Friday, September 24, 2010
Thursday, September 9, 2010
गंगा को बचाने के सम्बन्ध में कुछ तथ्य

भारत की हार के कारण क्या थे, WHY INDIA WAS DEFEATED.
1. FAKE REASONS: SOME REASONS ARE assigned by foreigners, fake reasons are usually three namely, hot weather, which produces laziness and secondly,our caste system which gave birth of ill-will amongst each other, and prominently this feeling of untouchability etc, and this too sounds frivolous as it was our internal division of labour concept, and caste system was by not birth and not by one’s profession, and there never was a class-war because of this. The third reason assigned is that be lacked modernity in war fare and in arms and ammunition. It may be partially true because from the time immemorial we have been fond of ultramodern weapons, and Indian swords were famous throughout the world. One more reason is assigned, namely we always praised asceticism, or selfishness etc, and remained against financial opulence, and this was all due to our wrong concepts mentioned in our scriptures. It too sounds totally bogus charge,because in a country where Godess Lakshmi is worshipped every year, and where our forth Purusharaths consists,Dharam-Arath-Kaam- and Mokash, so where have our scriptures preached poverty and deficiency etc. Certainly not! Assigning such like baseless and laughable reasons, the foreigners were putting us on the wrong track and thus misguiding us. By taking hold of wrong reasons, real reasons could have further made the situations worst. Banta had taken opium in high doses and sleeping with Banta on the roof and were disturbed by rain. Banta was assisting in taking the charpai, wooden cot down floor and enquired that if he had taken grip of the cot, so that he may loosen his grip. Santa instead caught tightly the wooden frame of door i.e.chokhat of the door and said in loud voice, let it come, let it come, chod de, chod de,, and lo the cot hit badly his head. Banta cried and santa enquired why you said that you had made grip of the cot, Banta replied, that is still in my grip but why have you thrown the next cot! Oh we will catch the wrong reasons of decline, we will also meet the fate of Banta. Our Mahesh Sharma gives an other instance to prove this point. One man who is wearing his pant after a long time and feels tight and declares that the pants have squeezed, little admitting the real cause that he himself has become fatty and also appoints an enquiry committee to know the real cause of squeezing of pants, what results can we assume will accrue from such a fact finding committee. He affirms that such things ae actually happening in life. So we should not become a victim of foreigners trap of assigning fake reasons of our decline.
2. Actually five reasons are assigned for this. One lack of national spirit or say all India spirit in contrast to regionalism, second, with the adoption of Buddhism as a state religion, undue importance given tothe concept of ahimsa, or non-violence in the national affairs, third being over stress on virtues, called sadguna vikriti. Cow protection, ahimsa, loyality to the kings and that went to the foreigner rulers as well, fourth being lack of discipline as in the case of third battle of Panipat and Mangal Pandey disobeying the time schedule to start first war of Indian independence. Similarly the absence of Home Coming in the case of converted Muslims as in the case of people who drank the water polluted by beef, and Brahmins resistance to reconverting Muslims into Hindu fold etc. All these should kept in mind and also to realise that these things are still happening and ailing the nation even now, and remedies are to be given for them. Let us not forget the adage: the farthest backward we can see, the farthest forward we can look.
3. STRANGE THINGS: Dr. Hedgewar, in his adolescence, when saw the Peshwas’ fort with Union Jack also thought again and again that why foreign flag was hoisting on our forts and why it was the Englishmen from 6000 kilometers came and to subdue us. I think every patriot one day or the other is face to face with this question that why we were defeated by foreigners for the last 1000 years. I think you too might have faced a similar query from others or sometimes from your inner self that why our country suffered such humiliations from outsiders Mujhe marne a gam nahin, magar is baat ka gam hai, jis jahah pe duba wahan pani bahut kam hai. That why we defeated at the hands of marauders of inferior culture and other qualities as compared to our forefathers.
4. There are seven miracles in our country wherein comes Taj Mahal and others. Similarly there come to my mind some puzzles which I fail to understand. For example, (1)Muhammad bin Qasim with a small platoons of cavaliers was able to defeat one after the other forts of our country. I have heard this example several times and each time I wish it should be an exaggeration, but it is true. (2) That we failed in 1857 seven because we did not have the advanced topkhanas on our side. (3) That we forgave many times the same aggressor in the form of Muhammad Ghori and when once he is successful he takes out the eyes of Prithviraj Chauhan. Why we could not guess his bad intentions even in the beginning. (4) Where the scripture like Mahabharat clearly teaches every one that Lord Krishana even persuaded Bhima to hit the vulnerable part below the belt of Duryadhana even disobeying the rules of games and when Balram also comes to protest , Krishna silences him by asking where were he when such a treacherous move of killing Abhimanya, and dishonouring the modesty of Dropadhi was enacted in the presence of everybody in the day light and in the courtroom itself.(5) Why in such a country Alexander was able to perform a treacherous move of sending her beloved, Hellen,to get a promise from Poras in the form of binding Rakhi on his hands on the Raksha Bandhan day. When Alexandra was defeated in the same battlefield by Poras she begs the life of his lover and as such Alexander was rescued. Later on he killed several thousands of sisters of this country and rendered them husbandless. Why his hands not trembled when he was saving such a villain. (6) We are five and they are hundred, but if somebody from another country fights with us we are one hundred and five, where such words were uttered by Pandava, why it is that instances like the defeat of Third Battle of Panipat take place.(B) Similarly thousands of pilgrims go to the temple of Bhagwan Jagannath to take darshan, but due to indiscipline, die due to elbowing and consequent stampede.
5. Sadguna Vikriti: Cow is like our mother but how is that some Mughal rulers tie together a herd of cows and come attacking Hindus behind this herd, directing arrows on us and instead of taking positions to fight back we are silently adoring the attackers because we cannot kill the cows. Little imagining that after this victory the first thing the enemy was going to do was to kill all the cows in their presence and finishing all of this city and then shooting the Hindus. Is it what is called respect for our cows.
6. Indiscipline: Discipline does not only means that we should stand erect and be punctual in functions. It also means that we should obey the decision taken by everybody, although every body has not agreed to the decision. In the eventful year of 1761, ie. In the Third Battle of Panipat, on the one side Ahmadshah Abdali and on the otherside was Sadashivrao Peshwa. When Peshwa called a meeting to chalk out the strategy for this battle, a prominent Sardar Malharrao Holkar suggested vehemently to fight with guerrilla tactics which was turned down by Peshwa. So annoyed was he that he went to the extent of dissociating himself alongwith his battalion from the battle and remained a mere spectator to the whole battle and even he did not buzzed an inch when the Hindus were butchered to the level of annihilation. They were pleased to see the result of their disobeyance.
7. Similarly Sh. Guruji gives an exact example of Raja Karansingh of Karnavati, Gujarat. In a moment of weakness he usurped the wife of his chieftain. His religious minded Minister felt very much ashamed to not able to rescue that mishap. After repeated persuasions and requests when the King did not reciprocate, the said Minister felt so much annoyed that he went to the rival armies of Mughal for help. It is noteworthy to mention that Mughal armies were camping for so many years in the vicinity of this empire, but because of the bravery of this King could not find any chance. The Minister even went to Delhi with the help of these rival camps and requested him to punish the King. With his assistance and know-how the rival camps were able to defeat Raja Karansingh and also were able to go the extreme corner of Southern states, as this king was playing a very steadfast wall for these southern states.Guruji explains, the king was good in national character but weak in personal character. The minister was on the other hand, strong in personal character but weak in national character and that lead to the whole decline of the state.
8. Pseudo Non-violence: In a country where Lord Krishana admonishes Arjuna for his so called disgustment on seeing his relatives in battlefield. Arjuna is revered because he adhered to his preaching and fought the battle valiantly. Similar is the position of Ashoka after seeing the Kalinga Battle but he could not find a teacher like Krishna to preach. How strange is it that his sense of ignorance is taken as a bliss and revered everywhere. This cost us heavily and in almost every battle after Ashoka we were defeated by others. Though a Krishan like personality appeared only in the form of Shankaracharya who cleared the smoke created by Ashoka. Even in a discussion with Mundan Mishra and Shankaracharya, Mundan Mishra’s wife also takes the side of Shankaracharya, and both become his disciple. Such a role is adopted by Sangh as Shankaracharya has adopted at that time.
