Friday, March 6, 2020

10 बिंदुओं में रोजगार समाधान

समाधान 10 बिंदुओं में

1. भारत के विभिन्न सर्वेक्षण, गांव के प्रधान  से लेकर प्रधानमंत्री तक, सबका मानना है कि भाारत की सर्वोच्च आवश्यकता ‘रोजगार’ है। क्यांेकि भारत दुनिया का 35.6 करोड़ युवा आबादी के साथ पहला देश है। हमारी आबादी दुनिया की 17.6 प्रतिशत है, दुनिया के 204 देशों में से निचले 141 देशों की आबादी के बराबर। भारत अपने आपमें एक विश्व।
Besides various surveys of India, right from a village Sarpanch upto the Prime Minister, everyone believes that the highest need of the hour is 'employment generation'. Because India is the topmost country with 35.6 million youth population in the world. Our population is 17.6 percent of the world, equal to the population of the bottom 141 countries out of 204 countries of the world. In fact, India a world in itself.
2. इस समय 7.2 प्रतिशत विकास दर के साथ दुनिया में सबसे आगे। 2.6 ट्रिलियन डालर की अर्थव्यस्था के साथ दुनिया में सातवें स्थान पर। 2028 तक अमरीका, चीन के बाद भारत होगा। महंगाई, बजट घाटा सब काबू में। 410 बिलियन डालर का फाॅरेन एक्सचेंज रिजर्व यानि रोजगार को छोड़कर बाकि मापदंड ठीक।
2. At present, we are at the top  of the world with 7.2 percent growth rate of GDP. We are at the seventh place in the world with the economy of 2.6 trillion dollars. By 2028, India will be second only after China. Inflation, budget deficit is also well in control. With 425 billion US dollar foreign exchange reserve, it is the highest ever in India's economic history after Independence. So almost all the parameters are well placed than one,  that is,   "employment."

3. अभी हमारा रोजगार का 44-45 प्रतिशत हिस्सा कृषि क्षेत्र से आता है। लगभग 27-28 प्रतिशत विभिन्न स्तर की मैन्यूफैक्चरिंग से व 29-30 प्रतिशत सर्विस सेक्टर से आता है। भारत की कुल लेवर फोर्स इस समय 49.6 करोड़ है।
3. Now 44-45 percent of our employment comes from agricultural sector. About 27-28 percent comes from different level of  manufacturing and 29-30 percent from the service sector. India's Total Level Force is currently 49.6 million, say 50 crore.
4. कुल प्रांतों व केंद्रीय सरकारों की नौकरियां, अर्द्धसरकारी व बड़ा उद्योग जगत मिलाकर 3 करोड़ 42 लाख 60 हजार है। अर्थात केवल 7 प्रतिशत ही संगठित क्षेत्र की नौकरियां हैं। बाकि 93 प्रतिशत तो कृषि, रिटेल व स्वरोजगार का असंगठित क्षेत्र ही है।
4. Total Jobs of states
and central government, semi-governmental and large industries together is 3 crore 42 lakhs and 60 thousand. That is, only 7 percent are organized sector jobs. The remaining 93 percent is from the so-called unorganized sector constituting  agriculture, service and manufacturing.
5. भारत के पास 14.8 करोड़ हैक्टेयर कृषि भूमि है, जो दुनिया में सर्वाधिक है। लगभग 21-22 करोड़ लोग कृषि व अन्य गतिविधियों जैसे पशुपालन, मछली पालन, बागवानी आदि में लगे रहते हैं। किंतु उनकी आय कम होने से वे शहरों की तरफ पलायन करते हैं। उनकी आय को 2025 तक तिगुना करने से 44-45 प्रतिशत रोजगार स्थिर हो जायेगा।
5. India has 14.8 million hectares of agricultural land, which is the highest in the world. About 21-22 million people are engaged in agriculture and allied activities such as animal husbandry, fisheries, horticulture etc. But due to their meagre  income, farmers usually migrate to the cities. By doubling their income by 2025, 44-45 percent of employment will be stabilized.
6. लघु व कुटीर उद्योग, क्योंकि दूसरा बड़ा रोजगार का क्षेत्र है, वहां 1430 वस्तुओं को छोटे उद्योगों के लिए आरक्षित किया था। धीरे धीरे उस आरक्षण सूची का विलोप होने से समस्याएं बढ़ गई है, अतः उसे बहाल करना चाहिए। घर-परिवार में केवल स्वदेशी खरीद से भी बहुत फर्क पड़ेगा।
6. Small and cottage industries, being   the second largest employment providing sector, there were 1430 items reserved for small industries , tiny and cottage industry. Gradually, due to the disappearance of the reservation list, problems have increased, manifold.  So it should be restored. Only indigenous purchases in home-family will make a difference.
7. जैसा कि अमरीका में बाय ‘अमेरिकन एक्ट 1933’ बनाया गया है, जिसके अंतर्गत अमरीका सरकार की खरीदी व प्रोजेक्टों में अमरीकन कंपनियों को प्राथमिकता देना अनिवार्य है, उसी तरह भारत में भी जीएफआर (General Financial Rules) है। किंतु अभी यह बहुत कमजोर है। इसके अंतर्गत सरकार की 80 प्रतिशत खरीद भारतीय कंपनियों, विशेषकर लघु उद्योगों द्वारा अनिवार्य किया जाना चाहिए।
7. As 'American Act 1933' has been drafted in the USA, under which it is mandatory for US companies to prioritize American government's purchases and projects, similarly in India, there are also GFRs (General Financial Rules). But now it is very weak. Under this, 80 percent of the government's purchases must be made mandatory by Indian companies, especially small scale industries.
Solution in 10 points

