was against the traditional farming practices including the organic farming. On 9th this month all the leading farmers association came together and held programmes against the Bill. Prof Nammalwar and Devinder Sharma were explaining to the farmers that ‘if we allowed this legislation, ten years from now on, there would be no single farmer in the State’. And the very next day, that is exactly after 24 hours CM Karunanidhi says in the press conference that ‘in order to protect the traditional farming and respect the sentiments expressed by the farmers and the media, the Bill will be put on hold till further orders. Really it is a matter of congratulation for all those who were agitating against this Bill.
Let me tell you the dark story of the other side. The CM Karunanidhi was disclosing to the press that when the Bill was passed nobody including the opposition raised any single voice against this Bill. It took them full three months to rise from the deep slumber and echo their voice with the Farmers association against the Bill. I have before me the copy of the Bill which bears the date of passing: June 23, 2009. Though it is temporarily withdrawn, it is a warning for the farming community and organization to keep a constant watch against this Bill. So take a sigh of relief and say : Better Late Than Never!
Science Theses could now be presented in Kanadda : VC Declares
There is good news from Karnataka. VC of Mangalore University KM Kaveriappa said on Tuesday that his varsity will accept PhD theses on science topics written in Kannadda. Speaking at an inaugural function of the State chapter of Swadeshi Vijanana Andolana explained that there is a constraint in this, because when such theses would be evaluated by the foreign experts that would force the University to get such theses translated into English. And that the University will do it on its own, he added amidst clapping from the audience. He, however, appealed to the science writers in Kannadda that they should shed their rigidity and open themselves to accept science jargons from other languages also. It should be added that this is not the solitary victory of the Swadeshi Vijanan Andolan, but it is a very popular movement in the southern states and is getting momentum throughout the country to popularize science in the rural and remote areas.
Gurcharan Das ‘s new book on Economics soaked in Mahabharat Colours
Do you know something about this Management Guru and renowned economic columnist Gurcharan Das? I have read with interest some of his articles appearing regularly in English papers. But I always read him after activating my anti-virus mental apparatus, as I knew that he was a former CEO of Proctor and Gamble and an ardent vatary of free market economy, read, American model. Of late I feel elated to find a subtle change in him. May be the failure of this American economic model has added to his prudence or I am simply beguiled by his Osho like writing style, quoting profusely from Indian scriptures and especially Mahabharat.
Anyhow after going through the excerpts of his recently published book - outwardly on Mahabharata and internally a saga of day-to-day happenings in the economic field, I was swayed by the adeptness of his brush mixing epic and economics very beautifully. While depicting Duryodhana he is reminded of a comparison ‘which many think was responsible for bringing the global economy to its knees in 2008’. From Kauravs he immediately rushes to depict in darkest colour the IT Czar Ramalinga Raju who owned a thousand designer suits, 321 pairs of shoes and 310 belts. While sermonizing on Envy, Gurcharan jumps to Ambani brothers, their rags-to-riches story and fraternal feuds, with latest data and analyses. The name of the book is The Difficulty of Being Good – On the Subtle Art of Dharma. Patrick Olivelle seems right when he writes: “The recent global economic crisis has revealed deep corruption and lack of moral insight at the highest echelons of he economy….showing that it is difficult to be good, a constant moral struggle exemplified in the characters of the Mahabharata and the stories and moral tales narrated with such charm and force by Gurcharan Das.’
Tempted to know more about him I searched his official site and felt nearer to him after readng the following anecdote. When he explained to a retired civil servant about his desire to study Mahabharata, he exclaimed: Good Lord, man, you have not turned saffron, have you?’ Anyhow he goes on writing unhesitatingly: “The epic has given me great enjoyment in the past six years and I have become a Mahabharata addict. I feel sad that so many boys and girls in India are growing up rootless and they will never have access to these forbidden fruits of pleasures.’ Anyhow I have got his book, (not purchased) and started reading with good interest.. The book is certainly worth purchasing (when its paper back edition comes) and reading somehow now. Even after all this writing, my anti-virus equipment is still active about his motives!
2732 words and 5 pages.
Dear Readers;
1.The Moving Pen column started last month is a way of dialogue with you.and you know, it covers the time span of 15th of the previous month upto 14th of this Sept
.2.You know on 17th August was celebrated as the Centenary year of Martyrdom of Madanlal Dhingra and a book released by Shailendra Sainger. Please memorise also his bold words spoken at the trial time about the economic plight of the country, quoted here..
3.On 2nd Sept a joint rally in Delhi by SJM and BMS against the mini-ministerial meeting was really inspiring. It was widely covered in different countries. Moreover on every district headquarters such rallies etc, were held. To illustrate, only in MP such programmes were held at least 15 places!
4. Two National Seminars were held in Jaipur and Mangalore in this duration and you will read my comments in these columns.
5. Agitations:You will like to read about the Dark Agrarian Bill of TN govt. and bowing before the mounting public pressure, and how Mangalore University has accepted Kannadda as a language for science theses, and about the plight of Bundelkhand’s famine-like position and SJM arranging a Seminar on this topic in Mahoba. In Orissa Vedantam company is suspiciously starting a University and about one thousand acres of precious land of Bhagwan Jagannath ji is being given at throw-away price by the State Govt. A big agitation is expected to take place there, and on 27th Sept an agitation is to be launched against Wal-mart in Amritsar, and for both topics next issue is awaited.
6.Hind Swaraj: Being the Centenary Year of the book and Gandhiji’s birthday falling in the present span, you will find its touch in these column
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