9. Even our former President APJ Kalam says that the main cause of decline of our country was that we forgot that peace is achieved only by power, and while analysing this defeatist mentality, he was not satisfied with the survey period of 150 years but insisted that we should take account of 1000 years to analyse this malady. Though himself an advocate of Nuclear weapons for the country, he clearly said that by power he means the power of common man, and thirdly that for energising the common man, some value based programmes should be popularised.
10. POWER POINTS OF NATION ARE ALWAYS ATTACKED; Whenever there becomes any power point for the nation, it is attacked by the evil powers. In Rama’s time Asharams of rishis were attacked by Rakshas, and at other times these Gurukuls were devasted and big universities like Nalanda and Takshila took birth, these were also attacked by marauders, later on people turned to temples and Babar only attacked the temples of Rama and Krishana, and in Shiva ji time, when all these things were not possible and Swami ram asked his disciple to make akharas the power point, these were also attacked. Now Shakhas are under attack, and what does this mean?
11. IMMITATIVE NATURE or lack of self-respect: In the case of English people, they destroyed out self respect and started imitating everything from England. Guruji recalls a similar quotation from one of our Ambassador, who while praising Pope, said that by the time a copy of Sermon on Mount is available, there is no danger that all the scriptures like Gita are thrown into fire! And the instance of Vijay lakshmi Pandit is also worth mentioning. After independence of our country when she was appointed the Ambassador to Russia she presented his credentials in English, where upon the authorities returned it saying that English is not a language of protocol with your country and so please present the credential in Hindi. Hastily a credential in Hindi was also presented which too was returmed with the complaint and there were so many grammatical mistakes iin Hindi. The country was full of shame on that occasion.
Lack of National Character: In the shakha today I asked about the cause of our downfall. One said lack of Unity and the second said greediness of our people. When I asked them if these shortcomings were not in the intruders, both said yes. Then why with these shortcomings we were defeated and they became the conquerors? I said the reign of Kind Ashoka did a lot of difference as he for the first time made Buddhism the State Religion and the policies of common man were applied on the State as a whole. Individual respect for non-violence is OK but applying it on the state was wrong. One after the other intruders which hitherto were frisked away by our soldiers came to occupy our territories after that. Everybody has listened to this aspect that Gupta period was the Golden Period of our History and the territories were extended to the maximum and after Kind Ashoka, all these squeezed to the minimum, one by one. Secondly I gave the reason of lack of national character. They, the intruders were also susceptible to such human weaknesses like greed, but when the question of nation comes, they sacrificed these. Here stress on personal purity overpowered our national character concept. Even now this thing is visible everywhere. America is one such example. Opposition parties are there and they quarrel over each and everything, but when the question of nation as a whole comes, they are one. They showed their solidarity even at the time of twin tower fall. Their newspapers never criticised the government. Here in case of Mumbai attack the tone of media and leaders were different. Israel, German and some other countries are spectacular examples of this National character. In the name of Human Rights always there are people who are criticising every aspect of police while dealing with hardened criminals. Human right concept starts and ends with Naxalism and innocent people are massacred in J&K they remain silent. Such people cann’t be hooked in the right way and some stratagem has to be applied while dealing with such criminal. It is a type of Sadguna Vikrity that we should have mercy for the sufferers or the downtrodden, but it is wrong to help in the name of human rights, such hardened criminals who are taking undue benefit from the shortcomings of legal systems. (it is here that the topic is becoming somewhat relevant to the present context and thus intellectually interesting. National characters’ examples of foreign countries, and human right hoax, and everybody understands it with the present context.
After making elaborate preparation, Mohammad-Bin-Kasim, the son-in-law of Hajjaj, was sent with a well equipped army. He advanced to Makran and laid siege to Debal in 711 A.D. The capital was captured then, Muhammad advanced along the Indus to conquer the whole area. It appears that very often trachery led to the Arab conquest of Sind Muhammad advanced against Multan and succeeded in capturing it. According to Chachanam, Muhammad himself advanced to the frontier of Kashmir.
The triumph and career of Bin Kasim was suddenly cut short by political changes at home. Since the new Caliph was the sworn enemy of Hajjaj. Muhammad was taken prisoner, insulted and tortured to death.
This development made Jaisimha, the son of Daher, to re-occupy Bahmansbad. The Caliph sent an army to subdue the rebels. They even parleyed with Jaisimha. Junaid, the Governor of Sind, defeated Jaisimha and took him prionser. Thus ended the dynasty of Daher and the independence of Sind.
The comperatively easy conquest of Muhammad, son of Kasim, should not make us forget the long resistance offered by Sind to the Arabs.
Later, Junaid sent several expeditions to the interior of India. They were signally defeated by the Pratihara kng Nagabhatta - I Pulakesin, the Chalukya chief of Gujarata, and probably also by Yasovarman. These defeats forced the Arabs to confine themselves to Sind. The Arabs lost control of Sind during the last years of Umayyids. The Abbasid Caliphs once again started to re-establish their power in Sind. A claim was made. The Arabs once again conquered Multan and Kashmir bu the evidence shows that Lalitadiya thrice defeated the Arabs. It was some time between 800 and 830 A.D. that the Arabs fully re-conquered the lost areas. It was during this period that the Arabs forces probably advanced as far as Chittor but the resistance offered by Indian kings probably forced them to retreat.
स्वदेशी - विदेशी वस्तुओं की सूची
List of Swadeshi Companies and Products
Given below is a list of companies and products we use in our daily life. We should use the products/companies which are swadeshi(written in green below) instead of foreign companies(written in red below):
1. Cold drinks2. Tea & coffee3. Child food & milk powder4. Icecream5. Salt6. Potato chips & snacks7. Tomato ketchup & fruit jam8. Biscuit & chocolates9. Water10. Health tonics11. Ghee & edible oil12. Toothpaste/Powder13. Toothbrush14. Bathing soap15. Shampoo16. Washing soap, powder, neel17. Shaving cream18. Shaving blade19. Cream, powder, cosmetic products20. Readymade garments21. Watches/clocks22. Stationery23. Electronics24. Computers25. Cars
Foreign- Coca Cola(Coke, Fanta, Sprite, Thumbsup, Limca, Goldpat), Pepsi(Lehar, 7up, Mirinda, Slice)
Swadeshi- Rose Drink(Sherbat), Badam Drink, Milk, Lassi, Curd, yoghurt, Chaach, Juice, Lemonade(Nimbu Paani), Coconut Water(Naariyal Paani), Shakes, Jaljeera, Thandai, Roohafza, Rasna, Frooti, Godrej Jumpin, etc
Foreign- Lipton(Tiger, Green Label, Yellow Label, Cheers), BrookBond(Red Label, Taj Mahal), Godfrey Philips, Polsan, Goodrick, Sunrise, Nestle, Nescafe
Swadeshi- Divya Peya(Patanjali), Tata, Brahmaputra, Aasam, Girnaar, Indian Cafe, M.R.
Foreign- Nestle(Lactogen, Cerelac, Nestam, L.P.F, Milkmaid, Eaveryday, Galtco), GlaksoSmithCline(Farex)
Swadeshi- Honey, Boiled rice, Fruit Juice. Amul, Sagar, Tapan, Milk Care, etc.
Most ice-creams have animal intestinal extracts.
Foreign- Walls, Quality, Cadbury, Dolps, Baskin & Robins.
Swadeshi- Homemade icecream/coolfi, Amul, Vadilal, Milk food, etc.
Foreign- Annapurna, Captain Cook(HUL- Hindustan Unilever), Kisan(Brookbond), Pilsbury.
Swadeshi- Ankur, Saindha namak(Patanjali), Low Sodium & Iron-45 Ankur, Tata, Surya, Taja, Tara.
Foreign- Uncle, Pepsi(Ruffle, Hastes), FunMunch, etc
Swadeshi- Bikano Namkeen, Haldiram, Homemade chips, Bikaji, AOne, etc
Nestle, BrookBond (Kisaan), Brown and Palson
Swadeshi- Patanjali(Fruit jam, Apple jam, Mix jam), Homemade sauce/ketchup, Indana, Priya, Rasna.