1. Besides various surveys of India, right from a village head upto the Prime Minister, everyone believes that the highest need of the hour is 'employment generation'. Because India is the topmost country with 35.6 million youth population in the world. Our population is 17.6 percent of the world, equal to the population of the bottom 141 countries out of 204 countries of the world. In fact, India a world in itself.
2. At present, we are at the top  of the world with 5 percent growth rate of GDP. We are at the seventh place in the world with the economy of 2.6 trillion dollars. By 2028, India will be second only after China. Inflation, budget deficit is also well in control. With 425 billion US dollar foreign exchange reserve, it is the highest ever in India's economic history after Independence. So almost all the parameters are well placed than one,  that is,   "employment."
3. Now almost 45 percent of our employment comes from agricultural sector. About 27-28 percent comes from different level of  manufacturing and 29-30 percent from the service sector. India's Total workforce is currently 49.6 million, or say 50 crore.
4. Jobs of total provinces and central government, semi-governmental and large industries together is 335.26 million 60 thousand. That is, only 7 percent are organized sector jobs. The remaining 93 percent is from the so-called unorganized sector constituting  agriculture, service and manufacturing.
5. India has 14.8 million hectares of agricultural land, which is the highest in the world. About 21-22 million people are engaged in agriculture and allied activities such as animal husbandry, fisheries, horticulture etc. But due to their meagre  income, farmers usually migrate to the cities. By doubling their income by 2025, 44-45 percent of employment will be stabilized.
6. Small and cottage industries, being   the second largest employment providing sector, should be handled with a delicate hand. We know, there were 1430 items reserved for small industries , tiny and cottage industry. Gradually, due to the disappearance of the reservation list, problems have increased, manifold.  So it should be restored. Only indigenous purchases in home-family will make a difference.
7. As 'American Act 1933' has been drafted in the USA, under which it is mandatory for US companies to prioritize local made products in  American government's purchases and projects, similarly in India, there are also GFRs (General Financial Rules). But now it is very weak. Under this, 80 percent of the government's purchases must be made mandatory from Indian companies, especially small scale industries. It will give a boost to made by India!
8. Entrepreneurship and self-employment, it is the highway to employment for a country like India. So ways and means should be devised so that from school and college students imbibe the concept of "don't be job seekers, be job provider". Startup, stand-up type schemes should be given more priorities by government and society.
9. There are pillars for employment and prosperity in education and health. In these, the governments, as well as social services, religious institutions and individuals, corporate social responsibility funds, should be invested in primary education and health through service. Thereby making available good education and medical care to everyone. Now every 10 years, 25 per cent of people come out of the poverty line, but again 16 per cent of people return to the poverty line due to health reasons.
10. India should focus on tourism, yoga, panchagavya, solar energy and other alternative energy, sanitation and environment. These will provide employment and prosperity.

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