Most choclates have Arsenic(Poison).
Foreign- Cadbury(Bournvita, 5Star), Lipton, Horlicks, Nutrine, Eclairs.
Swadeshi- Patanjali(Amla Candy, Bel Candy, Aarogya biscuit), Parle, Indana, Amul, Ravalgaon, Bakemens, Creamica, Shagrila.
Foreign- Aquafina, Kinley, Beiley, Pure life, Ivian.
Swadeshi- Home-boiled pure water, Ganga, Himalaya, Rail neer, Bisleri.
Foreign- Boost, Polson, Bournvita, Horlicks, Complan, Spurt, Proteinex.
Swadeshi- Patanjali(Badam Pak, Chyawanprash, Amrit Rasayan, Nutramul)
Foreign- Nestle, ITC, Hindustan Uniliver(HUL)
Swadeshi- Param Ghee, Amul, Handmade cow ghee, Patanjali(Sarso ka tel).
Foreign- Most toothpastes are made from Animal bone powder. Colgate, Hindustan Uniliver(HUL)(Closeup, Pepsodent, Cibaca), Aquafresh, Amway, Quantum, Oral-B, Forhans.
Swadeshi- Patanjali(Dant Kanti, Dant Manjan), Vico Bajradanti, MDH, Baidyanath, Gurukul Pharmacy, Choice, Neem, Anchor, Meswak, Babool, Promise.
Foreign- Colgate, Closeup, Pepsodent, Oral-B, Aquafresh, Cibaca
Swadeshi- Ajay, Promise, Ajanta, Royal, Classic, Dr. Strock, Monate.
Foreign- Hindustan Unilever(HUL)(Lux, Liril, Lifebuoy, Denim, Dove, Revlon, Pears, Rexona, Bridge, Hamam, Okay), Ponds, Detol, Clearsil, Palmolive, Amway, Johnson Baby, Vivel(ITC).
Swadeshi- Patanjali(Kayakanti, Kayakanti Aloevera), Nirma, Medimix, Neem, Nima, Jasmine, Mysore Sandal, Kutir, Sahara, Himani Glyscerene, Godrej(Cinthol, Fairglo, Shikakayi, Ganga), Wipro, Santoor.
Foreign- Colgate, Palmolive, HUL(Lux, Clinic, Sunsilk, Revlon, Lakme), Proctar & Gamble(Pantent, Medicare), Ponds, Old Spice, Shower to Shower, Head & Shoulders, Johnson Baby, Vivel.
Swadeshi- Patanjali(Kesh Kanti), Wipro, Park Avenue, Swatik, Ayur Herbal, Kesh Nikhar, Hair & Care, Arnica, Velvet, Dabur Vatika, Bajaj, Nyle, Lavender, Godrej.
Foreign- HUL(Surf, Rin, Sunlight, Wheel, Okay, Vim), Arial, Check, Henko, Quantum, Amway, Rivil, Woolwash, Robin Blue, Tinapal, Skylark
Swadeshi- Tata Shudh, Nima, Care, Sahara, Swastik, Vimal, Hipolin, Fena, Sasa, TSeries, Dr. Det, Ghadi, Genteel, Ujala, Ranipal, Nirma, Chamko, Dip
Foreign- Old Spice, Palmolive, Ponds, Gillete, Denim.
Swadeshi- Park Avenue, Premium, Emami, Balsara, Godrej, Nivea.
Foreign- Gillete, 70clock, Wilman, Wiltage.
Swadeshi- Topaz, Gallant, Supermax, Laser, Esquire, Silver Prince, Premium.
Foreign- HUL(Fair & Lovely, Lakme, Liril, Denim, Revelon), Proctar & Gamble(Clearsil, Cleartone), Ponds, Old Spice, Detol, Charli, Johnson Baby.
Swadeshi- Patanjali(KayaKanti, KayaKanti Aloevera, Kantilep) Neem, Borosil, Ayur Emami, Vico, Boroplus, Boroline, Himani Gold, Nyle, Lavender, Hair & Care, Heavens, Cinthol, Glory, Velvet(Baby).
Foreign- Rangler, Nike, Duke, Adidas, Newport, Puma, Reebok
Swadeshi- Cambridge, Park Avenue, Bombay Dyeing, Ruf & Tuf, Trigger Jeans.
Foreign- Baume&Mercier, Bvigari, Chopard, Dior, FranckMuller, Gizard-Perregaux, Hublot, JaquetDroz, LeonHatot, Liadro, Longines, MontBlanc, Mocado, Piaget, Rado, Raymond Weil, Swarovski, TagHeuer, Ulysse Nardin, Vertu, Swatch, Rolex, Swissco, Seeko
Swadeshi- Titan, HMT, Maxima, Prestige, Ajanta.
Foreign- Parker, Nickleson, Rotomac, Swissair, Add Gel, Ryder, Mitsubishi, Flair, Uniball, Pilot, Rolgold.
Swadeshi- Camel, Kingson, Sharp, Cello, Natraj, Ambassador, Linc, Montex, Steek, Sangita, Luxor.
Foreign- Samsung, LG, Sony, Hitachi, Haier.
Swadeshi- Voltas, Videocon, BPL, Onida, Orpat, Oscar, Salora, ET&T, T-series, Nelco, Weston, Uptron, Keltron, Cosmic, TVS, Godrej, Brown, Bajaj, Usha, Polar, Anchor, Surya, Oriont, Cinni, Tullu, Crompton, Loyds, Blue Star, Voltas, Cool home, Khaitan, Everready, Geep, Novino, Nirlep, Elite, Jayco, Titan, Ajanta, HMT, Maxima, Alwin watch, Ghari, Bengal, Maysoor, Hawkins, Prestige pressure cooker and products of small scale and cottage industries.
Foreign- HP, Compaq, Dell, Microsoft.
Swadeshi- Amar PC, Chirag, HCL.
Foreign- MarutiSuzuki, Hyundai, Chevrolet, Ford , Nissan
Swadeshi- TATA, Mahindra, Hindustan Motors
1. Although there have only been about 50 cases identified in the UK so far, scientists fear it will go global. NDM-1 can exist inside different bacteria, like Ecoli, and it makes them resistant to one of the most powerful groups of antibiotics-carbapenems
2. According to a paper published in scientific journal 'Lancet', the new superbug, which is said to be resistant even to most powerful antibiotics, has entered UK hospitals and is travelling with patients who had gone to countries like India and Pakistan for surgical treatments. Bacteria that make an enzyme called NDM-1 or New Delhi-Metallo-1, have travelled back with NHS patients who went abroad to countries like India and Pakistan for treatments such as cosmetic surgery, it said.
3. The issue also figured in the Rajya Sabha where members suspected the hands of multinational pharmaceutical and hospital companies behind the claims. "When India is emerging as a medical tourism destination, this type of news is unfortunate and may be a sinister design of multinational companies" to defame the Indian medical sector, S S Ahluwalia (BJP) said. Demanding a response from the government, he said some foreign tourists after returning from India reported some infection and attributed it to Indian hospitals. "It may not be true," he said. Claiming that there was a conflict of interest in the publication of the report, the Government said that the study was funded by the European Union and two pharma companies - Wellcome Trust and Wyeth - who produce the antibiotics for treatment of such cases
4. Sources say Karthikeyan K Kumaraswamy, the scientist who was heading the study, received a travel grant from Wyeth. David M Livermore, another scientist on the team, received conference support from numerous pharma companies and also holds shares in AstraZeneca, Merck, Pfizer, Dechra and GlaxoSmithKline and as Enduring Attorney, manages more holdings in GlaxoSmithKline and Eco Animal
5. You have read that Karthikeyan Kumaraswamy, one of the co-authors of the report has denied, has disassociated [himself] from this report,” he said.
6. Indicating a conspiracy, he said “...obviously, we have to find out if there are some kind of ulterior motives or not of some pharmaceutical industries as well. I personally feel that sometimes, some things are commercially motivated. So we ought to get into the detail and depth of it. As a country we cannot take anything lying down.” — PTI
1. The unpredictability and irreversibility of Genetic Engineering (GE) and the uncontrollability of GE crops in the environment coupled with studies pointing at the potential risk to human health and environment has resulted in a controversy across the world around the need for introducing such potentially risky organisms
2. The nationwide debate on Bt Brinjal highlighted the concerns of all sections of the society including scientist on GM food in general and Bt Brinjal in particular. This also saw 10 state governments writing to the central government about the concerns they have with Bt Brinjal. All this at that time had lead to a moratorium on Bt Brinjal declared by the Union Environment Minister Jairam Ramesh.
3. Instead of heeding the citizens concerns and establishing a strong regulatory mechanism with the mandate of protecting the health of the citizens, livelihood of our farmers and safety of our environment the Government is going ahead with the establishment Biotechnology Regulatory Authority of India (BRAI) which will act as a single window clearance mechanism for GM crops, in effect paving the way for the re-approval of Bt Brinjal.
Here are some of the problems with this bill:
4. The approval of GM crops would be based on a presumption that GM crops are a potential solution to all agricultural problems and that the country’s food security crisis can be resolved by introducing GM crops. On the contrary, many scientists agree to fact that real solutions for today’s agricultural problems are in ecological farming methods.
5. The approvals also presume that the safety of a GM crop can be best assessed by the company which stands to benefit from the approval.
6. The bill proposes a centralised, technocratic decision making authority with no scope for democratic intervention. The apex authority is the BRAI with a chairperson and two members, all scientists with either a biotech or a health background.
- 7. BRAI gives no role to state governments in the approval of GM crops even though agriculture is a state subject under the Indian constitution.
- 8. BRAI sits inside the Ministry of Science and technology creating serious conflict of interest.Dept of Biotechnology – under the Ministry of Science &Technology, has the mandate of promotion of GE crops. DBT funds several GE crop development projects using public funds and is the nodal agency for redirecting funds from foreign governments to GE crop development projects.
- 9. Sections of the bill super cede the Right to Information Act and place the decision to disclose information for public interest with the authority instead of the Central Information Commission or the Delhi high court. The BRAI would kill any informed public debate on GE crops in future, one of the aspects that helped in stopping Bt Brinjal.
- 10. BRAI kills consumer choice and promotes GE polluters as it has no provision for labeling of GE crops, or liability of the crop developer due to economic losses by contamination.
11. There is a need re-draft the bill, first with an effort to disclose the draft bill and hold public consultations and take in suggestions and issues that are concerning the all citizens of our country.
With the Government failing us by giving an approval for the BRAI bill, our hope lies with the National Advisory Council under your chairpersonship. The fact that the council pro-actively and effectively intervened in the drafting of two important legislations, the Food Security bill and the Communal Violence bill and is doing so with many others, gives us confidence that you will heed the concerns of us citizens and would stop the bill from being tabled in the Parliament in its present form.
The agri-biotech policy of this country is in need for a critical review and we hope the NAC can provide millions of farmers who practice ecological farming a chance to rejuvenate the country’s food production and re-establish its food security.
वेदान्त विश्वविद्यालय विरोधी आन्दोलन
1.Regarding the Status of the Company:
1.1 Defects of LA Act 1894, acquisition under this act is illegal because it is not for a 'person' but it is for a 'public' and Anil Aggarwal foundation is a private company, and it has illegally concealed its identity.
1.2 Lokpal has also passed strictures against three senior officers who camouflaged the identity of the company.
1.3 The law in itself if a draconian law which was drafted by foreign rules to deprive the common men of their land, and even after years of Independence we are not able to rescind this Law. There are certain examples where this law has not been misused.
1.5 LA 1894 clearly mentions that the land is to acquired for only 'public purpose' , where as Vedanta is a private company registered under Companies Act of 1956 Anil Aggarwal Foundation is a company registered under the provisions of Section 25 of the Companies Act, as a company “limited by Guarantee having no share capital” and the guarantee is only 20,000 rupee and is purchasing land of 6000 acres. It has misrepresented itself as Public Ltd company with Share Capital Under the law of Compaies Act 1956, a company registered under the provisions of Section 25 cannot be convered into a “Public Limited Company with Share Capital..
1.6 Clear cut violation of the UGC Act of 1956 which clearly says that without granting the university by any competent authority, nobody can use the word university and provides for a penal fine of Rs. 1000. However no action is contemplated against this institution.
2. BHAGWAN JAGANNATH'S LAND: Government has sold 500 acres of land @ Rs. 1.5 lacs per acres against the circle rate of Rs. 3 lacs. where as the prevailing market rate is Rs. 10 lacs per acres.
2.1 Shri Jagannath Temple Act 1955 clearly states that no land of this temple can be leased out for more than 5 years or mortgaged, sold or otherwise alienated except with preious sanction of the State Government. Here no such permission was received. The reasons given by the Administrator are very queer. He says that the land acquired by this university though belongs to Jagannath ji was however under the plough of local farmers and in case of sale it was first to be offered to the cultivators in possession and they have already accepted the LA compensation ounder protest, thus its all legal and regular.Fraud of course.
2.2 Irreparable cultural loss. Magnificent Sun temple of Konark is the culmination of Orissa temple architecture and one of the most stunning monuments of world level. Kona and Arc which means angle and Sun (built in 1278 CE and called black Pagoda throughout the world and is a World Heritage according to UNESCO, whereas Jagannath temple is called White Pagoda. Jagannath temple has a reference in Rig Veda and was built in 1174 CE.
2.3 Even now the Puri town is used by foreigners as a destination for cheap narcotics and psychtropic substances because of availability of several banned substances here. Further increase in population due to this project will change the nature of the religious sanctity.
3.1 Orissa has 70% of its population living in rural areas and 75% of its workforce depends on agriculture.
3.2 The total cultivable area of the state is 6.18 million hectares out of which 1.88 is irrigated, which is 33% approximately. Whereas Puri district has 2,64,988 hectares of which 1,88,745 (71% plus) hectares is under cultivation out of which 1,70,658 (90%) hectares is under paddy crop. Rice is the main crop and comprises 70% in the kharif season and accounts for 90% food production. When the rice productivity of the State is dismal 1.7 ton/hectare against the national figure of 2.9 tons/hectare, then why this land shift for other purposes. Therefore the State suffers from food shortage ranging from 9.76 million tons to 38.60 million tonnes. So in these condition why Government is allowing such large area of two or three crops to be left for university.
3.3 Harvard Univesity area is 380 acres, JNU ; 1000 acres, Utkal university of Bhuvaneshwar is about 400 acres, Why 6000 for this university.
3.4 concept of 1 lack student is unviable: That no university of the world has 1,00,000 or anything near to it, and that university of Chicago has 13,700 students, (4000 of it under graduates), even University of Berkeley has 33,000 students and it size has been capped. Best universities or small in its number.
3.5 FORCED MIGRATION; A catch all label for persons forced to leave his home , homeland. In the last 20 years we have seen displacement or resettlement of some two hundred million people as a result of development projects (Cornea 2000:11). A term DIDR is used that means development induced displacement and resettlement. States monopoly over management of force, and most acute expressions of powerlessness because it constitutes a loss of control over one's physical space.
4. Adjascent area's Right: Providing 4-lane road from Bhubaneshwar city/airport to the project site within a period of two years from the date here and development on both sides of the 4 lane access road shall be under the joint control of governement and Vendant to ensure planned development. And MoU further states that land use/zoning plan in the 5 km radius from the university boundary shall be made in consultation with the Vedanta. Moreover it will be free of any charges, stamp duty, Entry tax etc. For next 20 years.
5. Enviornmental Effects and Waterbodies:
5.1 Balukhand Sanctuary. The flora and fauna is marvelous. So it is called eco-fragile area, and therefore under statutory rules and laws of 10 kms margin is to be left around the sanctuary and it is conveniently given go-by and therefor smacks of malafide intentions and extraneous reasons.
5.2 Here a river mouth and a river are being privatised and these are natural bodies wherein every individual can claim utilization.
5.3 The population of Orissa is 4% and water availability is 11% acc. to 2001 census. So everybody is eyeing these resources. And by 2050 it will be reduced to 2218 m per capita from 3359 m in 2001. Reasons for this decline is increase in demand for road and water and with growth in mining and industrial activity. So there will be a water crisis.
5.4. Necessity of Management of Saline Ingress due to tidal effects. Because over exploitation of ground water in coastal areas, brings in its wake a distinct possibility of permanent contamination of the ground water reserves through the saline ingress.
5.5. Prevention of tidal effects: Everyday reports of rising sea levels are coming and receding coastal line and Puri-Konark marine drive was a cauality to that following which the State had to look for methods to counter natural incursions in the coastal areas. So government should not think of tinkering with nature on this coastal front. Sea level is rising by 12 to 14 inches per century.
5.6 The Central Polution Control Board and Ministry of Environment and Forests in 2000 have identified Chilika lake, the Bhitarkanika forest areas and Beaches, especially the Gahirmatha sea beach and beaches of Puri and Konark as Fragile coastal areas. These sea beaches are considered rare for the diversity of small size crabas and sea turtle’s nesting grounds and this beach is already in danger due to tourist access.
5.7 Balukhand-Konark Sanctuary covers 71.72 sq. Kms. of area along with the sea coast and western boundary of the santuary has 448 acres of land which is protected as “Sweet Water Zone” as it was identified during the British time. Two rivers namely Nuanai and Kusabhadra which are subject to tidal effects, pass through sanctuary area. It also contributes to recharge of fresh water levels underground in the aforesaid 448 acres of protected sweet water zone. This area is called a golden Triangle.
6. THOREUM DEPOSITS and other Rare earths
6.1 Several other businessmen have also evinced interest in this land and is said to contain several rare deposits of Monazite and other radio-active materials. Anil Aggarwal has the reputation of owning mines in various parts of the globe. A question raised by MP Rudranarain Pani was answered in positive regarding the availability of thoreum in this patch of land. If proven true, the land is of strategic and economic importance and as well. So it belongs to the nation and should not be handed over to a business concern when plentiful land is available at alternative places.
CONCLUSION: We should consider the plight of millions of people who are directly or indirectly affected in this polarization of interests and this model should be nabbed in the bud which provides encouragement to market forces and profit-driven business established to broker/pawn/sale/ and helplessness of the deprived citizen of this country.
1. The availablity of rare earth factor and thoreum in particular is one reason that this land cannot be given to a private company of this bad reputation. And SH. Rudranarain Pani standing at the side of this affair, there is all possibility that the land will not be given to Anil Aggarwal.
2. The reputation of Advocate Jayant Dass is above board, so far as professional integrity is concerned. Though belonging to Congress and it was due to them that he became Adv Gen at one time, but he belongs to the hierarchy of Gopbandhudas and he will do justice to that legacy, it seems. Moreover the way he took a oath of not entering the Jagannath temple before succeeding in this case also assures us about the ultimate success.
3. There is utter disregard for enviornmental laws here, the mouth of river, nearness to the sanctuary, flood protection area and sweet water zone and other reasons are sufficient to block the efforts of any person on this virgin sea beach or marine drive to be occupied by him. If we will stop any other similar organisation will accept this case and proceed further.
4. The nature of this company, section 25 company is such that it is totally illegal for it to acquire land. Uma Ballabh Rath was dead sure that this company will not change itself to a Public limited company with shares, and without it no body can acquire land for it.
5. Bhagwan Jagannath Land issue will also be sufficient to evoke response. If some persons like Shankaracharya of Puri or some religious people comes to the side of the agitators, there is sufficient scope for public response against it. Some religious organisations will definitely come in this fray and ultimately the issue will be a big catche. So it is not with the acceptance of 22 villages the company can acquire this land, and every devotee of Bhagwan Jagan Nath and votary of enviornment has its stakes in this affair.
स्विस बैंको में कालाधन और भारत
1. The occasion was the 60th anniversary of Indo-Swiss Friendship Treaty. Admitting that Indian black money gets hoarded in his country, he added that the new law in Switzerland would, not stop it, but control it “up to a certain limit”.
2. Swiss banks are not the only secret destination. There are 37 such shelters in the world, says US Inland Revenue. The secret owners of the secreted monies operate in secrecy — venal businessmen, corrupt politicians, public servants, drug lords, and criminal gangs like the D-company. The slush monies are the financial RDX for terror, besides weapons of mass destruction of national and global finance. That there is secret money is no more a secret. Only the amounts and persons are secret.
3. the late 1980s, at the behest of The Indian Express, while investigating the Reliance scam, I had attempted to trail the Indian monies secreted abroad. In the course of the probe, I had contacted Fairfax, a US investigative firm, to uncover the Indian wealth stashed abroad. Impressed by their skills, I persuaded the Government of India to engage the firm for the task. Fairfax agreed to work for a slice of the black wealth uncovered by them as fee.
4. It is undisputed that the Nehruvian socialist model forced huge sums out of India. So the amount of Indian black wealth secreted away in the last 60 years — estimated at from $500 billion (Rs 25 lakh crore) to $1400 billion (Rs 70 lakh crore) — does not seem to be wide off the mark. Economists call it flight of capital. This is the people’s money stolen from them.
5. See the consequence even if part of it is brought back. A portion of it would make India free from all external debts which is now over $220 billion; India will transform into an economic superpower; some 10 or 15 Indian rupees could buy a US dollar which today 50 Indian rupees cannot; a litre of petrol on our roadside would cost Rs 15 or even less, against today’s 50 plus; the cost of imports in rupee terms would be down to a third or half; India’s entire infrastructure needs can be funded; India will become so energy efficient and costcompetitive that exporters may need no sops at all; India will lend to — not, as it does now, borrow from — the world; Indian housing can be funded at affordable cost; rural poverty can be wiped out... The list is endless
7. Advani rounded off asking the prime minister to take up the issue of Indian monies stashed away in secret Swiss banks and in other tax havens at the G20 meet at London slated for April 2, 2009. Yet, at the London meet, Dr Manmohan Singh would not utter a word
8. “Why this now, at the time of the elections?” asked the Congress spokesman Manish Tiwari, not knowing that Advani had written to the prime minister long before, in April 2008 itself, on the LGT bank issue. Then entered Abhishek Singhvi, the more articulate spokesman of the party. He asked what did Advani do when NDA was in power. Obviously he has not even read Advani’s statement. Advani has only questioned why the Manmohan government is not acting now [in March 2008] in tandem with the West which has begun crusading again.
9. More. Singhvi said that “G20 is not the forum for the issue” of Indian black wealth in Swiss banks. Obviously, running between courtrooms and newsrooms, he had no time to follow the media abroad which were full of news about how the main agenda of G20 was about secret banking. He was all at sea
10. Like Sehwag deploying offence for defence, he wrote a harsh letter to L K Advani saying, “to tell bluntly — Mr Advani, you are lying”. Advani, he charged, was lying on his maths about the estimate of the Indian black wealth at between $500 billion and $1400 billion. These numbers, he said, were drawn from questionable Internet sources
11. The Congress campaign manager cites a well-known economist Bibek Debroy who has questioned Advani’s estimate of Indian black wealth at a minimum of $500 billion. Debroy, usually an agile and meticulous analyst, has erred in this case. He has looked at the wrong version of the right report and reached incorrect conclusions. Both Advani and Debroy have relied on the Global Financial Integrity (GFI) study that has estimated the global black wealth stashed away in tax havens including India’s. There are two versions of the GFI study — one a layman’s version and the other, the economists’ version. Debroy, an economist, seems to have relied on the layman’s version. And L K Advani, not an economist, has relied on the economists’ version. The economists’ version of the GFI study (at pages 29 and 30 supported by charts, specifically chart 18) estimates, in specific numbers the amount of black wealth stashed away from India between 2002-06 at $137.5 billion. If, in five years, the amount could be $137.5 billion (Rs 6.88 lakh crore), the Advani
estimate of $500 billion (Rs 25 lakh crore) to $1400 billion (Rs 70 lakh crore) f
12. List of 50 revealed.
बीज बिल के कुछ तथ्य
1. The controversial Seeds Bill is lying in Parliament. It is anti-farmer, pro-industry and needs a drastic rewrite OF SEED BILL
2. IF DISRUPTIONS over phone tapping and the India Premier League controversy had not taken Parliament sessions hostage, the Rajya Sabha may have passed the controversial Seeds Bill in the week of April 26, when it was slated to come up for discussion
3. The government was keen to give this Bill the force of law as soon as possible because the seed industry wants it. The Seeds Bill originally proposed in 2004 was met by resistance almost immediately. Just months after it was proposed, Gene Campaign organised a stakeholder consultation to critically analyse the Bill and suggest amendments. The pressure was kept up to have the Bill re-examined and it was referred to the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Agriculture in 2005. The Committee called for evidence and submissions from a number of agencies, including government departments, civil society groups and seed industries
4. The Standing Committee accepted many of the amendments proposed by civil society groups and the amended draft Seeds Bill that was proposed to Parliament was vastly improved over the original. It made the playing field more level and while giving the seed industry a fair chance to profit from the seed trade, it incorporated safeguards for farmers. The Bill in that shape was however not accepted. Since then several other amendments have been proposed, some of which have been accepted in principle, others not
5. The new Seeds Bill will replace the old Seed Act of 1966, which was meant to govern trading in seed. A law regulating the seed trade is necessary to ensure that farmers are protected against spurious seeds and that seed producers are obliged to put into the market only seeds of good and reliable quality. Such a seed law must encourage competitiveness to ensure good quality and low prices and not encourage monopolies
6. The genesis of the current shape of the Seeds Bill is to be seen in the ire of the seed industry over the pro-farmer provisions of the Protection of Plant Variety and Farmers Rights Act (PPVFR), 2001. This IPR law that India enacted instead of accepting a patent law for seeds, gives intellectual property protection to the plant varieties of farmers as well as those of breeders. India is the only country in the world that has given legal rights to its farmers over seed, and the industry has been furious since.
7. The seed industry wants monopolies over seed production and giving rights to farmers over their seeds spoils their plans. They retaliated by influencing the proposed Seeds Bill in a way that overrules the provisions of the PPVFR and Farmers Rights and had provisions written in that would allow seed sector monopolies with as little accountability as possible In the PPVFR, the breeder applies for registration for a Plant Breeders Right. This right is valid for a period of 15 years for crop varieties and 18 years for trees. The Seed Bill allows the period of protection to be doubled so that the seed varieties can be protected by the seed producer for 30 years and 36 years respectively. This extension of the seed owner’s right will allow monopolies to be established.
8. . A KEY OBJECTION to the Seeds Bill is that despite several submissions for amendment, it still does not require the seed industry (plant breeders) to declare the parentage of the new seed that they have developed. This is bad science and bad ethics. Scientists always keep a record of the maternal and paternal parents of the new seed that they are developing. Resistance to submitting these records and keeping this provision out of the Bill means only one thing. The seed industry breeders will use the seed varieties developed by farmers and public sector scientists and pass this off as their own. if someone is caught This amounts to theft. The penalties for violation have been kept ridiculously low — Rs 5,000 — so that even stealing public sector material or that belonging to farmers, the punishment is a laughably small sum of money.
9. . Law making in many parts of the world, including our own, particularly when rights are granted, as in IPR, allows an opportunity to the public to record its objections to the grant of such a right.Many activists had wanted such a provision in the Seeds Bill as well so that if a seed company wanted to register a seed, which had used material from other, unauthorised sources, objections could be raised. But the government, anxious to please the seed industry refuses to include a provision for pre-grant opposition.
Sunday, September 5, 2010
स्वदेशी मेले
Recently I visited three Swadeshi Melas in the लास्ट month and I was overjoyed to see the participation of common masses in these Melas. First of all I went to the Jamshedpur Mela held in Mazdoor Grounds. Vandeshanker ji with his team of workers was full of enthusiasm to see the rush of people participated, purchasing, and giving the positive reactions regarding it. About 150 kiosks were spread over in the ground and on the final day several dignitaries were on the dais to discuss the plight of Swadeshi movement and its necessity in the period of globalization. Some seven to eight kiosks belonged to garments and say khadi garments. Two or three big shops were there which I have never seen anywhere in Swadeshi Melas and these belonged to furniture prepared of marble. After the popularization of herbal products by Baba Ramdev and other preachers, there was a mushroom growth of stalls having such indigenous medicinal stuffs. Oh, I shouldn’t forget to mention the stall where plants of ayurvedic herbs were sold in earthen pots alongwith supporting literature, in order to popularize the indigenous medicines. About 5000 persons visited the mela on that particular day. Anyhow, in all this din and cry of kiosks, the organizers were not forgetting the distribution of Swadeshi/Videshi products’ list to all the visitors.
Second Mela I visited also belongs to Jharkhand and it was held at Bokaro Steel City, and though comparatively slender in kiosks and visitors compared to the above mentioned Mela, has several strong points to its credit. The number of volunteers or activists of SJM who were conducting all the activities surpasses any other Mela, to the best of knowledge and belief. The stalls of eatables have a specialty of its own and there is always seen good rush at the kiosk of litti-chokha there. The public programme where Deputy Commissioner, local MP, Pashupatinath Singh and one of the highest official of the Steel plant, all sat on the dias and spoke well about the Swadeshi Mela and appreciated this effort of popularizing local products and swadeshi thinking. The young DC Satyendra Singh was much lauded when he lambasted the Chinese policy of flooding and dumping our market with their products and appealed people to boycott such products. It amused everybody when Prant Sanghchalak Jagannath Shahi while giving his presidential remarks said that he had neither visited any fair in his childhood nor in youth, and it is at this fag end of life that I have visited this Swadeshi Fair and the credit goes for it to SJM. Anyhow I appreciated the efforts of organizers, especially Sachindra Badiar and Deepak shuklaji, in the sense that such public dignitaries are called at one stage to ponder over the ill effects of globalization and how to inculcate the indigenous spirit among the masses. I was especially attracted towards one kiosks where locally prepared swords and knives were sold.
And the third Mela I visited on 10th Jan was Raipur Mela of Chhatisgarh. It topped the all in number of participants and visitors and kiosks. On Sunday we could not muster the courage to visit it alongwith Rajendra Dube because of messages coming to him that all roads leading to Mela were blocked by people’s rush. Everyday they invite some particular community to organize the cultural stage show and happily that day belonged to punjabi Sabha. I got a flavour of Punjab in their exhibition of swords, lathi demonstration and other activities and a jubliant crowd was giving a big hand in clapping over every event presented. Really a mega event it was to bring different sections of people at one vantage point of Mela. I was particularly impressed to see two big canopies where one Slam Bhai’s stalls exhibited and it was really a big attraction in the Mela. One stall of eatables run by local Jail inmates was also attracting people. One surprising factor was that wherever we went in the Mela, but one of the enthusiastic organizer Parveen Jain was found there, he was really, say, omnipresent. What created jubilation in me was one other incident. One organizer was announcing on the mike that owner of one particular stall has been caught selling some Chinese products and so all his paraphernalia has been confiscated. The spirit of Swadeshi was at its height among the audience.
Arvind Singh, senior office bearer of CBMD proudly said that with this Raipur Mela, the charming number of 150 melas in the country had been achieved, and this number is excluding a dozen or more Swadeshi Mela which have directly arranged by independent local SJM activists and Bokaro’s Mela you know is one of them The spirit with which Lokmanya Balgangdhar Tilak started this concept of Ganesh Chaturthi procession is reverberating clearly in these Swadeshi Melas.
Friday, September 3, 2010
डॉ. एम् जी बोकारे की स्मृति में
Last week I was in Nagpur to sit in a get-together of close associates of Dr. MG Bokare, the author of epoch-making book Hindu Economics and also the first All India Convenor of Swadeshi Jagaran Manch. They were sharing their rare insights about their association with that giant economist, grass-root activists of agrarian issues, and red-changed-saffron mass leader, all summed up in one – Dr.MG Bokare. I found that though there were so many books and research papers written by Bokare, but there was whole-sale shortage of material on Bokre’s life and activities from which a common activist can get inspiration. Hence this group meeting was organized with arduous efforts of Dr. Yoganand Kale and Prof. Ajay Patki.
Philosopher Bokare: First to divulge his mind was Prof. N B Vaidya and accepted that he adored him like his spiritual Guru. Dr Vaiya, an octogenarian, discussed his journey from Gandhism to leftism, and ultimately to Swadeshi. According to him Bokre had an unusual knack of going to the roots of a problem and he used to present a clear picture of the issue under discussion without any bias. Though he wrote extensively about the inadequacies and contradictions in the ideology of Marx, but not the integrity of Marx and admired his profound knowledge, tenacity of purpose and hard systematic pursuit of knowledge. He added that he had a profound knowledge of Hindu religious scriptures also and ancient thinkers like Shukracharya and Chanakya were extensively quoted in his writings. Even in his busy days of holding the post of Vice Chancellor of Nagpur University he was busy reading and writing. Moreover few people know that besides Hindu Economics, Prof. Bokre had written Islamic Economics also when he noted injunction against usury in Islam and Christianity.
Guide Bokare: Retd. Principal Ajay Shrivastava, in brief, was stating his role as a guide and leader of masses. Starting from organizing Nagpur University Teachers’ Association (NUTA) to organizing farmers of Vidarbha and particularly establishing Cotton Growers’ Association, he was always busy in practical problems of the masses. He was particularly instrumental in initiating Monopoly Cotton Procurement Scheme of State Government. He pushed forward the movement of making available to the people the cost audit reports of industries despite strong opposition from traders and mill owners. Perhaps we know the Dr. Bokare was twice jailed for leading farmers’ agitations. It is difficult to match these two qualities of erudition and agitation in one man. But Principal Panda had strong belief that had Dr. Bokare living at this time this vicious circle of farmers’ suicides in Vidarbha would never had happened, and this he repeated many times in his exposition.
Friend Bokare: Third quality of Dr. Bokare that he was a friend of all those in need. Prof. Narender Laghve, who is living a retired but untired life, has several stories of emotional and friendly aspect of Dr. Bokare. “Can you imagine”, he was putting a question to me, “that a professor of his stature can go to slums to knock at dilapidated doors of a jhuggi to inform him for an interview of lecturer post, and this happened with me also!” He used to help the poor but intelligent students to any extent, even distributing everything in his pocket and then finding all of sudden that no money is left for retuning home by bus, and then borrowed it from others. The way he encouraged and developed young students was marvelous, he was explaining in emotional tone.
Father Bokare: Last person in this series was the younger son of Dr. Bokare himself that is Nitin Bokare, a leading and promising chartered accountant of Nagpur. His son had very few experiences to share and smilingly added that he was always busy reading, writing and talking with men of Shetkari organization. The only man in the family to whom he talked most, was his uncle Diwakar, but the talk was never about family affairs and always on economic and social issues exclusively, he added. We always held him in respectful awe and learned from his studious and sturdy life style and the whole family imbibed it. So there were good instances collected if a Bokare as a Guide, Friend, Philosopher and also a few instances about a Father.
All the time with me there was two persons Dr। Kale and Ajay Pataki. All these personalities affirmed that Dr. Kale knows better than us that great man as he was closely associated with his, pen and penchant and personality. All the time Dr.Kale remained silent on the topic and promised to write an article on this topic and Ajay Patki ji will look into the task of getting all these experiences jotted down in the form of a book. Let us wait for that inspiring book on Dr. Bokare.
(जानकारी के लिए बताना जरूरी है की यह पुस्तक छप चुकी है, और स्वदेशी जागरण मंच की साईट पर उपलब्ध है.)
swadeshi blog: म.फिल स्वदेशी में
म.फिल स्वदेशी में
For the first time I met a teacher who has done his MPhil on the topic of use of Swadeshi products by students. The researcher, Girish Yelarpurkar, a commerce lecturer of Pune is otherwise also an activist of Swadeshi movement and has done the research with an idea of serving a mission. What are his fiinds: in general very encouraging and persuasive. 86% students on which he based his survey possess the knowledge of swadeshi movement, 50% cast their vote for a reasonable quality of Swadeshi products and 78% also think that Swadeshi is not an exaggerated but a correct national concept. Moreover 89% think that increasing consumption of Swadeshi goods would leave an impact on economic development of our country. On practical aspect 61% prefer a swadeshi brand so for as food items are concerned. This is the encouraging part of this story or his research. Let us now turn to the gloomy aspect.
81% students prefer non-swadeshi brands so for as toiletries items are concerned and in general items too they generally prefer the foreign goods. Answering the question that when you are purchasing an article, do you think whether it is Swadeshi or not, 78% simply do not think. Moreover 56% tell that Swadeshi is irrelevant and outdated concept in the era of economic reforms. So the conclusion drawn is though there is an inner pull for swadeshi in their minds, on the conceptual part but in practical aspect they are adopting the MNC's products. Hence, there is need for more efforts to acquaint them with different aspects of Swadeshi movement.
Let me tell you that the random survey was conducted 550 students of 10 colleges of Pune and faculty was commerce somewhere in the year 2006-7. The complete topic was: "A study of awareness about Swadeshi goods in the context of liberalization, privatization and globalization among the higher secondary students in the prominent city colleges in Pune city." Girish is thinking of doing PhD on the same subject and is also a trend setter for others to invigorate the swadeshi movement by this way also, that is, by choosing such subjects for research work. And secondly, such type of survey can be conducted in any locality or group of people in general also by our activists.
Monday, August 30, 2010
नागपुर विचार वर्ग १९-२१ AUGUST
Sunday, August 29, 2010नागपुर विचार वर्ग
NAGPUR VICHAR VARGA 19.10.2010 to 21
Jain Bhavan, Gandhi Bagh, Nagpur, wherein Swadeshi Vichar Varga of four central states was held, remained fully imbued in Swadeshi colours for three days from 19 to 21 August. Dr. Sharad Nimbalkar, Ex VC of P A University, Nagpur spoke on the topic of Save Farm, Save Country. He criticized the policy of urbanization at the cost of villages. The money spent for farmers in the form of 75,ooo crores of rupees has not reached the real sufferers, he lamented. When there is rise in the price of petrol, vehicles and other industrial products, there is no hue and cry, but a rise by a single rupees per kg on milk or foodgrains creates uproar in the whole of country, he went on.That is one , and there are other various reasons, that farmers are leaving farming, and some leaving the world also! He added in utter disgust. While answering on the issue of connecting the rivers, he said he was also a member of the apex committee and whole-heartedly supported that issue and affirmed that it should be taken up even now. If asked to name the number one problem of the Vidarbha, he claimed that he would like to name - the paucity of water.
While speaking on the topic of genetically modified seeds and products, Arati Pankhraj of Hamara Beej Abhiyan, detailed several examples of fraudulent practice adopted by companies like Monsento, which certainly is one of the most corrupt and hated company in America. The climax of the programmes of first day was certainly the Memorial Day Celebration of Dr. MG Bokare wherein Diwakar Bokare, younger brother of DR. MG Bokare was the inaugural speaker. A booklet written by him profiling the biographical sketch of DR.MG Bokare, was released. Similarly a rare book of Dr. Bokare “Taxless Economy” was also released on this occasion. Sh. Arun Ojha recalled Dr.Bokare as the supreme advocate of Arsha economic heritage, a renowned economist, sensitive activist and a visionary social worker. Dr. Yoganand Kale, retired Pro Vice Chancellor narrated several inspiring anecdotes of Dr. Bokare of times when he remained his student and colleague. Sh. Ajay Patki, Varga Pramukh also recalled several incidents of Dr. Bokare’s life. On this occasion members of Bokare family were also present.
Six teams from various schools displayed exquisite Street plays on various topics of Swadeshi themes. A large number of participants and teachers of various schools were also present in this programme. Bachhraj Vyas school won the first prize . Sh Anand Sohani, a social activist engaged in philanthropic activities in the field of Vidarbha farmers’ suicides also gave a brief introduction of his actitivities and was honoured by Dr Apte.
Sh. Balkrishan Bhartiya, former chairman of All India Retail traders Association and a leading CA, gave a presentation on the topic of direct foreign investment in retail sector. Dr. Madhukar Apte described the contribution of Indian scientists to the world and especially of Dr. PC Ray, whose 150 Birth anniversary is to be celebrated this year. Sh. Dhananjay Bhide gave a very vivid description on Bamboo Vikas Kendra.
The prime attraction of the programme remained two speeches of Sh. Arun Ojha, wherein he described the journey, concept and development of Swadeshi Jagaran Manch and WTO and its vicious designs. At a time when even so called developed countries are resorting to restrictions on outsourcing and other restrictive measures, the concept of Swadeshi has become acceptable throughout the world, he added. Sh. Ashwani Mahajan while detailing the Free Trade Agreements . added that 9 FTAs had been concluded and around twenty were in the pipeline.He lambasted that when WTO has ceasted to be the source of exploitation for the developed countries, they have resorted to FTAs. Dr. Vinayak Deshpande’s HOD of MBA deptt. Of Nagpur University presentation of Indian perceptive in Management Science was full of brilliant examples from Chanakya and other Indian luminaries, exhibiting indigenous management systems. He urged the need for further research on these lines. Sh. Kashmirilal described the latest threats from China in the form of financial, spying and strategic issues and recent planting of high range missiles on Indian boarders should not be taken lightly. Sh. Avinash Sakle and Shrish Tare warned about the environmental hazards and plastic menace. About 130 participants from Maharashtra, Chhattisgrh, Gujarat and MP took part in it very enthusiastically. At the end, let us know the encouraging number of ladies in the programme: 34.
Dr. Sharad Nimbalkar , Vice Chancellor (Retd) of Punjabrao Krishi Vidyapeeth, stressing his
point on the topic SAVE FARM SAVE THE COUNTRY. Dinkar Bhakre and Ajay Patki look on.
Releasing the books Taxless Economy and Biography of Dr. Bokare
Schoolboys staging a streetplay on Swadeshi
Top prize winning School children of Bachhraj Vyas school, Nagpur in streetplay parodying Bharoda folklore styile on Swadeshi theme.
the climax
Sh. Ajay Patki introducing the topic and speakers at Dr. M G Bokare Memorial Lecture, besides Dr. Diwakar Bokare, Arun Ojha, Dr. Yoganand Kale and Nitin Bokare
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Sunday, August 29, 2010
केरला सेमिनार - मुक्त व्यापार समझोते
Though less known - still more dangerous than WTO
A seminar on Free Trade Agreements was held on 14-15 August in Ernakulum, Kerala, a state which has been most affected by recently concluded FTA with ASEAN countries. In brief, in a hundred-plus- participants’ seminar, there were 9 session, dissecting different aspects of FTAs. VK Prashada, Secretary AIBOC, speaking on the FTA and Indian financial service sector was quick to claim that FTAs were not going to benefit anybody in India, except multinational companies and big corporate houses. If at all any consultation is done, it is with FICCI, ASSOCHAM like big business confederations, whereas farmers and general public is not taken into confidence at all - the most affected parties, he added. He further criticized the policy of neglecting the priority sectors like agriculture, SMEs, weaker sections and exports at the time of loan giving, but, on the contrary, are given to big business houses, citing fake agricultural reasons. In brief, the financial sector is totally devoid of vision for the underdeveloped sections of society, and is serving the big players, he concludes.
Speaking at the inaugural session, Prof. Kumaraswami, All India co-convenor of SJM, explained in detail the vicious designs of FTAs and that WTO, which was wrongly propagated as the mantra for free trade, is dying slowly owning to its own contradictions and exploitative nature. So developed countries are trying to push FTAs, which is bilateral trade and investment treaties with other countries and regional blocks. He further stressed that FTAs with ASEAN and SAFTA is causing havoc to the domestic auto-components, industry plantation, crops sector, edible oils, textiles and SMEs in a wide variety of sectors. Sh. Sundram, CA and convener southern states, warned that India is going to conclude two of the biggest FTAs this year, one with the European Union and other with Japan, and that these FTAs will create legally binding obligations on the government such that livelihood related to agriculture, fisheries and manufacturing stand to be severely affected. Besides affecting investment and our ability to access affordable healthcare, medicines, education and municipal services such as water and sanitation, he stressed that farmers right to save seeds and citizens’ ability to prevent theft of our traditional knowledge is also under attack through FTAs.
Dr. Srinivasan spoke very metaphorically that three things expected through these FTAs are employment, technology and investment from developed countries and the claims are nothing but a mirage. In bullet sentences he pointed out that in the name of technology they are providing us chutney-pickles and talcum powders, and that“we asked for computer chips and they provided us potato chips”. Regarding employment, he ridiculed – “fifty years ago American mummies were advising their kids to spare something in their plates otherwise poor Indians will suffer without food. Fifty years after American Mothers are advising their off-springs to study Maths and Physics well otherwise Indians will take away yours jobs and you will suffer without food.” Regarding investments, he added, these so-called develop countries are left with banks which are mostly bankrupt – what will they give others? So that expecting these three things is a illusion.
Dr. Priyesh, CA, presented a well-researched document on the topic ‘ FTAs and Agriculture’, explaining that after Uruguay Round Agreement of WTO, a process was initiated for deregulation of trade in tropical commodities specially among the producing countries, whereas under FTAs tropical commodities would become more vulnerable to price fluctuations, besides pushing down the share of producers in the value chain. Our farmers will not be able to stand in competition before the lavish subsidies the US and EU countries are providing to their farmers, he added.
Sh. Gopa Kumar, an expert from Third World Network,. had numerous reports and studies with him to explain his topic “Intellectual Property Rights: Impact to Affordable Health Care” and FTAs - a Threat to Indian Industry. Adv. Sajinarayan, BMS functionary and a Trade Union Represntative to ILO, with PPP explained the topic FTAs and Jobless growth.
Two other topics were covered in this seminar, one by Prof. Kumaraswami on FDI in retail and the other by Prof. Kanaksabhapati on Entry of Foreign Educational Institution in India and its impacts. Prof Kumaraswami discussed at large the intentions behind issuing a Discussion Paper on FDI in Retail by Ministry of Commerce. Whereas Prof Kanaksabhapati alarmed that a sudden move by various world-level universities to entre India has something sinister behind it. After the recent global financial meltdown, these so-called global brands in education too became bankrupt as 70% of their corpus funds were invested in share markets and other financial juggleries. So these have an eye on countries like India. In a country like ours where indigenous world-level institutions are thriving like IITs and IIM, where is the need for foreign universities, he asked. Director, Urban Institute of Management, Coimbatore, Prof. Sabhapati lamented that out of of total budget 6% is earmarked for higher education and only 50% is utilized only by the government! So India should utilize these means to improve the educational standards that to rely on foreign universities from countries where moral degradation in students had plummeted to the lowest.
In the concluding session, Kashmirilal summarized the matter saying that in total 8 FTAs have been concluded by this time and 29 others under various stages or say in the pipeline. We should know that world-wide a negligible number of 20 FTAs were concluded by the year 1990 or so, and increased exponentially to over 300 by 2005 and are close to 400 today. According to a World Bank report, if we exclude RTAs involving countries that have close to zero most favoured nation (MFN) tariffs, the share of world-trade in RTAs falls from 33% to 20%. Lastly, that most countries, especially African countries, are members of Regional Trade Agreements or multiple agreements. Though FTAs or RTAs are more harmful, more undemocratic, less transparent and more inhuman than WTO provisions, yet there is little discussion in the society about this. Hence the need for such seminars, he explained. Moreover FTAs with developed countries undermine the right of “special and differential treatment” explicitly recognized under the WTO framework. Secondly, preferences obtained through FTAs from developed countries tend to lose their value relatively quickly, as new FTAs are concluded with other developing countries, including those that compete in the same product range. Thirdly, many FTAs with developed countries contain provisions related to investment, intellectual property, competition policy, government procurement, and services, and require legislative and policy changes in developing countries.
The feedback of participants was also taken in written and discussion form and utmost satisfaction was visible from their side in it. Sh. Biju thanked and urged the participants for further discussion on this topic at their various places and need of the state level conventions on this topic.